Lab facilities
Lab facilities
EEG laboratory
The University of East London has three dedicated EEG labs (measuring electrical changes in the brain's neurons) to investigate mental processes in the brain. The first is equipped with an EGI system using high-density 128-HydroCel Geodesic Sensor nets for adults, children, and infants. There are two 32-channel Biosemi systems which are being combined to measure dual-EEG as well as being used as a stand-alone system.

Brain stimulation laboratory
The School of Psychology has multiple stimulation kits (Neurolectrics, Flow Neuroscience), which are used on-site (basic research on object and face perception, human judgment and choice, and potential treatment for depression) as well as off-site (with clients at the London National Problem Gambling Clinic suffering from Disordered Gambling and in a Rosetrees Trust funded study as a home-based treatment for major depression).

Virtual Reality (VR) Lab
Psychology at the University of East London was the first to have a dedicated VR lab in the UK. In the 23 years since its launch, the laboratory members have published extensively on a variety of applications of VR to neuropsychology including spatial and prospective memory; vocational training for people with disabilities; the assessment of driving following a brain injury and pain perception. Over the last couple of years, the VR lab has acquired two Oculus Rift VR systems and two HTC Vive VR systems in order to exploit the research opportunities presented by VR becoming commercially accessible to the home user.

Pain Laboratory
In this lab, experimentally-induced acute pain states are the object of the investigation to reveal the possible analgesic effects of cross-modal stimulations, with the future aim to develop non-pharmacological treatments for pain conditions. Pain is induced via a thermode attached to a machine (a TSA 2 - Quantitative NeuroSensory Analyzer) which can deliver both cold and hot stimuli. Different stimulation paradigms can be considered. Along with the participants' responses, brain responses (for instance via EEG) can be recorded too.