Ethical Framework
The University's Vision
The University of East London has been pioneering futures since 1898: from the 2nd Industrial Revolution through to where we are now, the 4th. We are a careers-led university, dedicated to supporting our students to develop the skills, emotional intelligence and creativity needed to thrive in a constantly changing world.
Since the 2018-19 academic year the University of East London has been developing and starting to implement a new 10-year strategy, Vision 2028, to transform our curriculum, pedagogy, research impact and partnerships to make a positive difference to student, graduate and community success. Our ambitious but achievable goal is to become the leading careers-focused, enterprising university in the UK, one which both prepares our students for the jobs of the future and provides the innovation to drive that future sustainably and inclusively.
Ethical Investment Policy
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The University's Mission
We accelerate inclusive talent by realising potential wherever and whenever it is found.
We advance knowledge and innovation to help people and planet.
The University's Core Values
Passion, Inclusion, Courage
The University's Core Ethical Principles
In the endeavour to achieve its vision, the University is determined to honour a set of core values based upon the fundamental ethical principles of:
- Respect for the innate humanity, uniqueness, dignity and lifestyle of others in their identity and their ideas
- Freedom of speech, thought, and intellectual inquiry to the extent that the law allows
- Enabling all staff and students to maximise their full potential
- Acting responsibly in our approach to the environment, our social responsibilities and on sustainable development
as underpinned by the European Convention on Human Rights.
The University's Commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
Our strategy sets out a framework to deliver an environment and culture that is truly inclusive where:
- all individuals have equality of opportunity to succeed, and
- the diversity of the UEL community is valued, celebrated and staff and students are supported to be the best they can be.
Our strategy supports the Vision, Mission and Values of the University through the pursuit of the following activities:
- Future Graduate
Participation, progression, experience and successful attainment of life-changing, life-long education and training
- Future Professional
To address industry and community skills gaps. Increasing access to and acceleration of graduate – level employment
- Future Life
To increase the economic, social and cultural impact (reach and value) of our activities to the communities we serve
- Sustainability
To increase financial, physical, digital, environmental and human resilience, maximising value, reducing waste and incentivising behaviour
- Education & Experience
Learning Futures: delivering the future of learning and work today
- Careers & Enterprise
Building a global education, skills and innovation eco-system
- Impact & Innovation
Advancing knowledge and innovation to help people and planet
- Sustainable Growth & Diversification
Developing operational competencies and business process optimisation
- Community
University of East London students making a real difference to people's lives all over the world while enriching their own learning experience
- Partnerships
Working closely with education institutions nationally and internationally to offer students progression routes and the opportunity to study UEL qualifications at other institutions
- Self-determination
Determining our own future and being proactive in improving our professional environment
Seeking in all our endeavours to value pluralism and diversity, actively assisting the management of work/life balance of our employees and to be universally transparent in our decision-making.
Recognising that respect for the ideas of others requires that ideas be expressed and presented in an intellectually responsible manner and that intellectual discourse concerns itself solely with the ideas and not the person expressing them.
Core Standards of Professional Conduct
The University is committed to highest standards of professional conduct, as determined by the Nolan Principles of:
- Selflessness
- Integrity
- Objectivity
- Accountability
- Openness
- Honesty
- Leadership.
These core principles, values and standards should be addressed in all circumstances and in all activities of the University.
These are the standards of ethical behaviour adopted by the Board of Governors, Academic Board and UEB through inter alia agreeing the governance principles of the University which all members of the University are expected to follow.
The University and its governing body are committed to entering into, and maintaining, ethical practice with all staff, students, and all other stakeholders on a reciprocal basis.
All members of the University bear a responsibility to follow the Ethical Framework. Where issues are not explicitly expressed in the Framework, members should use it as a guide and act accordingly. This Framework should inform the drafting and implementation of all University codes.
The Framework was produced by the Ethics Advisory Committee and all constituencies of the University were consulted during the process. The University is committed to engaging in regular reviews of the Framework to ensure that it maintains the highest standards in all its activities and relationships, subject to annual review.
From Policy To Practice
In all relationships the University, its members and stakeholders will:
- treat people fairly and with respect
- act with tolerance towards cultural, racial, ideological and religious differences
- create a safe and secure working environment for students and staff
- ensure confidentiality of personal information and ensure that records are appropriately maintained and up-to-date
- not accept or encourage inducements
- strive for environmentally friendly policies
- support intellectual and academic freedom
- respect the intellectual property rights of others
- strive to act positively and to promote basic human rights in relation to people, businesses and organisations
In all relationships the University, its members will:
- respond to complaints professionally and seriously
- fulfil its responsibilities to all staff, students, partners, clients and local communities
- strive to seek funding from ethically suitable sources
- undertake ethical research that seeks to enhance the human condition
In all relationships the University will:
- communicate its policies to all staff, students, partners, clients and local communities, where appropriate
- facilitate representation of trade union members by their unions
- exert appropriate financial control
The University values and respects its staff. It seeks to meet the needs of employees at all times.
The University will:
- provide clear and fair terms of employment
- provide a clear and transparent remuneration policy, which is fair and suitable across the University
- ensure fair and equal opportunities for all staff, irrespective of any condition or state, other than the ability to carry out duties effectively
- provide a clean and safe environment for all staff to carry out their duties
- not tolerate harassment or intimidating behaviour towards any member of staff
- be open and honest with employees
- encourage staff to develop skills
The University values and respects its students regarding them as partners in the learning environment. It seeks to meet the needs of students at all times.
The University will:
- provide inclusive quality teaching and learning opportunities that will provide inclusive teaching and access
- provide fair, transparent, anonymous and timely assessment where appropriate
- provide appropriate resources to enable learning
- provide assistance and respect in regard to disability
- provide students with fair and appropriate support, both in terms of academic and personal welfare
The University values and respects its stakeholders. It seeks to meet the needs of these groups.
The University will:
- ensure that all public material is appropriately maintained and accurate
- seek to provide standards of agreed service at all times
- ensure that reports, training and other services provided are of high quality
Local communities
The University values and respects its local communities. It seeks to meet the needs of these communities.
The University will:
- strive to be sensitive to community needs
- demonstrate sensitivity to conflict between the University and local communities, and between students and local communities
- embed itself in local initiatives where appropriate
- encourage local students to apply to the University
- strive to protect, and enhance the local environment
The University advocates ethical working practice and requires no less of its members and those associated with its activities.
UEL Academic Partnerships Ethics Statement
UEL's Ethical Framework is a set of core values based upon the fundamental ethical principles of
- Respect for the innate humanity, uniqueness, dignity and lifestyle of others in their identity and their ideas
- Freedom of speech, thought, and intellectual inquiry
- Enabling all staff and students to maximise their full potential
- Acting responsibly in our approach to the environment, our social responsibilities and on sustainable development
as underpinned by the European Convention on Human Rights.
In relation to partnerships our commitment aims at building an ethical relationship as appropriate be it on global, local, commercial, academic, governmental, civic, educational, professional basis. The nature of the relationship may necessitate emphasis being placed on certain values and principles but this should inform partners what they can expect when working with UEL. The central tenet of the Academic Partnerships Ethics Statement is based on the following:
- UEL is committed to operating ethically across all its activities to safeguard its reputation and that of the Higher Education Sector.
- At UEL we are committed to working together to build a community which values diversity in both our staff and student populations, and is representative and inclusive, enabling all to progress and thrive.
- We are committed to freedom of speech, thought, and intellectual inquiry enabling all staff and students to maximise their potential.
- We are committed to acting responsibly in our approach to the environment, our social responsibilities and on sustainable development
- The University and its governing body are committed to entering into, and maintaining, ethical practice with all stakeholders on a reciprocal basis.
- We expect our partner institutions to honour the letter and spirit of these aspirations, and take steps to demonstrate this in practice.
- We will be respectful of local and cultural differences of approach in interactions with all our partners, nationally and internationally.
Approved by the Board of Governors
25 May 2021