Non recruiting programmes
Non recruiting programmes
A non-recruiting specification does not mean that UEL no longer offers the programme, it may have been replaced by a revised, or new version with a different specification, or name.
For recruiting programmes, please visit our postgraduate courses list.
Course name A - G
- Advanced Practice for Health Professionals - MSc
- Art Psychotherapy - MSc
- Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 2) - MArch
- Applied Psychosynthesis - Postgraduate Diploma
- Applied Systemic Theory - PGDip
- Biomedical Science - DBMS - Professional Doctorate
- Biomedical Immunology - MSc
- Bioscience - MSc
- Biotechnology - MSc
- Biotechnology and Management - MSc
- Brand Management - MSc
- Business (Pre-Masters) - Graduate Certificate
- Business Information Systems - MSc
- Career Coaching - Postgraduate Certificate/ Diploma/ MA
- Business Information Systems - MSc
- Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology - MSc
- Children Young People, their Families and Carers / Social Work with Adults or GradDip. Helping Professions - GradDip.
- Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Well-being: Multidisciplinary Practice ( D24 ) - PGCert
- Clinical and Community Psychology - MSc
- Consultation and the Organisation: Psychoanalytic Approaches - MA
- Conflict, Displacement and Human Society - MA
- Civil Engineering - MSc, PgDip
- Clinical Psychology - ClinPsyD
- Coaching - MSc, PgDip, PgCert
- Coaching by Distance Learning - MSc
- Coaching Psychology - PgCert / PgDip / MSc
- Consultation and the Organisation - D.ConsOrg (Professional Doctorate)
- Counselling Psychology (Conversion Programme) - Professional Doctorate
- Counselling Psychology - Professional Doctorate
- Couple Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy - Professional Doctorate
- Early Childhood Studies - MA
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering - MSc
- English Language Teaching (ELT) by distance learning - MA
- Education - EdD
- Educational and Child Psychology - D.Ed.Ch.Psy.
- Exercise Science and Health - MSc
- Finance - MBA
- MSc - Finance and Investment
- Geotechnics and Engineering Management - MSc
- Geotechnics and Engineering Management - PGDip
Course name H - M
- Health Promotion - MSc
- Information Security - Professional Doctorate
- Intercultural Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (Intercultural Psychodynamic Counselling - PGDip) - MA
- International Accounting and Finance - MSc
- International and Comparative Public Policy - MSc
- International Business by Distance Learning - MBA
- International Business Management - MSc
- International Development and Health - MSc
- International Human Resource Management - MA
- International Marketing Management - MSc
- International Social Work with Community Development - MA
- International Social Work with Refugee Studies - MA
- Islamic Finance - MBA
- Leadership and Organisational Analysis - MA
- Management (Tower Hamlets Housing Management Services) - Postgraduate Certificate
- Mobile Communications - MSc
- International Social Welfare with Refugee Studies - MA
- MA International Social Welfare and Community Development - MA
- Leadership - MBA
- International Business - MBA
- International Business (collaborative partners) - MBA
Course name N - R
- Medical Physiology - MSc
- Molecular Medical Microbiology - MSc
- Narrative Research - MSc
- Narrative Research by Distance Learning - PGCert
- Occupational Psychology - D. Occ. Psych.
- Project Management - MSc
- Pharmacology - MSc
- Phyto-Phamaceutical Science - MSc
- Project Management - MSc
- Primary Education with Modern Languages Specialism - PGCE
- Primary Education - PGCE
- Primary Education - Professional Graduate Certificate - PGCE
- Primary Education with Modern Languages Specialism - Professional Graduate Certificate - PGCE
- Primary Postgraduate Certificate of Education with ICT and Computing - PGCE
- Primary with English as an Additional Language - PGCE
- Primary Early Years 3-7 - PGCE
- Primary with English - PGCE
- Primary with Mathematics - PGCE
- Primary Postgraduate Certificate of Education with Music - PGCE
- Primary Postgraduate Certificate of Education with Science - PGCE
- Primary with Special Educational Needs: Special Schools - PGCE
- Primary with Special Educational Needs: Inclusion - PGCE
- Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Children, Parents, and Young People - M.Psych.Psych
- Psychology - MSc
- Psychological Therapies with Children, Young People, and Families(M34) - MA / PGDip
- Psychodynamic Psychosocial Nursing - MA Postgraduate Diploma
- Psychosynthesis Counselling - Postgraduate Diploma
- Psychosynthesis Foundations - Graduate Certificate
- Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy - MA
- Psychosynthesis Studies - Postgraduate Certificate
- Public Administration - MBA
- Risk Management - MSc
- Refugee Studies and Community Development - MA
- Renewable Energy and the Built Environment - MSc
Course name S - Z
- Secondary Information Communication Technology - Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
- Secondary Information Communication Technology with Computer Science - Professional Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
- Secondary Science - Professional Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
- Secondary Biology - Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
- Secondary Chemistry - Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
- Secondary Computer Science - Postgraduate Certificate in Education
- Secondary Design and Technology (Food & Textiles) - Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
- Secondary Drama - PGCE
- Secondary English - Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
- Secondary Geography - Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
- Secondary History - Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
- Secondary Modern Languages - Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
- Social Work - MA
- Social Work - View course specification
- Social Work - Professional Doctorate
- Social Work: Integrative Programme - MA/Higher Specialist and Advanced Awards
- Sustainability and Energy Management - MBA
- Software Engineering - MSc
- Sport - MBA
- Strength and Conditioning - MSc
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) - MA
- Tourism - MBA
- Transpersonal and Integrative Supervision - PGCert
- Teaching and Learning - MTL This programme is no longer recruiting - MA
- Theatre Directing - MFA
- Toxicology - MSc
- Writing: Imaginative Practice (Distance Learning) - MA
- Youth and Community Work - PGDip/MA