Dr Paola Falugi
Senior Lecturer
Department of Engineering & Construction , School Of Architecture, Computing And Engineering
Areas Of Interest
- Predictive control strategies under uncertainty
- Data-driven modelling for control and design
- System modelling
- Optimisation methods for large-scale expansion planning problems of energy networks
- Energy management systems under uncertainty
Paola is a Senior Lecturer in Electro-Mechanical Engineering at the University of East London and an honorary visiting researcher at Imperial College London, delivering modules on the design of mechatronics systems of microcontrollers, Automation and Robotics, Microcontrollers for Industrial Applications, Robotic Construction and Integrative technologies and Electrical Automotive Engineering Practice. She also covers the role of programme leader for BEng Mechatronics Engineering, BEng Mechatronics and Computer Systems Engineering, and BEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
She has expertise in data-driven modelling for control, predictive control strategies under uncertainty, system modelling, energy management systems under uncertainty and developing and applying optimisation methods based on decomposition techniques for large-scale expansion planning problems of energy networks.
Journal papers pre-2020 and book chapters
- DQ Mayne, P Falugi, “Stabilizing conditions for model predictive control”, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 29, pp. 894-903, 2019.
- P. Falugi, I. Konstantelos, G. Strbac G, “Planning with Multiple Transmission and Storage Investment Options under Uncertainty: A Nested Decomposition Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 33, pp. 3559-3572, 2018.
- Mayne D, Falugi P, “Generalized Stabilizing Conditions for Model Predictive Control”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications”, vol. 169, pp. 719-734, 2016.
- P. Falugi, “Model predictive control for tracking randomly varying references”, International Journal of Control, vol. 88, pp. 745-753, 2015.
- P. Falugi, D. Q. Mayne, “Getting robustness against unstructured uncertainty: a tube-based MPC approach”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 59, pp. 1290-1295, 2014.
- P. Falugi, P. A. Kountouriotis, R. B. Vinter, “Controllers that Confine a System to a Safe Region in the State Space”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 57, pp. 2778-2788, 2012.
- D. Q. Mayne, E. C. Kerrigan, E.J. Van Wyk and P. Falugi, “Tube-based robust nonlinear model predictive control”, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 21, Issue 11, pp. 1341-1353, 2011.
- P. Falugi, S. Olaru and D. Dumur, “Multi-model predictive control based on LMI: from the adaptation of the state-space model to the analytic description of the control law”, International Journal of Control, vol. 83, pp. 1548 -1563, 2010.
- P. Falugi, S. Olaru and D. Dumur, “Robust multi-model predictive control using LMIs”, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, vol. 8(1), pp. 169-175, 2010.
- P. Falugi and L. Giarré, “Identification and Validation of Quasi-species models for Biological Systems”, Systems & Control Letters, vol. 58, pp. 529-539, 2009.
- G. Bianchini, P. Falugi, A. Tesi, A. Vicino, “A convex lower bound for the real l2 parametric stability margin of linear control systems with restricted complexity controllers”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 52, Issue 3, pp. 514-520, 2007.
- L. Chisci and P. Falugi, “Asymptotic tracking for constrained monotone systems”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 51, Issue 5, pp. 873-879, 2006.
- L. Giarré, D. Bauso, P. Falugi and B. Bamieh, “LPV model identification for gain scheduling control: An application to rotating stall and surge control problem”, Control Engineering Practice, vol. 14, pp.351-361, 2006.
- P. Falugi, L. Giarré and G. Zappa, “Approximation of the Feasible Parameter Set in worst-case identification of Hammerstein models”, Automatica, vol. 41, pp. 1017-1024, 2005.
- L. Chisci, P. Falugi, Discussion on “Improved MPC Design based on Saturating Control Laws” n.2, European Journal of Control, vol. 11, pp. 123-126, 2005.
- L. Chisci, P. Falugi, and G. Zappa, “Predictive tracking control of constrained nonlinear systems”, IEE Control Theory and Applications, vol 152, Issue 3, pp. 309-316, 2005.
- L. Chisci, P. Falugi and G. Zappa, “Gain-scheduling MPC control of nonlinear systems”, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 13, pp. 295-308, 2003.
- L. Chisci, P. Falugi, G. Zappa, “Receding-horizon control of constrained uncertain linear systems with disturbances”, Kybernetika, vol. 38, n.2, pp. 169-185, 2002.
Book chapters
- P. Falugi, E. O’Dwyer, M. A. Zagorowska, E. Atam, E. C. Kerrigan, G. Strbac, N. Shah, “MPC and optimal design of residential buildings with seasonal storage: A case study”, Active Building Energy Systems: Operation and Control, In press, Springer, 2021.
- E. O’Dwyer, E. Atam, P. Falugi, E. C. Kerrigan, M. A. Zagorowska and N. Shah, A modelling workflow for predictive control in residential buildings, Active Building Energy Systems: Operation and Control, In press, Springer, 2021.
- L. Giarré, P. Falugi and R. Badalamenti, “Hybrid LPV Modeling and Identification”, in Linear Parameter-Varying System Identification, New Developments and Trends, Advanced Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering, pp. 11-39, 2011. Edited by P. L. dos Santos, T. P. A. Perdicoul, C. Novara, J. A. Ramos and Daniel E Rivera.
- P. Falugi, L. Giarré, L. Chisci, G. Zappa, “LPV predictive control of the stall and surge for jet engine”, in Periodic Control Systems-2001, pp. 31-36, Elsevier, 2002. Edited by S. Bittanti, P. Colaneri.
Conference papers
- E. O’Dwyer, P. Falugi, N. Shah and E. C. Kerrigan, “Automating the data-driven predictive control design process for building thermal management”, The 35th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, 2022.
- L. Nita, E. M. G. Vila, M. Zagorowska, E. Kerrigan, Y. Nie, I. McInerney, P. Falugi, “Fast and accurate method for computing non-smooth solutions to constrained control problems”, European Control Conference, Publisher: IEEE, 2022.
- P. Falugi, E. O'Dwyer, E. C. Kerrigan, E. Atam, M. A. Zagorowska, G. Strbac, N. Shah, "Predictive control co-design for enhancing flexibility in residential housing battery degradation", 7th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, 2021.
- P. Falugi, I. Konstantelos, G. Strbac, Application of Novel Nested Decomposition Techniques to Long-Term Planning Problems, 19th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), Publisher: IEEE, 2017.
- P. Falugi, “Model predictive control: a passive scheme”, Proc. of 19th IFAC World Congress, pp. 1017 -1022, 2014.
- A. Boccia, P. Falugi, H. Maurer, R. B. Vinter, “Free time optimal control problems with time delays”, Proc. 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2013.
- P. Falugi and D. Q. Mayne, “Tracking a periodic reference using nonlinear model predictive control”, Proc. 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2013.
- P. Falugi and D. Q. Mayne, “Model predictive control for tracking random references”, Proc. of the European Control Conference, 2013.
- P. Falugi and D. Q. Mayne, “Tracking performance of model predictive control”, Proc. 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 2631 - 2636, 2012.
- P. Falugi and D. Q. Mayne, “Tube-based model predictive control for nonlinear systems with unstructured uncertainty”, 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 2656-2661, 2011.
- D. Q. Mayne, E. C. Kerrigan, P. Falugi, “Robust model predictive control: advantages and disadvantages of tube-based methods”, 18th IFAC World Congress, pp. 191-196, 2011.
- P. Falugi, S. Olaru, D. Dumur, “Robust multi-model predictive control using LMIs”, Proc. of 17th IFAC World Congress, 2008.
- P. Falugi, S. Olaru, D. Dumur, “Explicit robust multi-model predictive control”, 16th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation Congress, France, pp 1868-1873, 2008.
- P. Falugi and L. Giarré, “Application of model quality evaluation to systems biology”, 3rd International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing, 2008.
- P. Falugi and L. Giarré, “Set Membership (In)Validation of nonlinear positive systems for biological systems”, Proc. of 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 2370-2375, 2006.
- P. Falugi and L. Giarré, “Identification of Replicator-Mutator models”, 14th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Ancona, Italy, June 28-30, 2006.
- P. Falugi and L. Giarré, “Parameter Bounded Estimation for Quasispecies models of Molecular Evolution”, Proc. of 14th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Newcastle, Australia, 2006.
- L. Chisci and P. Falugi, “Asymptotic tracking for state-constrained monotone systems”, Proc. 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference ECC, pp. 8300-8305, 2005.
- L. Chisci and P. Falugi, “Tracking control for constrained monotone systems”. Proc. of 16th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Praga, Repubblica Ceca, 2005.
- L. Chisci, P. Falugi and G. Zappa, “Set-point tracking for a class of constrained nonlinear systems with application to a CSTR”, Proc. of 42nd Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 3930-3935, 2003.
- L. Chisci, P. Falugi and G. Zappa, “Tracking of piecewise constant references for constrained nonlinear systems”, Proc. of the European Control Conference, Cambridge, UK, 2003.
- K. V. Ling, P. Falugi, J.M. Maciejowski, L. Chisci, “Robust Predictive Control of the Furuta Pendulum”, Proc. of 15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Barcelona, Spain, 2002.
- G. Bianchini, P. Falugi, A. Tesi, A. Vicino, “On the synthesis of restricted complexity controllers for uncertain plants with ellipsoidal perturbations”, Proc. of 40th Conf. on Decision and Control, Orlando, USA, pp. 1562-1567, 2001.
- P. Falugi, L. Giarré, L. Chisci, G. Zappa, “LPV predictive control of the stall and surge for jet engine”, Preprints of the IFAC Workshop on Periodic Control Systems - PSYCO, Cernobbio-Como, Italy, pp. 33-38, 2001.
- L. Chisci, P. Falugi, G. Zappa, “Predictive control for constrained LPV systems”, Proc. European Control Conference, Porto, Portugal, pp. 3074-3079, 2001.
- L. Chisci, P. Falugi, G. Zappa, “Predictive control for constrained systems polytopic uncertainty”, Proc. American Control Conference, Arlington, USA, pp. 3073-3078, 2001.
- G. Bianchini, P. Falugi, A. Tesi, A. Vicino, “Restricted complexity robust controllers for uncertain plants with rank one real perturbations”, Proc. of 37th Conf. on Decision and Control, Tampa, FL, pp. 1213-1218, 1998.
Browse past publications by year.
Full publications list
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- Machine Learning-Enhanced Benders Decomposition Approach for the Multi-Stage Stochastic Transmission Expansion Planning Problem Electric Power Systems Research. 237, p. Art. 110985. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsr.2024.110985
- An integrated planning framework for optimal power generation portfolio including frequency and reserve requirements IET Energy Systems Integration. 6 (4), pp. 545-564. https://doi.org/10.1049/esi2.12152
- Automatic scenario generation for efficient solution of robust optimal control problems International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 34 (2), pp. 1370-1396. https://doi.org/10.1002/rnc.7038
- A Modelling Workflow for Predictive Control in Residential Buildings in: Vahidinasab, V. and Mohammadi-Ivatloo, B. (ed.) Active Building Energy Systems: Operation and Control. Springer, Cham, pp.99-128
- MPC and Optimal Design of Residential Buildings with Seasonal Storage: A Case Study in: Vahidinasab, V. and Mohammadi-Ivatloo, B. (ed.) Active Building Energy Systems: Operation and Control. Springer, Cham, pp.129-160
- Data-Driven Predictive Control With Improved Performance Using Segmented Trajectories IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology . 31 (3), pp. 1355 - 1365. https://doi.org/10.1109/TCST.2022.3224330
- Long-Term Expansion Planning of the Transmission Network in India under Multi-Dimensional Uncertainty Energies. 14 (22), p. 7813. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14227813
- Robust and automatic data cleansing method for short-term load forecasting of distribution feeders Applied Energy. 261 (Art. 114405). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.114405