Dr Jaya Nepal
Senior Lecturer
Civil and Structural Engineering
Department of Engineering & Construction , School Of Architecture, Computing And Engineering
Dr Jaya Nepal (BSc(Eng) MSc PhD PGCert(Ed) FHEA) is a Senior Lecturer in Civil and Structural Engineering.
She leads a postgraduate course in Civil Engineering with Sustainability and is a Fellow of Higher Education Academy. She teaches Civil and Structural Engineering modules at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Her area of research is mainly focused on performance assessment of deteriorating civil engineering structures, reinforcement corrosion, sustainable concrete, and circular economy.
- BSc (Civil Eng)
- MSc (Civil and Structural Eng)
- PhD
- PGCert (Ed)
Areas Of Interest
- Durability and reliability of structures
- Flood risk assessment
- Stochastic deterioration modelling and reliability analysis
- Management and maintenance of aging civil engineering infrastructure
- Advanced numerical modelling and non-linear finite element analysis
- Low carbon concrete using industrial waste
- Application of Circular economy in civil engineering
- Biobased building materials
PhD opportunities available in the above areas. Please contact via email for more details.
Dr Jaya Acharya Nepal is a senior lecturer in Civil and Structural Engineering within a School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering. Prior to UEL she was working as a lecturer in Civil & Structural Engineering at the University of Greenwich.
Jaya has worked as a Research Fellow in Flood Risk Management funded by Natural Environment Research Council and the Institution of Civil Engineers at University of Greenwich in collaboration with HR Wallingford. Jaya was awarded her PhD in Structural Engineering from the University of Greenwich fully funded by RAE Formulaic. Before joining the University of Greenwich, she has worked as a lecturer and design engineer responsible for analysis and design of civil engineering structures after completing her masters in Civil and Structural Engineering and Bachelor in Civil Engineering.
Jaya has a strong research background in various areas of civil engineering, including lifecycle performance analysis, stochastic deterioration modelling, time-dependent reliability analysis and risk-cost based maintenance optimization, structural health monitoring, advanced numerical modelling, innovative and smart infrastructure, stochastic deterioration modelling and flood-risk modelling. She developed novel methodologies for forecasting the performance deterioration of flood defence infrastructures, performance assessment of corrosion damaged reinforced concrete structures and time-dependent reliability analysis and optimised maintenance strategy of civil engineering infrastructure. She is the author/co-author of several peer-reviewed journal articles and conference papers. She frequently served as a peer reviewer for international conferences and journals.
- Durability and reliability of structures
- Stochastic deterioration modelling and reliability analysis
- Management and maintenance of aging civil engineering infrastructure
- Life cycle performance analysis and optimized maintenance strategy
- Computational fracture and damage mechanics
- Advanced numerical modelling and non-linear finite element analysis
- Structural health monitoring, inspection and repair techniques
- Non-destructive testing of civil engineering infrastructure.
- Sustainable design
- EG4102 Earth and Materials Properties
- EG4114 Structural Mechanics and Materials
- EG5117 Advanced Materials
- EG5101 Analysis and Design of Structural Elements
- EG6120 Structural Design
- EG6110 Final year project
- EG6104 Final year project
- EG7011 MSc Dissertation
Browse past publications by year.
Full publications list
Visit the research repository to view a full list of publications
- Properties, compatibility, environmental benefits and future directions of limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) concrete: A review Journal of Building Engineering. 79 (Ar. 107794). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2023.107794
- Modeling Residual Flexural Strength of Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beams ACI Structural Journal. 115 (6), pp. 1625-1635
- State-Based Stochastic Performance Deterioration Modelling of Flood Defence Assets in: De Stefano, Alessandro (ed.) 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII 2015). Curran Associates, Inc.
- Risk-Based Life Cycle Maintenance Strategy of Corrosion Affected RC Structures in: De Stefano, Alessandro (ed.) 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII 2015). Curran Associates, Inc.
- Analytical Model for Residual Bond Strength of Corroded Reinforcement in Concrete Structures Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 142 (2). https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000997
- Residual bond strength behaviour of corroded reinforcement in natural corrosive environment in: Mangabhai, R.J., Bai, Y. and Goodier, C.I. (ed.) Young Researchers’ Forum II: Construction Materials: Extended Abstracts. The Institute of Concrete Technology, pp.61-66
- Time-dependent Reliability Analysis of Flood Defence Assets Using Generic Fragility Curve E3S Web of Conferences. 7 (Art. 03014). https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20160703014
- Stochastic modelling and lifecycle performance assessment of bond strength of corroded reinforcement in concrete Structural Engineering and Mechanics. 54 (2), pp. 319-336. https://doi.org/10.12989/sem.2015.54.2.319
- Risk-based optimum repair planning of corroded reinforced concrete structures Structural Monitoring and Maintenance: An International Journal. 2 (2), pp. 133-143. https://doi.org/10.12989/smm.2015.2.2.133
- Assessment of concrete damage and strength degradation caused by reinforcement corrosion Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 628, p. Art. 012050. https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/628/1/012050