Resilient Materials and Structures Research Group
Resilient Materials and Structures Research Group
The socio-economic stability of every nation relies on safety, reliability and sustainability of each nation’s infrastructures and this is only possible with the help of resilient infrastructures. With the ongoing demand of managing aging infrastructures and developing new ones to meet the growing population, whilst minimising impact on climate change there is an urgent need for resilient materials. This, in turn, helps to create resilient infrastructure.
Our research will mainly focus on developing a strategy for resilient infrastructures made up of low carbon and energy efficient construction materials through laboratory, numerical and theoretical techniques and propose design guidelines for designers, policy makers, practitioners, researchers etc
Ongoing research
- Low carbon cement and concrete
- Application of industrial waste in cement: Bauxite residue
- Bio-based building materials: hemp
- Durability and deterioration of structural concrete and steel
- Reinforcement corrosion in aggressive environment
- Circular materials and practice
- Stochastic modelling and structural reliability

Who we are
- Dr Salim Barbhuiya
- Dr Jaya Nepal
- Dr Wenlin Tu
Graduate students
- Pukar Siwakoti
Contact us
PhD opportunities available in the above areas. For more information, please contact us via email:
- Dr Salim Barbhuiya,, 020 8223 2603.
- Dr Jaya Nepal,, 0208 223 2466.
- Dr Wenlin Tu,