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Entry requirements
Students must have completed their Diploma de Baccalaureate with an average of 7 or above (and no grade below 6). A pass in the Certificat de Calificare Profesională Nivel 3 can also be considered for appropriate programmes.
Students must pass the Egzamin Maturalny, known as Polish Matura, and obtain the Maturity Certificate swiadectwo dojrzalosci:
- New Matura - Nowa Matura (post 2005): Students must pass the Matura with at least 2 Extended level subjects with a minimum of 40% and 1 Basic level subject with at least 60%
- Old Matura: Students must have passed 5 exam subjects (written [pisemnej] and oral [ustnej]) with a grade of 3 (C / Dostateczny) or above and have achieved an average of 4 (B)
Students must have passed:
- Diploma di Esame di Stato / Diploma di Maturità (Classica/Scientifica/Linguistica) with a minimum overall mark of 6.5 or 65 including in key subjects as required
- Also acceptable: Diploma di Maturità (Tecnica/Professionale/Magistrale/Artistica/d'Arte Applicata)
Students must have passed one of the following:
- Students must have passed the Apolytirion of Lykeio / Apolytirio (Geniko) Lykeiou (Απολυτηριο (Γενικού) Λυκειου) from a Eniaio Lykeio (ενιαίο λύκειο), Unified Lyceum or Geniko Lykeio (General Lyceum which replaced the former) with a minimum average of 16, including in key subjects
- Level 3 Vocational Training (Cycle 2) Certificate (Πτυχιο) from a Techniko Epaggelmatiko Ekpaideftirio, Known as Tee (or Tel) (Technical Vocational Educational School) with a minimum average of 17
- A School Leaving Certificate from an EPAL with a minimum average of 17, can be considered for direct entry, although a recognised foundation may be required depending on the relevancy of the specialisation
- A Vocational Training Certificate or Diploma from An Institouto Epaggelmatikis Katartisis (Vocational Training Institute- IEK) with a minimum average of 17
Students must have passed one of the following with an overall mark of 3 or better (1 is the highest):
- Zeugnis Der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife Certificate of General University Maturity (Referred to as Abitur)
- Zeugnis Der Fachhochschulreife (Certificate of Technical College Maturity)
- Zeugnis Der Fachgebundene Hochschulreife (Certificate of Subject-Restricted Maturity for Higher Education)
- Abschlusszeugnis Der Berufsfachschule (Certificate of Completion of Vocational Technical School)
- Abschlusszeugnis Der Berufschule (Certificate of Completion of Vocational School)
- Abschlusszeugnis Der Fachschule (Certificate of Completion of Technical School)
- Abschlusszeugnis Der Fachoberschule Für Technik (Certificate of Completion of Technical School Of Engineering)
- Zeugnis Über Die Staatliche Prüfug from a Paraprofessional Medical School (Certificate Of State Examination)
- Urkunde from a Paraprofessional Medical School (Certification for a Paraprofessional Medical Title) – including:
- Krankenpflegeschule (Nursing School)
- Schule Für Technische Assistenten In Der Medizin (School For Medical Technical Assistants),
- Schule Für Physiotherapeuten (School for Physical Therapists), Zwischenprüfungszeugnis (Wissenschaftliche Hochschule)
- Diplom-Vorprüfungszeugnis (Wissenschaftliche Hochschule), Vordiplomzeugnis (Wissenschaftliche Hochschule)
Students must have passed one of the following:
- Titulo de Bachiller(ato) (or Titol de Batxiller in Catalonia and Balearic Islands) with grade 6.5 or above (with or without religion included)
- If evidence of Titulo de Bachiller is the PAU Certificate, the grade will be noted as 'Nota Media del Expediente' in Los Studios de Grado en las Unversidades Publicas. In this case a composite score (la nota de admision) of 6 (Noted on PAU Certificate as 'APTO') would be acceptable (as selectividad (university entrance test) is included in this average.
- M25' - Prueba de Acesso para Mayores de 25 años (An award for over 25 year olds offered in Catalonia only) OR Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior (CFGS)
Students must have passed one of the following with an average of 4 (dobur) or above:
- Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education)
- Sredno Spetzialno Obrazovanie (Diploma of Completed Secondary Specialised Education)
Students must have passed one of the following with a grade of 14/Bom (unless otherwise stated):
- Post 1996: The Certificado de Habilitacoes (Qualification Certificate) do Ensino Secundário/Certificado Nivel Secundario de Educacao
- Pre- 1996: Certificado de Fim de Estudos Secundários AND/OR Certidão Do Décimo Segundo AnoProvas De Aferição (University Entrance Examination)
- From 2007: Concurso Nacional - (University Entrance Test) Pass With 90+ /200 (only taken by students seeking admission in a Portuguese university)
OR one of the following:
- The Bacharel / Bacharelato
- A Diploma (Diploma de Ensino Secundário, Certificado de Qualificação, Curso Profissional De Nível III) from Specialized Technical/Vocational Schools / Escolas Secundárias Profissionais (Professional Schools) with a pass
- Certificado Formacao Profissional (Professional Training Certificate issued by the Institute of Employment and Professional Training (IEFP)
- Certificado Nivel Secundario de Educacao
Students must hold a Diploma de Licenta, Diploma de Inginer or Diploma de Architect with overall grade 7 or above.
Students must hold a Licencjat bachelor's degree (post 2003) with a grade of C/4 (dobry) or above.
Students must hold a Diploma di Laurea (including 3 and 4 year degrees:-
- Laurea Triennale, Laurea Vecchio Ordinamento respectively), Laurea Specialistica or Licenza di Accademia di Belle Arti with an overall mark of 96 or above (out of 110)
Students must hold one of the following:
- Students must hold a Ptychion (awarded by a university AEI) with minimum grades of 6.5 or a Ptychion (awarded by a Technikon ATEI) with minimum grades of 7
- A bachelor's degree from the American University in Greece with a minimum CGPA of 2.75
Students must hold one of the following qualifications with an average between 1 and 3:
- Erstes Staatsexamen (First State Examination)
- Bachelor (wissenschaftliche Hochschule) - EQF level 6
- Diplom FH (Fachhochschule) - EQF level 6 - Bachelor (Fachhochschule) - EQF level 6
- Fachhochschuldiplom (Gesamthochschule) - EQF level 6
- Magister/Diplom/ Lizentiat (wissenschaftliche Hochschule) - EQF level 7
- Lizentiat (wissenschaftliche Hochschule) - EQF level 7
- Staatsprüfung (wissenschaftliche Hochschule) - EQF level 7
- Master (wissenschaftliche Hochschule) - EQF level 7
- Master (Fachhochschule) - EQF level 7 Diplom/Magister (Gesamthochschule) - EQF level 7
Students must have passed one of the following with an overall score of 6/aprobado or above:
- New System: Grado (240 ECTS) / Master Universitario (60-120 ECTS post Grado) with an overall grade of 6/aprobado or above
- Old System: Licenciado / Título de Ingeniero / Título de Arquitecto with an overall grade of 6/aprobado or above
Students must hold a Diploma za Zavarsheno Visshe Obrazovanie (Diploma of Completed Higher Education) OR a Bakalavr (bachelor’s degree post 2001) with a grade of 4 (dobur) or above.
Students must hold a Licenciado with an overall mark of 14 or above.
English language requirements
To study at UEL you must demonstrate that your English level is at the standard for university study. We accept a number of different English language qualifications/tests for entry onto our courses, with IELTS being the most common.
Accepted English Language Qualifications
- IELTS Academic
- Pearson PTE Academic
- Trinity College London Integrated Skills in English
- Cambridge IGCSE
We do not accept:
- IELTS General
- IGCSE / GCE O Levels in English Literature. Only English Language is accepted.
Learn more about accepted English language qualifications.
What our students say
In the past three years, UEL has become the place that gifted me with both personal and academic growth. It has allowed me to study a subject that I am truly interested in, meet new people from many different backgrounds and study abroad to learn through new experiences. UEL has been the right choice for me. I cannot recommend it enough."
Maria Gancheva, Ukraine, BA (Hons) Creative and Professional Writing
Meet your representative
Dawn Edwards
Dawn Edwards, Regional Manager of The Americas, EU and Oceania,
Dawn Edwards is our Regional Recruitment Manager for Americas, Oceania and EU at the University of East London and she completed her degree here at the University. Watch the introduction video to find out more about the University and how you can be supported throughout your student journey to UEL.