Roberto Reid
Lecturer E-Sports
Sports governance, Gender dynamics within Esports engagement
Department of Tourism, Hospitality & Events Management , School Of Health, Sport And Bioscience
Roberto started working at UEL in 2020 and is a lecturer in Sport Management at the Institute of Hospitality and Tourism (IoHT). His research interests include e-sports fandom and the application of blockchain technologies in e-sports and the wider world of sports. Roberto is in the final stages of completing his doctoral studies at UEL which focuses on the barriers to participation amongst recreational and elite e-sports participants.
He is a Fellow (FHEA) of Advance HE. Roberto's 13-plus years’ of experience as a sports and media consultant, includes organising and managing a variety of sporting events within the world of combat sports. This has seen him travel the world and help facilitate events such as the world's biggest amateur MMA tournament, and the 2016 IMMAF world championships in Las Vegas.
- MSc in Sport Management
- Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PG Cert HE)
Areas Of Interest
Roberto’s doctoral research focuses on the barriers to participation amongst recreational and elite e-sports participants. His other research interests include an exploration of e-sports fandom and the application of blockchain technologies in e-sports and the wider world of sports.
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