Dr Richard Courtney
Head of Department
Department of Business Entrepreneurship & Finance , Royal Docks School Of Business And Law
I head up the Business, Entrepreneurship, and Finance Department, where I provide leadership to over 40 academic staff, oversee our academic offer at all levels, and work to implement our Vision 2028 strategy into everything will do at a departmental level.
- BSc Sociology
- MSc Social Research
- PhD
Areas Of Interest
- Entrepreneurship
- Leadership
- Cultural economy
- Cultural heritage/identity
I am a business and management academic with specialisms in entrepreneurship, higher education, public management, and cultural management. I have worked with English Heritage, and the Heritage Lottery Fund, and provided consultancy for the National Trust on issues of Englishness, Identity, and community engagement methodologies.
I have held posts at the University of Leicester, Nottingham Trent University, and Coventry University, where I have developed several entrepreneurship courses and an entrepreneurial curriculum that works with employers and organisations looking to promote enterprising skills in graduates.
I am interested in research on the efficacy of entrepreneurial education and policy, especially around the arts and creative economy.
Most recent research:
- ESRC seminar series entitled: 'New Institutional Imperatives: The Third Mission & the Contemporary University' - value £13,880 (ES/I002774/1)
- AHRC Research Development Award, entitled: 'Building Shared Heritages: Cultural Diversity in Leicester' - value £20,102 (AH/J013676/1)
- AHRC Community Heritage Follow-up Grant, entitled: 'Building and Enriching Shared Heritages: A Toolkit for Community Organizations' - value £52,143.83 (AH/K007661/1)
- AHRC Development Grant, entitled: 'How should decisions about heritage be made?': Co-designing a research project - value £124,130.00 (AH/K006754/1)
Most recent publications
- Courtney, R. A., (2017), Network Governance in the Heritage Ecology, Journal of Management & Governance, pp1-17, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10997-017-9399-z
- Bashforth, M. M. Benson., T. Boon., L. Brigham., R. Brigham., K. Brookfield., P. Brown., D. Callaghan., J.P. Calvin., R. Courtney., K. Cremin., P. Furness., H. Graham., A. Hale., P. Hodgkiss., J. Lawson, R. Madgin., P. Manners., D. Robinson., J. Stanley., M. Swan., J. Timothy and R. Turner. (2016) 'Socialising Heritage / Socialising Legacy', in Facer, K and K. Pahl (eds) Connected Communities Legacies. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Quinn, M., and Courtney, R. A., (2016), The Public Sector as an Entrepreneur? In Liddle, J., (ed) (2016), Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research Volume 6.
- Courtney, R. A., (2013), The Contentedness of a Contentless Englishness, In: Context – the magazine of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation, No 137.
- Courtney, R. A., (2013), Book Review: Nationalism and the Moral Psychology of Community by Bernhard Yack, In: Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol 37, No 5, pp 874-5.
- Courtney, R. A., (2012) 'Public Sociology, Critical Sociology, and The Sociological Enterprise', In: Love, K., (2012) (Ed), Studies in Qualitative Methodology Vol 12: Ethics in Social Research, Bingley: Emerald Publishing.
- Vorley, T., Mould, O., and Courtney, R. A., (2012) 'My Network is Not Working: Conceptualising the latent and dysfunctional dimensions of the network paradigm'. In: Economic Geography, Vol 88, No 1. Pp 77-96.
- Courtney, R. A., (2011) 'This is Our Island: Multiple class heritage or ethnic solidarities?' In: Smith, L., Shackel, P., and Campbell, G., (eds) (2011), Heritage, Labour and the working classes. London: Routledge.
- Entrepreneurship
- Leadership
- Strategic management
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