About eduroam
The eduroam service provides internet access not only in UEL but in academic institutions across the UK and in many countries around the world with the same UEL username and password. For information about eduroam, visit the eduroam website.
The wireless network that you should use to connect laptops, tablets and phones is 'eduroam'.
Staff and Student Wi-Fi: eduroam
eduroam Wi-Fi allows all UEL staff and enrolled students to connect personal devices while on campus. The eduroam network is fast and secure, and it can manage large numbers of users at one time. eduroam Wi-Fi should be the first choice for UEL students, and staff using mobile devices. All teaching and learning content can be accessed using eduroam, along with everyday personal access, such as email, social media and internet browsing.
Connecting to Eduroam
On a mobile device, install the geteduroam app from your app store and log in using your UEL username and password in the following format: username@uel.ac.uk, e.g. u1234567@uel.ac.uk.
On a laptop, connect to the ‘eduroam’ network in your Wi-Fi settings and sign in as above. If you experience any difficulty connecting, use eduroam’s configuration assistant tool (CAT) installer and follow the steps for your device. You can download this from eduroam.
If you're on a different university's campus
If you set up your device to connect here at UEL, it will automatically connect you whenever you are in an area served by eduroam.
Visitors to any participating institution must abide by the local IT regulations.
Guidelines when using Eduroam at UEL
If you download or share copyright material, or access inappropriate material, this will lead to the loss of computing privileges and possible disciplinary action. If you want to read more about IT policies, please read our Information Security Policy.
Other Wi-Fi provisions at UEL
Guest Wi-Fi: The Cloud
The Cloud guest Wi-Fi provides visitors to the University with the opportunity to connect to the internet. It is primarily provided for guests who do not have access to the eduroam network. The available capacity in The Cloud is significantly smaller than the eduroam network and, while it is sufficient for guest use, UEL staff and students should not use The Cloud as any additional bandwidth used may result in poor performance for our guests.
Student Accommodation Wi-Fi: Glide
The Glide network is provided in our student accommodation. This includes wired and wireless options and provides capacity for social activities such as streaming services.