Health and Safety management
Health and Safety
The HSU is responsible for the management and delivery of UEL’s Health & Safety at Work strategy. Our team works closely with the University Management Team and Board of Governors to develop and administer UEL's Health and Safety Policy with the support of our Health, Safety & Wellbeing Committee (Staff Only), chaired by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Services and Infrastructure). Core activities include health and safety training for staff, regular health and safety audits and fire safety advice.
Occupational Health
Advice is offered to UEL staff on a range of health related issues, including workstation advice and vouchers for free eye tests and occupational health referrals. We also administrate and advise on pre-employment health screening.
Work/Health Balance
The HSU provides information on maintaining a good work/life balance and runs additional activities such as the annual Wise Up events - where staff, students and visitors gain valuable advice on many aspects of health, safety and wellbeing.
New! Staff Health MOTs
As part of the HSU's well being initiatives, we will be offering all staff a free mini health screen. Please keep checking back to these pages for further details as they are confirmed.