Message of support concerning the events in Ukraine
Message of support concerning the events in Ukraine
A message from our Vice-Chancellor & President
25 February 2022
Dear students and colleagues,
The recent news of conflict taking place in Ukraine is hugely concerning. I join with those calling for peace.
We are proud to be one of the most inclusive and diverse learning communities globally, and all members are welcomed and supported from all around the world. We are committed to a fair and sustainable future, providing an environment to debate, challenge and advance robustly, civilly and with kindness. No student or member of staff should individually be held responsible for actions of their government and we will not tolerate abuse to any member of our community.
If you have been affected by the current situation in Ukraine, please know that you do not need to manage on your own. We are here to support you during this time and have a range of services you can access. We have established a dedicated email to respond to any questions or concerns.
The following support is also available:
Speak to someone
- Our staff in Student Services are available to talk and can provide practical, emotional and financial support.
- If you have concerns over your funding, or worries over money, speak to the Student Money and Rights Team (SMART) call 0208 2234444 or contact Student Hub to speak to a SMART Adviser.
- If you wish to talk to someone in confidence about how the events are affecting you emotionally, please contact to access our confidential Student Wellbeing Service.
- If you have any concerns about your academic work please speak to your academic tutor.
- If you're not sure who can best help, contact the Student Hub in person, through your student portal or call 0208 2234444.
Online support packages
If you do not wish to talk to someone, remember you can access the following online support packages for free as a UEL student. All you need to do is register with your UEL email.
- Togetherall is a 24/7 emotional support community. They provide online courses to help you cope. For example, there is a course on managing loss and grief and one called ‘balance your thinking’ which will help you manage the current uncertainty.
- Being Well, Living Well (UEL log in required) is a new course on Moodle designed specifically for university students. It has 18 skill-based modules to help you maintain your mental, physical, financial and emotional wellbeing while at the University.
- Blackbullion is a financial education system for university students with lots of tips, modules and resources to help you manage your money.
External support services
There are also a number of external support services for those impacted by the events in Ukraine, including:
- UKCISA is the UK Council for International Student Affairs and they have a Student Advice Line +44 207 788 9214. It is open Monday to Friday (except for public holidays) from 1.00pm to 4.00pm (UK time)
- Samaritans - telephone 116 123 available to lend a listening ear 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you don't want to talk email and a trained Samaritan will respond within 24 hours
- If you prefer to receive text support text 'STUDENT' to 85258 for 24/7 support from Student Space
We understand this is a very difficult time and the situation in Ukraine will affect everyone differently. I encourage you to reach out for the support you need.
Our impacted University community are in my thoughts and prayers.
With best wishes,
Professor Amanda J. Broderick
Vice-Chancellor & President, University of East London
Action the University is taking
Action the University is taking to provide further support to those impacted by the conflict in Ukraine.
- All Ukrainian and Russian-domiciled students and staff have been contacted with details of individual support.
- Emergency International Fund for students with financial hardship - international students who are facing unforeseen financial difficulties as a result of the humanitarian crisis are able to apply for bursary support from the Emergency International Fund.
- We are aware that events in Ukraine are leading to the displacement of high volumes of people and could see more people becoming refugees in this country. Students who have refugee status can apply for 'Home' funding support through the Student Loans Company (SLC) and thus be eligible for additional UEL Bursary support. In addition, UEL currently has a competitive PG scholarship available for asylum seekers at pre-entry stage. Similarly, we deliver a short course for asylum seekers and refugees as part of our Open Learning Initiative (OLIve).
- We are a partner of the Council for At-Risk Academics (CARA) and have committed to assist in supporting Ukrainian academics.
- The Home Office has confirmed that Ukrainians who are on work, study or visit visas in the UK will have their visas temporarily extended or be able to switch onto different visa routes.
- Online Reflective Support Group for aid workers in Ukraine - in May 2020, our MSc Humanitarian Intervention programme created the Well-being Portal for Healthcare Professionals to support healthcare and humanitarian practitioners working on the frontline of international crisis and conflict, offering a number of different resources. UEL staff and MSc Humanitarian Intervention student-trainees volunteering to the portal are experienced in mental health and in facilitating psychosocial groups support for humanitarian staff working in extreme situations. We are now extending the services of the portal, offering online Reflective Practice Groups to healthcare and humanitarian staff working in Ukraine, as a space to connect with each other and access psychosocial support. These services are provided in collaboration with Save The Children and especially our alumni Julia Warrington (Wellbeing Advisor of Save The Children International). The launch of the service will be held online on Thursday 31 March at 12:00pm (UK time) to welcome the first groups of participants.
- We are exploring ways to assist in any refugee settlement programmes that emerge either nationally or locally. In keeping with our university values and mission we will seek to support refugees through education, health and residential provision where possible.
- The University has ceased collaboration with Russian central agencies. We continue to engage individually with Russian university staff and students with shared values and in our continuing commitment to borderless, global scholarship.
What can I do to help?
The UK Government has provided guidance on how best to support the people of Ukraine.