Tuition Fee Policy
We are proud of the diversity of our student body and, because we recognise that our students' personal and financial circumstances vary widely, we can offer you a number of different ways to pay your fees. But, because fee income is vital to our operations, we have to pursue all debts and withdraw our services from those who owe us money.
Compliance with the Fees Policy forms part of your contractual obligations with the University of East London.
Tuition fee policies
Tuition Fees Policy 2024-25
pdf, 393.26 KB
Schedule 1 - Fees Schedule 2024-25
pdf, 409.74 KB
Student Debt Policy 2024/25
pdf, 246.33 KB
Tuition Fee Refund Policy 2024-25
pdf, 207.52 KB
Tuition Fees Policy 2023-24
pdf, 386.25 KB
Schedule 1 - Fees Schedule 2023-24
pdf, 484.84 KB
Tuition Fees Policy 2022-23 (1)
pdf, 363.91 KB
Schedule 1 - Fees Schedule 2022-23
pdf, 475.23 KB
Schedule 2 - Fees Liability Dates Guidelines 2022-23
pdf, 88.64 KB
Tuition Fee Policy 2021 2022
pdf, 267.11 KB