Contact us
How to find us
We are located in Beckton next to Gallions Reach DLR station, and the University of East London.
University Way, London, E16 2RD
Telephone: +44 (0)20 8223 6888
Opening hours
- Weekdays: 6am to 10:15pm
- Weekends: 9am to 8pm
SportsDock FAQs
Do you have live online group exercise classes?
Yes, all our live classes will be streamed online here.
What are the opening times for the SportsDock Café?
The opening times for SportsDock Café are:
- 8am - 6pm (Mon-Fri)
- 10am - 4pm (Weekends and bank holidays)
What happens if I have lost my card?
We need all our customers to bring their card for every visit, so we know who is in our centre at all time. If you have lost your card, then please ask at reception, we will give you a free card to replace your old one. After this it will cost £3 to replace and we reserve the right to refuse you entry if you do not have a card.
Do I need to wear a face covering?
We would like to encourage our users to wear a face covering when indoors in enclosed and crowded places - unless you have a health or disability exemption.
I want to join SportsDock but I am not on campus at all times, what membership options are available?
We have a range of memberships available, and all members will have access to our SportsDock app which has a full provision of digital classes which our members can access from the comfort of your own home. These classes are a great alternative if you can't make it to campus.
Are you a cashless facility?
From the 1 October 2021 we will be a cashless facility. All payments will need to be made via card, contactless or booked in advance online.
We would love to hear your feedback
Please leave any comments here on what you like about our service and any ways in which we can improve.