Guides and Downloads
Guides and Downloads
Guidelines and Downloads on Mental Health & Social Care of Refugees & Asylum Seekers
This page provides access to valuable international, governmental and non-profit organisational agencies' and charities' guidelines on many challenges faced by refugees, asylum seekers and migrant communities including education, healthcare, social welfare, legal and human right matters, whilst settling in the UK and worldwide.
These guides aim to help refugees and asylum seekers and health and social care practitioners and agencies working with them to inform them of and/or assist them to seek their rights and entitlements.
These resources are grouped into a number of categories including, Education, Health & Wellbeing, Mental Health, Social Welfare, Legal & Human Rights and Working with Interpreters, to facilitate ease of access.
These guides and resources have been produced by Dr Farkhondeh Farsimadan a Chartered Counselling Psychologist who is an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society and an HCPC registered psychologist.
Please use the categories and links provided below to view the resources.
- British Red Cross Positive Images - Migration and Development: a toolkit for teachers, youth workers and other educators to teach young people about migration and development:
- British Red Cross Refugees and Migration Teaching Resource:
- City of Sanctuary UK, resources are intended for organisations wishing to support people seeking sanctuary. These resources are available in packs and are by City of Sanctuary groups and can be accessed via link below
- East Africa Refugee Crisis: causes of Tensions and Conflicts between the Local Community and Refugees in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya. Ali, J. A., & Ocha, W. (2018). Journal of Social Science Studies, 5,1, 298.
- Education briefing paper. Collaboratives on addressing racial inequity in COVID recovery. Lander, V., Holloman, T. R., & Tan, J. (2021). Race Equality Foundation.
- Education: needs, rights & access in displacement. Forced Migration Review issue 60, March 2019.FMR is published by the Refugee Studies Centre in the Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford.
The FMR 60 issue is available online and in print in English, Arabic, Spanish and French and is available in English in audio podcast format.
- Forthcoming Forced Migration Review, FMR, feature themes can be accessed via this link.
- How schools are integrating new migrant pupils and their families? Manzoni, C., & Rolfe, H. (2019). National Institute of Economic & Social Research, NIESR.
- Learning disability briefing paper. Collaboratives on addressing racial inequity in COVID recovery. Burk, C.K, & Ong, L. (2021). Race Equality Foundation.
Promoting Effective Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Education: Experiences from Spain, Serbia and Belgium. Bunar, N. (2019). European Trade Union Committee for Education, Stockholm University, & European Federation of Education Employers.
- Protecting refugees in the UK. UNHCR, UK.
- Student Finance for Refugees & Asylum Seekers. UCAS (2021).
- Schools of Sanctuary resources: teaching resources, lesson plans, and facts and figures about refugees for schools, as well as refugee stories videos. These resources can be accessed via links below:
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR Teaching About Refugees page provides free and adaptable teaching materials on refugees, asylum, migration and statelessness for all age groups in primary and secondary education with a section dedicated to professional development and guidance for primary and secondary school teachers on the inclusion of refugee children in their classes.
Health and Wellbeing
- Access to healthcare: a guide for organisations working with people seeking asylum. Equality & Human Rights Commission, (2019).
- Access to primary health care for asylum seekers and refugees: a qualitative study of service user experiences in the UK. Kang, C., Tomkow, L., & Farrington, R. (2019). British Journal of General Practice, 69, 685, e537-e545
British Journal of General Practice
- A rapid review of evidence-based information, best practices and lessons learned in addressing the health needs of refugees and migrants. Report to the World Health Organisation. Cheng, I.H., et al. (2018).
Report to WHO on the Health Needs of Refugees & Migrants (PDF)
- Are some ethnic groups more vulnerable to COVID-19 than others? Platt, L., & Warwick, R. (2020).
The Institute for Fiscal Studies, the IFS.
- Arrivals from Ukraine: advice for primary care
- Barriers to health faced by transgender and non-binary black and minority ethnic people. Kattari, S.K. et al. (2016). Better Health Briefing paper 41. Race Equality Foundation.
- Beyond the data: understanding the impact of COVID-19 on BAME groups. Public Health England. (2020). Public Health England, PHE, UK.
- Black and minority ethnic communities and dementia: where are we now? Truswell, D., (2013). Better Health Briefing Paper, 30. Race Equality Foundation.
- BMA refugee & asylum seeker health resource. Guidance for doctors and other healthcare professionals who may be uncertain about the specific health needs and entitlement to different types of care of patients who are refugees and asylum seekers. BMA (2019).
- Challenges for health professionals ensuring access to health care for refugees and asylum seekers. Chiarenza, A., et al (2018). The European Journal of Public Health, 28, suppl_4.
- Community Engagement: improving health and wellbeing and reducing health inequalities NG44, Nice Guideline (2016). National Institute of Clinical Excellence, NICE.
- Coronavirus advice for patients translated in 60 languages. (2020). Doctors of the World in partnership with British Red Cross, Migrant Help, Clear Voice, Transbless Translations, Europia and East European Resource Centre.
- Covid-19 Resources by the BPS (2020). The BPS has put together some useful tips, advice and links to articles as well as guidelines issued by the UK Government and the NHS that practitioners, professionals and the public might find useful in dealing with the effects of coronavirus pandemic.
- Cultural Competence in working with People from Refugee backgrounds: Professional Development Workshop Manual. Green, B. (2015; 2018), STARTTS, the NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors.
- Disparities in the risk and outcomes of Covid-19. Public Health England. (2020). UK Government.
Review into how different factors including age, sex, deprivation, region, ethnicity, occupation, and care home residence have affected Covid-19 risk and outcomes.
- Effective methods of engaging black and minority ethnic communities within health care settings. Latif, S. (2010). Better Health Briefing Paper 18. Race Equality Foundation.
- Ethnic inequalities in Covid-19 mortality: a consequence of persistent racism. Nazroo, J., & Bécares, L. (2021). Runnymede Trust, London.
- Going full circle. The primary needs and experiences of refugees and people seeking asylum. (2022). The London Refugee Advocacy Forum & Refugee council.
To download the report please follow this link.
- Health and access to healthcare of migrants in the UK. Jayaweera, H. (2010; updated 2012). Better Health Briefing Paper, 19. Race Equality Foundation.
- Health experiences of Chinese people in the UK. Chau, R.C. (2008). Better Health Briefing Paper, 10. Race Equality Foundation.
- The health and social care experiences of black and minority ethnic older people. Moriarty, J. (2008; updated, 2012). Better Health Briefing Paper, 9. Race Equality Foundation.
- Health and wellbeing provision for refugees and asylum seekers. Welsh Government Policy Implementation Guidance. (2018).
- The health of people from ethnic minority groups in England 2021. Raleigh, V., & Holmes, J. (2021).
The King's Fund.
- Human trafficking: migrant health guide. Advice and guidance on the health needs of migrant patients for healthcare practitioners. UK Government (2017; updated 2022).
Human Trafficking: Migrant Health Guide
- Improving health and social care support for carers from black and minority ethnic communities. Gregory, C. (2010). Better Health Briefing Paper, 20. Race Equality Foundation.
- Including intersectional identities: safety – reducing social isolation and suffering of LGBTI asylum seekers and refugees. Ansara, Y.G., & Rankin, S. (2013). Equality Network.
- Including intersectional identities: sanctuary - assisting LGBTI asylum seekers in the UK. Ansara, Y.G., & Rankin, S. (2013). Equality Network.
- Including intersectional identities: solidarity - partnering for change. Ansara, Y.G., & Rankin, S. (2013). Equality Network.
- Information support, risk factors. British Heart Foundation. BHF, UK.
- Internalised stigma as a barrier to access to health and social care services by minority ethnic groups in the UK. Owuor, J., & Nake, N. (2015). Better Health Briefing Paper 36. Race Equality Foundation.
- Learning disability briefing paper. Collaboratives on addressing racial inequity in COVID recovery. Burk, C.K, & Ong, L. (2021). Race Equality Foundation.
- Living on the margins: Syrian refugees in Jordan struggle to access health care. Amnesty International, (2016).
- Long term conditions briefing paper. Collaboratives on addressing racial inequity in COVID recovery. Moriarty, J. (2021). Race Equality Foundation.
- The National Institute of Health Research, NIHR, graphic booklet
How can we reduce loneliness amongst Migrant and Ethnic Minority People? by niftyfoxcreative - Issuu
- NHS entitlements: migrant health guide. Advice and guidance for healthcare practitioners on the health needs of migrant patients. Public Health England. UK Government.
- NHS entitlements: migrant health guide. Advice and guidance for healthcare practitioners on the health needs of migrant patients. Public Health England. UK Government.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing and treatment: overseas visitors to England, including anyone living in the UK without permission, will not be charged for testing and treatment for coronavirus (even if the test shows the individual does not have coronavirus). The new guidance has also been translated into 40 languages and is available under the 'Translated advice and guidance for the public' sub-heading.
Migrant health guide - main messages
- Older people briefing paper. Collaboratives on addressing racial inequity in COVID recovery. Kapadia, D. (2021). Race Equality Foundation.
- Prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation in England and Wales: National and local estimates. Macfarlane A, & Dorkenoo E. (2015). London: City University London and Equality Now.
- Reducing loneliness among migrant and ethnic minority people: a participatory evidence synthesis. Salway, S., Such, E., Preston, L., Booth, A., Zubair, M., Victor, C. & Raghavan, R. (2020). Public Health Research, 8, 10. The National Institute of Health Research, NIHR.
- Refugee Council England's forgotten refugees: out of the fire and into the frying pan. Basedow, J., & Doyle, L. (2016).
- Safeguarding women and girls at risk of FGM: Guidance. Department of Health. (2017). Department of Health & Social Care, UK Government.
Please see below for further links and guidance on FGM:
- FGM safeguarding and risk assessment: quick guide for health professionals. Department of Health. (2017). UK Government.
- Female genital mutilation: risk and safeguarding, guidance for professionals. Department of Health. (2016). UK Government.
- FGM safeguarding pathway. Department of Health. (2016). UK Government.
- Multi-agency statutory guidance on female genital mutilation. Department of Education, Department of Health & Home Office. (2016, updated 2020). UK Government.
- Supporting black and minority ethnic carers. Greenwood, N. (2018).Better Health Briefing 48. Race Equality Foundation.
- The relationship between psychological well-being and adjustment of both parents and children of exiled and traumatised Iraqi refugees. Hosin, A., Moore, S., & Gaitanou, C. (2006). Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 1, 2,123-136.
- Two sides of the same coin: factors that support and challenge the wellbeing of refugees resettled in a small urban centre. El-Bialy, R., & Mulay, S. (2015). Health & Place, 35, 52 – 59.
- Ukraine: migrant health guide
Advice and guidance on the health needs of migrant patients from Ukraine for healthcare practitioners - Link
- Understanding the experiences of asylum seekers. Liebling, L., Burke, S. Goodman, S. &, Zasada, D. (2014). International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 10,4,207-219.
Legal and Human Rights
- A collection of asylum policy guidance used by UK Visas and Immigration to make decisions on asylum applications. UK Government.
- Advice after you get refugee status. Citizens Advice. UK.
- Afghan citizens' resettlement scheme, ACRS. UK Visas & Immigration and Home Office. (2021, updated 2022). UK Government.
- Afghan relocations and assistance policy. Ministry of Defence. (2021, updated 2022). UK Government.
- Afghan relocation and assistance: funding instruction. UK Visas & Immigration. (2021, updated 2022). UK Government.
Funding instruction for local authorities in the support of the United Kingdom's Afghan Locally Engaged Staff Ex Gratia and Afghan Relocation and Assistance Schemes.
Alternative to immigration detention in contexts with transit migration. Briefing paper. IDC, International Detention Coalition, (2023).
- Application for asylum support: form ASF1: form for destitute asylum applicants and failed asylum seekers to apply for support. UK Government.
- Asylum claims in detention. Guidance on asylum claims in detention. UK Government.
This tells staff how to manage individuals in detention who have claimed asylum and processing individuals into detention following an asylum claim.
- Asylum helplines
Get help by phone if you're an asylum applicant or refugee and you need advice about the asylum process or adapting to life in the UK. UK Government.
- Asylum Intake Unit
You must register and have a screening at an asylum intake unit if you're in the UK and want to claim asylum. You should telephone to make an appointment.
You will have your asylum screening at the UK border if you claim asylum as soon as you arrive in the UK.
- Asylum support
Asylum seekers and their family may be entitled to support including housing, money, free state school and health care from the National Health Service (NHS) to help them while waiting to find out if they will be given asylum. UK Government.
- Asylum support: section 4(2) policy & process. UK Visas & Immigration (2022). UK Government.
- Best practice guide to asylum and human rights appeals. Henderson, M., Moffatt, R., & Pickup, A. (2022 Edition). Electronic Immigration Network, EIN.
- Brief guide to asylum: Refugee Council information. (2019). Refugee Council.
- Conducting asylum interviews: asylum policy guidance on asylum interviews. UK Government.
- Detention guidelines: guidelines on the applicable criteria and standards relating to the detention of asylum seekers and alternatives to detention. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR, (2012). Available in a number of languages.
- The 'Dublin' regulation and family unity, Policy Briefing. Refugee Council (2019).
- Dublin III Regulation: transferring asylum claimants into and out of the UK where responsibility for examining an asylum claim lies with the UK or with another EU Member State or Associated State. UK Visas & Immigration. (2017; updated 2020). UK Government.
- EU-Turkey Agreement Failing Refugee Women and Girls. Women's Refugee Commission, (2016).
- Falling through the cracks: refugee women and girls in Germany and Sweden. Women's Refugee Commission, (2016).
- Family cases: asylum policy guidance on processing family cases. UK Government.
- Family reunion guidance: for refugees and those with humanitarian protection. Home Office, UK Government.
- Female Genital Mutilation, FGM. Duty for health and social care professionals and teachers to report female genital mutilation, FGM, to the police. Home Office (2016). UK Government.
Fact sheet on mandatory reporting of female genital mutilation, with translations in a number of languages, for communities on mandatory reporting of female genital mutilation.
- Female Genital Mutilation, FGM. Mandatory reporting of female genital mutilation: procedural information. Guidance. Department for Education & Home Office. (2020). UK Government.
The guidance gives relevant professionals and the police an understanding of the female genital mutilation (FGM) mandatory reporting duty.
- Female refugees and asylum seekers: the issue of integration. Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs, European Parliament, European Union, (2016).
- FGM international data, UNICEF (2020).
- Forced Migration Review Thematic listings: The link below provides a selection of thematic listing and FMR articles (and full issues) focusing on a specific topic including Statelessness, the Rohingya, Children on the Move, Trafficking and Smuggling of People, Protection at Sea, Youth, Health, Displacement, etc. in English, Arabic, French and Spanish.
- Frequently asked questions for asylum seekers and refugees in the UK. UNHCR UK.
- Funding instruction on UK resettlement programmes. Collection. UK Visas and Immigration. (2021). UK Government.
Information for local authorities on the funding instruction on UK resettlement programmes for refugees from Syria and the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region.
- Gender issues in asylum claims: asylum policy guidance on claims involving gender identity issues, UK Government.
- Guides to asylum. (May 2021). Refugee Council.
- Guidelines on Reunification of Refugee Families. UNHCR (1983).
- Guidance for Employers: employing refugees - the documents required as evidence of entitlement to work in the UK. Equality & Human Rights Commission & The Refugee Council (2014).
- Humanitarian protection: asylum policy guidance on humanitarian protection. UK Government.
Guidance on Humanitarian Protection
- Human trafficking: migrant health guide. Advice and guidance on the health needs of migrant patients for healthcare practitioners. Public Health England. (2017; updated 2022). UK Government.
Human Trafficking: Migrant Health Guide
- The Impact of Brexit on Children and Families Crossing Borders. A fact sheet for professionals protecting children. Children & Families Across the Borders, CFAB. (2019).
- Information booklet for asylum applications. UK Visas and Immigration. (2022). UK Government.
Information booklet for those who have registered, or are considering registering, an asylum application in the United Kingdom.
- Integration loans: asylum policy guidance on integration loans. UK Visas & Immigration. UK Government.
Integration loans policy guidance process
International Detention Coalition Theory of Change, IDC, (2023).
International Detention Coalition publications
International Detention Coalition Theory of Change summary
- Invisible suffering: Prolonged and systematic detention of migrants and asylum seekers in substandard conditions in Greece, (2014). Médecins Sans Frontières, (MSF).
- Legal framework and standards relating to the detention of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants: a guide. The International Detention Coalition, IDC, (2011).
International Detention Coalition publications
International Detention Coalition Global Legal Framework
- LGBTI persons in immigration detention: International Detention Coalition, IDC, position paper, (2016).
Mental Health and Human Rights Info (MHHRI) Database. MHHRI (2023). MHHRI provides a valuable database of search including references, publications, guides, organisations, etc., covering core topics of mental health and human rights violations in disaster, war, and conflict areas. The information is presented as thematic pages which are available in English and Spanish.
In addition, MHRRI website provides Gender Based Violence Training Manuals for those working with or assisting survivors of gender-based violence or involved in training of professionals working directly with survivors. These manuals address working with women, with boys and men and with children. The manuals are translated into several languages.
The three manuals which respectively address working with women, with boys and men, and with children can be downloaded from the MHHRI website via links below:
- NGO monitoring of immigration detention: tips, examples and positive practices. Outcomes of workshop for European NGOs Brussels. Flemish Refugee Action and International Detention Coalition, (2015).
International Detention Coalition publications
International Detention Coalition - NGO monitoring immigration detention
- Our Human Rights Act: refugees and people seeking asylum. The British Institute of Human Rights (2016). BIHR briefing on the HRA.
- Permission to work: asylum policy guidance on permission to work for asylum applicants. UK Government.
Guidance on Permission to Work for asylum applicants
- The Poverty Barrier: the right to rehabilitation for survivors of torture in the UK. Pettitt, J. (2013). Research Report, Freedom from Torture. Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture.
- Protecting refugees in the UK. UNHCR, UK.
- Refugee Action's Asylum Guides. Refugee Action. UK.
Asylum Guides is a programme developed by Refugee Action and aims to support organisations working with asylum seekers and asylum seekers themselves in their asylum journey. Resources available are in a number of languages in video and information sheet format and for women, children and young people who have made a claim for asylum in the UK to understand the asylum process and their rights.
- Research report 52 - refugees and asylum seekers: a review from an equality and human rights perspective. Aspinall, P., & Watters, C. (2010). Equality & Human Rights Commission & the University of Kent.
- Revocation of protection status: asylum policy guidance on revoking a person's protection. UK Visas & Immigration.
Revocation of protection status
- The Right to Remain Toolkit. This toolkit is a guide to the UK immigration and asylum system. It gives an overview of the legal system and procedures, with detailed information on rights and options at key stages, and actions you can take in support of your claim, or to help someone else.
See below YouTube presentations introducing Right to Remain Toolkit in a number of languages, published by Right to Remain, 2015.
- There are alternatives: a handbook for preventing unnecessary immigration detention (revised edition). International Detention Coalition, IDC, (2015).
International Detention Coalition publications
International Detention Coalition - There are alternatives
- Towards Integration: The Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme in the United Kingdom. UNHCR. (2017).
- UK refugee resettlement: policy guidance. Home Office. (2021). UK Government.
- UK resettlement programmes: funding instruction 2021 to 2022. Guidance. UK Visas and Immigration. (2021). UK Government.
Funding instruction for local authorities in support of the United Kingdom's resettlement schemes.
UK resettlement programmes: funding instruction 2021 to 2022
- UNHCR Afghanistan - Help for refugees & asylum seekers.
- UNHCR, Information for Refugees, Asylum Seekers & Stateless People.
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, created this website for refugees, asylum seekers and stateless people residing in a number of countries, their family members and people who assist them.
On this website you will find useful information and web links, including answers to queries including asylum application and process in the mentioned countries, where to get social, financial, travel, education and accommodation assistance, in a number of languages.
Information for Refugees, Asylum-seekers and Stateless People | UNHCR
Is your country not listed above?
Please visit UNHCR's frequently asked questions (FAQ), where you can find information about asylum, rights of refugees and asylum-seekers, education, reporting & complaints and contact details of your nearest UNHCR office.
UNHCR HELP FAQ - Help for refugees and asylum seekers
- Vulnerability Screening Tool - identifying and addressing vulnerability: a tool for asylum and migration systems. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR, International Detention Coalition, IDC, with the support of the Oak Foundation (2016).
Mental Health
- A civilised society: mental health provision for refugees and asylum seekers in England & Wales. Mind (2009).
- Addressing issues of race, ethnicity and culture in CBT to support therapists and service managers to deliver culturally competent therapy and reduce inequalities in mental health provision for BAME service users. Naz, S., Gregory, R. & Bahu, M. (2019). The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, Special Issue on Cultural Adaptations of CBT, 12, e22.
- A first-person account of the refugee experience: identifying psychosocial stressors and formulating psychological responses. Gary, J., & Rubin, N.S. (2014). American Psychological Association, APA.
- African and Caribbean men and mental health. Keating, F. (2007). Better Health Briefing Paper, 5. Race Equality Foundation.
- An overview of systematic reviews on mental health promotion, prevention, and treatment of common mental disorders for refugees, asylum seekers, and internally displaced persons. Uphoff, E. et al, (2020). Cochrane Systematic Review - Overview Version published: 04 September 2020.
- Better practice in mental health for black and minority ethnic communities. Butt, J. et al (2015). Race Equality Foundation.
- BMA refugee & asylum seeker health resource. Guidance for doctors and other healthcare professionals who may be uncertain about the specific health needs and entitlement to different types of care of patients who are refugees and asylum seekers. BMA (2019).
- City of Sanctuary Mental Health Resource Pack. Burghgraef, A., Martin, G., Morgan, J., and Newman, G. (2017). City of Sanctuary.
- Clinical Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Adults. American Psychological Association, APA. (2017).
- Commissioning mental health services for vulnerable adult migrants: guidance for commissioners. Fassil, Y., & Burnett, A. (2015).
- Compassionate care provision: an immense need during the refugee crisis: lessons learned from a European capacity-building project. Mechili, E. A., et al (2018). Journal of Compassionate Health Care, 5,1, 2. DOI
- Compassion Fatigue, Burnout and Vicarious Trauma. A Queensland Program of Assistance to Survivors of Torture and Trauma (QPASTT) Guidebook. November 2016.
- Coronavirus Resources by the BPS (2020). The BPS has put together some useful tips, advice and links to articles as well as guidelines issued by the UK Government and the NHS that practitioners, professionals and the public might find useful in dealing with the effects of coronavirus pandemic.
- Cultural adaptations in psychosocial interventions for post-traumatic stress disorder among refugees: a systematic review. Naseh, M. et al. (2019). Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work. 28,1, 76-97.
- Culture, context and the mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of Syrians: a review for mental health and psychosocial support staff working with Syrians affected by armed conflict. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR, (2015).
- Efficacy of psychological interventions on depression, anxiety and somatization in migrants: a meta-analysis.Sambucini, D. et al. (2020). Journal of Immigrant & Minority Health.
- Evidence-based psychological interventions for adult survivors of torture and trauma: A 30-year review. McFarlane C. & Kaplan I. (2012). Transcultural Psychiatry, 49, 539-567.
- Experiences with treating immigrants: a qualitative study in mental health services across 16 European countries. Sandhu, S., Bjerre, N.V., Dauvrin, M., Dias, S., Gaddini, A., Greacen, T., Ioannidis, E., Kluge, U., Jensen, N.K., Lamkaddem, M., Puigpinosi Riera, R., Kosa, Z., Wihlman, U., Stankunas, M., Strabmayr, C., Wahlbeck, K., Welbel, M. & Priebe, S. (2013). Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology. Dol: 10.1007/s00127-012-0528-3
- Factors associated with mental disorders in long settled war refugees: refugees from the former Yugoslavia in Germany, Italy and the UK. Bogic, M., Ajdukovic, D., Bremner, S., Franciskovic, T., Galeazzi, G.M., Kucukalic, A., Lecic-Tosevski, D., Morina, N., Popovski, M., Schutzwohl, M., Wang, D., & Priebe, S. (2012). The British Journal of Psychiatry, 200, 216 – 223.
- Forced marriage and mental health. Singh, M. (2011). Better Health Briefing Paper, 24. Race Equality Foundation.
- Forced Migration and Mental Health. Special Edition. Tribe, R., Farsimadan, F., & Marshall, C. (2022), (eds.), International Review of Psychiatry,34,6.
- Forced Migration & Mental Health. Editorial. Tribe, R., Farsimadan, F. & Marshall, C. (2022), (eds.), International Review of Psychiatry, 34,6,571-577. DOI: 10.1080/09540261.2022.2137341
- Forced migration: psychosocial services and interventions including the role of education. Special Edition. Marshall, C., Farsimadan, F., & Tribe, R. (2023), (eds.), Displaced Voices. A Journal of Migration, Archives and Cultural Heritage. Vol 3, Number 1, Spring 2023.
- Going full circle. The primary needs and experiences of refugees and people seeking asylum. (2022). The London Refugee Advocacy Forum & Refugee council.
To download the report please follow this link.
- Good practice in mental health care for socially marginalised groups in Europe: a qualitative study of expert views in 14 countries. Priebe, S., Matanov, A., Schor, R., Strabmayr, C., Barros, H., Barry, M.M., Diaz-olalla, J.M., Gabor, E., Greacen, T., Holcnerova, P., Kluge, U., Lorant, V., Moskalewicz, J., Schene, A.H., Macassa, G., & Gaddini, A. (2012). BMC Public Health, 12, 248.
- Guidance for clinicians when working with refugees and asylum seekers. Tribe, R. & Farsimadan, F. (2022). International Review of Psychiatry, DOI: 10.1080/09540261.2022.2131377.
- Guidance for psychological professionals working in NHS commissioned services in England during the COVID-19 pandemic. BPS. (2021). British Psychological Society.
Guidance for psychological professionals during COVID-19 PDF
- Guidance: the psychological needs of healthcare staff as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. British Psychological Society COVID-19 Staff Wellbeing Group. BPS. (2020). British Psychological Society.
Psychological needs of healthcare staff PDF
- Guidance: meeting the psychological needs of people recovering from severe coronavirus (COVID-19). BPS. (2020). British Psychological Society.
Meeting the psychological needs of people recovering from severe coronavirus PDF
- Guided self-help to reduce psychological distress in South Sudanese female refugees in Uganda: a cluster randomised trial. Tol, W. A., et al. (2020). Lancet Glob Health,8, e254–63.
- Guidelines for psychologists working with refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. Extended Version. British Psychological Society, BPS. (2018).
- Guidelines for psychologists working with refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. A Summary. British Psychological Society, BPS. (2018).
- Guidance for psychologists on working with community organisations. The British Psychological Society, BPS. (2018).
- Health Evidence Network synthesis report 47: public health aspects of mental health among migrants and refugees: a review of the evidence on mental health care for refugees, asylum seekers and irregular migrants in the WHO European Region. Priebe, S., Giacco, D., & El-Nagib, R. (2016), World Health Organisation.
- The health needs of forced migrants. Burnett, A., & Ndovi, T. (2018). British Medical Journal, 363, 162-164.
- How do mental health practitioners operationalise cultural competency in everyday practice? A qualitative analysis. Mollah, N.T., Antoniades, J., Lafeer, F.I., Brijnath, B. (2018). BMC Health Service Research,18, 480. doi: 10.1186/s12913-018-3296-2
- Improving mental health support for refugee communities: an advocacy approach. Mind (2009).
- LGBT inclusive mental health services: Good Practice guide. Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland, MWCSCOT. (2022).
- Long-term mental health of war-refugees: a systematic literature review. Bogic, M., Njoku, A., & Priebe, S. (2015). BMC International Health and Human Rights, 201515,29.
- Meeting the mental health needs of refugees and asylum seekers. Vostanis, P. (2014). The British Journal of Psychiatry, 204, 3, 176 – 177.
- Mental disorders, disability and treatment gap in a protracted refugee setting. Llosa, A.E., Ghantous, Z., Souza, R., Forgione, F., Bastin, P., Jones, A., Antierens, A., Slavuckij, A., & Grais, R.F. (2014). British Journal of Psychiatry, 204, 208 – 213. DoI: 10.1192/bjp.bp.112.120535.
Mental Health Act Reform-Race and Ethnic Inequalities. UK Parliament Post, Postnote 671, May 2022.
Mental Health Act statistics, annual figures, 2022/2023. NHS England Digital. (2024).
- Mental Health briefing paper. Collaboratives on addressing racial inequity in COVID recovery. Raghavan, R. & Jones Nielsen, J. (2021). Race Equality Foundation.
Mental Health and Human Rights Info (MHHRI) Database. MHHRI (2023). MHHRI provides a valuable database of search including references, publications, guides, organisations, etc., covering core topics of mental health and human rights violations in disaster, war, and conflict areas. The information is presented as thematic pages which are available in English and Spanish.
In addition, MHRRI website provides Gender Based Violence Training Manuals for those working with or assisting survivors of gender-based violence or involved in training of professionals working directly with survivors. These manuals address working with women, with boys and men and with children. The manuals are translated into several languages.
The three manuals which respectively address working with women, with boys and men, and with children can be downloaded from the MHHRI website via links below:
- The mental health needs of asylum seekers and refugees – challenges and solutions. Sen, P. (2016). British Journal of Psychiatry International, 13,2, 30-32.
- Mental health & psychosocial support considerations for Syrian refugees in Turkey: sources of distress, coping mechanisms and access to support: a literature review. Davis, C., & Wanninger, A. (2017). In collaboration with International Medical Corps, IMC.
- Mental health and psychosocial support for refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants on the move in Europe: a multi-agency guidance note. UNHCR, IOM,, (2015).
- Mental health and psychosocial support in emergencies. WHO, World Health Organisation. (2019).The target group for WHO work is any population exposed to extreme stressors including refugees, internally displaced persons, disaster survivors and terrorism, war or genocide- exposed populations.
- Mental health and wellbeing of asylum seekers and refugees: evidence review and scoping. Sneddon, H. (2018). Public Health Agency, PHA, Northern Ireland & Outcome Imps.
- Mental health crisis review: experiences of black and minority ethnic communities. Samir, J., Shoham, T., & Islam-Barrett, F. (2015). Race Equality Foundation.
- Mental health interventions for traumatised asylum seekers: what do we know about their efficacy? Slobodin, O., & De Jong, J. (2015). International Journal of social psychiatry, 61, 1, 17 – 26.
- Mental health of refugees and asylum seekers: assessment and intervention. Kronick, R. (2018). Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 63,5,290-296. doi: 10.1177/0706743717746665
- The mental health services for detained asylum seekers in Malta. Taylor-East, R., Rossi, A., Caruana, J., & Grech, A. (2016). British Journal of Psychiatry International, 13,2, 32-35.
- Mental health promotion and mental health care in refugees and migrants: policy brief (2018). World Health Organisation/Europe.
- 'My whole body is sick . . . . my life is not good'. A Rwandan asylum seeker attends a psychiatric clinic. Sommerfield, D. (2005).
- Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET). American Psychological Association, APA. (2017).
- Neglected trauma - asylum seekers in Italy: an analysis of mental health distress and access to healthcare. Médecins Sans Frontières, (2016).
- Post-traumatic stress disorder. Guidance. National Institute for Health & Care Excellence. NICE (2018).
- Providing mental healthcare to immigrants: current challenges and new strategies. Giacco. D., Matanor, A., & Priebe, S. (2014). Current Opinion Psychiatry, 27, 282 – 288.
Psychosocial impacts of immigration detention. Policy Insights. IDC, International Detention Coalition, (2023).
International Detention Coalition publications
- Psychosocial and mental health interventions in areas of mass violence: a community-based approach. Guideline document, second edition, De Jong, K. (2011). Médecins Sans Frontières.
- Psychosocial predictors of treatment outcome for trauma-affected refugees. Sonne, C., Carlsson, J., Bech, P., Vindbjerg, E., Mortensen, E., & Elklit, A. (2016). European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 7:1, 30907. DOI: 10.3402/ejpt.v7.30907.
- Psychological therapies for immigrant communities. Turner, S., & Bhugra, D. (2010).
- Racial disparities in mental health: literature and evidence review. Bignall, T., Jeraj, S., Helsby, E., & Butt, J. (2019). Race Equality Foundation. This research review reports on how BAME communities face 'unequal mental healthcare', drawing on the most recent published research from the last five years together with insights from two events and conversations across the sector. It covers prevalence; access; assessment; treatment; and recovery. Recommendations to health agencies, professionals and the voluntary sector are offered. Access the report via links below:
- Reform of Mental Health Act needed to address racial Injustice. Race Equality Foundation. (2024).
- Refugees' mental health: research report. UNHCR (2017).
- Refugees, the asylum system and mental healthcare in Ireland. O'Connell, M., Duffy, R., & Crumlish, N. (2016). British Journal of Psychiatry International, 13,2, 35-37.
- The relationship among trauma, acculturation, and mental health symptoms in Somali refugees. Jorgenson, K. C., & Nilsson, J. E. (2021). The Counselling Psychologist, 49,2, 196–232.
- Review of refugee mental health interventions following resettlement: best practices and recommendations. Murray, K. E., Davidson, G. R. & Schweitzer, R. D. (2010). American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 80: 576–585. doi:10.1111/j.1939-0025.2010.01062.x
- Somali depression profile. Perez, C. (2006).
- Somali refugee mental health cultural profile. Bentley, J., & Wilson-Owens, C. (2008).
- Strengthening mental health care systems for Syrian refugees in Europe and the Middle East: integrating scalable psychological interventions in eight countries. Sijbrandij, M. et al. (2017). European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 8, sup2. doi: 10.1080/20008198.2017.1388102
- Understanding how asylum seekers and refugees access and experience mental health support in Leeds. Karpuk, D. et al (2012). NHS Leeds, Positive Action for Refugees & Asylum Seekers, PAFRAS, and Touchstone.
- Vulnerable women's project good practice guide: assisting refugee and asylum seeking women affected by rape or sexual violence. Keefe, A., & Hage, E. (2009). Refugee Council.
- Where next for understanding race/ethnic inequalities in severe mental illness? Structural, interpersonal and institutional racism. Nazroo, J. Y., Bhui, K. S., & Rhodes, J. (2020). Sociology of Health & Illness, 42,2, 262–276.
- Working with Afghan Sanctuary Seekers: A guide for Mental health professionals. Jannesari, S., Khyber, O., Modasser, E., Yousofi, T., Amini, A., & Akbari-Noor, R. (2022).
- Working with refugees and asylum seekers: practitioners' perspectives on the use of clinical supervision in their therapeutic engagement with asylum seekers and refugee clients. Apostolidou, Z. & Schweitzer, R. (2017). British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 45, 1, 72-82.
- Working with Refugees and Asylum Seekers. Turner, S., & Herlihy, J. (2009). Psychiatry, 8, 8, 322-324. doi: 10.1016/j.mppsy.2009.05.002
- World Psychiatric Association guidance on mental health and mental health care in migrants. Bhugra, D., Gupta, S., Bhui, K., Craig, T., Dogra, N., Ingleby, J.D., Kirkbride, J., Moussaout, D., Nazroo, J., Qureshi, A., Stompe, T., & Tribe, R. (2011). World Psychiatry, 10, 1, 2 – 10.
- WHO Europe policy brief on migration & health: mental health care for refugees. Giacco, D., & Priebe, S. (2015). World Health Organisation/Europe.
- Working with immigrant-origin clients. An update for mental health professionals. Based on the report of the APA Presidential Task Force on Immigration. Crossroads: the Psychology of Immigration in the new century. APA Presidential Task Force on Immigration, (2013).
Social Welfare
- A guide: refugees, asylum seekers and migrants – welcoming the stranger. Churches Together Merseyside Region (2016). The Justice and Peace Commission, the Archdiocese of Liverpool, the Diocese of Liverpool & Together Liverpool.
- A guide to the rights and entitlements of disabled asylum seekers, refugees and refused applicants in the UK. HEAR, Equality & Human Rights Network, (2016).
- A housing practitioners' guide to integrating people seeking protection and refugees. McPhil, G. (2021). Scottish Refugee Council.
- The Afghanistan Crisis and Refugee Rights. Briefing. Gardner, Z. (2021). The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, JCWI.
- Asylum seekers with care needs: asylum policy guidance on applications from asylum seekers with care needs. Home Office, UK Government. (2018).
- Asylum support: UK rights and expectations.
This guide is for asylum seekers staying in temporary accommodation while their claim for asylum is being assessed, explaining UK rights and expectations.
- Children & families briefing paper. Collaboratives on addressing racial inequity in COVID recovery. Mehay, A. (2021). Race Equality Foundation.
- Claiming Universal Credit and other benefits if you are a refugee. A Guide.
Urgent actions refugees need to do to claim Universal Credit and other benefits, once they have been granted leave to remain in the UK. Department for Work & Pensions, (DWP).
- Community Sponsorship: guidance for prospective sponsors. Home Office (2016; updated, 2022). UK Government.
- Directory of services & organisations for refugees, asylum seekers & migrants in the UK & beyond: 2024 edition. Refugee Mental Health & Wellbeing Portal. University of East London. UK. Farsimadan, F. (2016-2024).
- Going full circle. The primary needs and experiences of refugees and people seeking asylum. (2022). The London Refugee Advocacy Forum & Refugee council.
- The housing conditions of minority ethnic households in England. Garrett, H., Piddington, J., & Nicol, S. (2014). Better Housing Briefing Paper, 24. Race Equality Foundation.
- Housing briefing paper. Collaboratives on addressing racial inequity in COVID recovery. Noronha, N.D. (2021). Race Equality Foundation.
- Housing and the older ethnic minority population in England. Noronha, N.D. (2019). Race Equality Foundation and Housing Learning and Improvement Network, HLIN.
- The Impact of Brexit on Children and Families Crossing Borders. A fact sheet for professionals protecting children. Children & Families Across the Borders, CFAB. (2019).
- Integrating refugees: What works? What can work? What does not work? A summary of the evidence. Second edition. Coley, J. et al. (2019).
- Learning disability briefing paper. Collaboratives on addressing racial inequity in COVID recovery. Burk, C.K, & Ong, L. (2021). Race Equality Foundation.
- Living in dispersal accommodation. A Home Office guide. Home Office. (2023). UK Government. This guide is for asylum seekers staying in temporary accommodation while their claim for asylum is assessed. This guidance is available in a number of languages.
- Local Government Association, LGA. LGA is a one-stop resource containing valuable information and guidelines for councillors, council officers and other professionals providing support to refugees, asylum seekers and unaccompanied children.
- New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy 2018 – 2022. Scottish Government (2018).
- No Recourse to Public Funds Tool - assesses access to local authority support (England).The No Recourse to Public Funds Network of local authorities and partner organisations and the University of Oxford's Centre on Migration, Policy and Society. This is a useful tool to find out if a person may be able to claim benefits and social housing, get help from social services or seek immigration advice.
- Permission to work and volunteering for asylum seekers. Home Office. UK Government.
- Poverty among refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. Allsopp, J., Sigona, N., & Phillimore, J. (2014). IRiS, University of Birmingham.
- Scottish Refugee Council's library of resources. These resources are organised by topic and are free to download.
- Scottish Refugee Council's New Toolkits to support refugee integration in Scotland and beyond. (2021). Scottish Refugee Council.
- Section 17 Support: a guide for families. Hackney Migrant Centre, HMC. (2019). Section 17 support is available to children and their families under a law called the Children Act 1989, and depending on the families' circumstances this may include accommodation and/or financial support. Section 17 Support Guide for families was created by families who have lived experience of requesting Section 17 support from social services, and groups and organisations supporting families to access support from social services. This guide is intended as a practical resource, with tips for people who need support from social services but do not know how to prepare and what to expect.
- Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme (VPRS): guidance for local authorities and partners. Home Office (2017). UK Government.
- Tapping potential: guidelines to help British businesses employ refugees.The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR., the International Organisation for Migration, IOM., & the Prince's Responsible Business Network. (2019). Supported by the Home Office & the Department for Work & Pensions.
- Towards integration: the Syrian Vulnerable Persons' Resettlement Scheme in the United Kingdom. UNHCR. (2017).
- Towards race equality in advocacy services: People with learning disabilities from black and minority ethnic communities. Fulton, R., & Richardson, K. (2010). Better Health Briefing Paper 15. Race Equality Foundation.
- UNHCR UK FAQs on Covid-19 in relation to refugees and asylum seekers. UNHCR UK (2020). The following text offers answers from UNHCR staff to frequently asked questions on the response to Covid-19 in the UK (as well as suggested resources) related to UK asylum policy and support for refugees and asylum-seekers.
- UNHCR, Information for Refugees, Asylum Seekers & Stateless People.
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, created this website for refugees, asylum seekers and stateless people residing in a number of countries, their family members and people who assist them.
On this website you will find useful information and web links, including answers to queries including asylum application and process in the mentioned countries, where to get social, financial, travel, education and accommodation assistance, in a number of languages.
Information for Refugees, Asylum seekers and Stateless People | UNHCR
Is your country not listed above?
Please visit UNHCR's frequently asked questions (FAQ), where you can find information about asylum, rights of refugees and asylum seekers, education, reporting & complaints and contact details of your nearest UNHCR office.
- Universal credit: Immigration and residence conditions. Shelter, England.
- Vulnerable migrants: migrant health guide.Advice and guidance on the health needs of migrant patients for healthcare practitioners. Public Health England. (2017). UK Government.
- Welcome: a guide for new refugees. Home Office & UK Visas & Immigration. UK Government. A guide for adults who have been granted asylum in England to access public services and make the most of the opportunities in the UK. Available in a number of languages.
Working with Interpreters
- Breaking down language barriers: a practice-near study of social work using interpreters. Westlake, D. & Jones, R.K. (2018). British Journal of Social Work, 48, 5, 1388-1408.
- Child interpreting in social work: competence versus legitimacy. Lucas, S.E. (2015). Transnational Social Review, 5, 2, 145-160. DOI: 10.1080/21931674.2015.1028814
- Data in-data out? A metasynthesis of interpreters' experiences in health and mental health. Yick, A. G, & Daines, A. M. (2017). Journal of Qualitative Social Work, 18,1,98-115.
- Does interpreted-mediated cognitive behaviour therapy with traumatic refugee people work? D'Ardenne, P., Ruaro, L., Cestari, L., Fakhoury, W., & Priebe, S. (2007). Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapy, 35, 293 - 301.
- Ethics Training for Humanitarian Interpreters Working in Conflict and Post-Conflict Settings. Luchner, C.D., & Kherbiche, L. (2019). Journal of War & Culture Studies, 12,3, 251-267. DOI: 10.1080/17526272.2019.1644412
- Exploring the three-way relationship in therapeutic work with interpreters. Tribe, R., & Thompson, K. (2009). International Journal of Migration, Health & Social Care, 5, 2, 13 - 21.
- Guidance for commissioners: interpreting and translation services in Primary Care. NHS England. (2018). NHS England, Primary Care Commissioning.
- Intermediated communication by interpreters in psychotherapy with traumatised refugees. Brune, M., Eiroá-Orosa, F.J., Fischer-Ortman, J., Delijaja, B. & Haasen, C. (2011). International Journal of Culture and Mental Health, 4,2, 144-151.
- Interpreter-mediated CBT – a practical implementation guide for working with spoken language interpreters. Costa, B. (2022). The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 15, e8, 1-17. doi:10.1017/S1754470X2200006X
- Interpreting: one Size fits all? English Language as an essential component of social work. Lucas, S.E. (2016). In Williams C & Graham M (eds.) Social Work in a diverse Society: Transformatory Practice with black and minority ethnic individuals and communities. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 91-108.
- Issues in using interpreters in therapeutic work with refugees. What is not being expressed? Tribe, T., & Keefe, A. (2009). European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling, 11,4, 409-424. doi: 10.1080/13642530903444795
- Language interpreting and translation: migrant health guide. Advice and guidance on the health needs of migrant patients for healthcare practitioners. Public Health England. UK Government.
- Language support: challenges and benefits for users and providers of health and social care services. Costa, B. (2013). Better Health Briefing Paper, 26. Race Equality Foundation.
- My languages matter: the multilingual outlook for children in care - a White Paper. Costa, B., Dioum, M., & Yorath, S. (2015). The Victoria Climbie Foundation UK and Mothertongue.
- National occupational standards for interpreting review.
- National Register of Public Service Interpreters, NRPSI, Code of Professional Conduct (2016).
- Psychotherapy across languages: beliefs, attitudes and practices of monolingual and multilingual therapists with their multilingual patients. Costa, B., & De Waele, J.M. (2013). Counselling & Psychotherapy Research. BACP.
- Service-users' experiences of interpreters in psychological therapy: a pilot study. Costa, B. & Briggs, S. (2014). International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 10, 4, pp. 231-244.
- Spoken language interpreters in social work. Lucas, S. (2020). The Institute of Research & Innovation in Social Services, IRISS, Insights 52.
- Therapists and interpreters working effectively together. Mothertongue. (2016). Mothertongue multi-ethnic Counselling. This training DVD was produced by Real Time.
- Too close to home? Experiences of Kurdish refugee interpreters working in UK mental health services. Green, H., Sperlinger, D., & Carswell, K. (2012). Journal of Mental Health, 21,3,227-35. Doi: 10.3109/09638237.2011.651659
- Trauma therapies of asylum seekers with an interpreter: the therapist's point of view. Rio Benito, M. (2019).
- Traumatised refugees, their therapists, and their interpreters: three perspectives on psychological treatment. Mirdal, G.M., Ryding, E., & Essendrop-Sondej, M. (2012). Psychology & Psychotherapy, 85,4,436-55. doi: 10.1111/j.2044-8341.2011.02036.x.
- The use of interpreters by torture treatment providers. Engstrom, D.W., Roth, T., & Hollis, J. (2010). Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work.19,1, 54-72. doi: 10.1080/15313200903547749
- Working with an interpreter: a toolkit for practitioners and interpreters. Good Practice Guide. Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland (Revised 2018).
- Working with interpreters: guidelines for psychologists. The British Psychological Society, BPS. (2017).
- Working with interpreters in mental health. Tribe, R., & Thompson, K. (2022). International Review of Psychiatry, DOI: 10.1080/09540261.2022.2073202
- Working with interpreters in mental health DVD with Professor Rachel Tribe (2011). Interpretation in mental health settings - A Quick Guide - YouTube. Department of Health and University of East London, psychology.
- Working with Interpreters. Tribe, R. & Tunariu, A.D. (2017). In Feltham, C., Hanley, T. & L.A. Winter (eds) Handbook of Counselling and Psychotherapy (pp.536-541). Sage: London
- Working with Interpreters in therapy groups for forced migrants: challenges and opportunities.Chen, H. & Chen, E. (2020). International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 70,2, 244-269.
- Working with interpreters in a humanitarian setting. Harkensee, C. (2021). In Harkensee, C., Olness, K., & Esmaili, B.E. (eds). Child Refugee and Migrant Health. Springer, Cham.
- Working with Interpreters in Mental Health. Good practice guidelines. Tribe R., & Thompson K. (2021). In Bhugra D., Moussaoui D., Ventriglio A., Tribe R. (eds). Mental Health, Mental Illness and Migration. Mental Health and Illness Worldwide. Springer, Singapore.