Mr Ian Richard Wells
Interim Director of Education & Experience
Psychology of Education
School of Childhood & Social Care , School of Childhood and Social Care
Ian Wells co-leads the Psychology of Education Research Group and runs the School's Level 4 module 'Thinking Like a Psychologist'.
Ian graduated from UEL with a first-class degree, having returned to education as a mature student. He remained at UEL to take up a teaching position and to conduct research for his PhD. In 2012 Ian was awarded a UEL Teaching Fellowship in recognition of his excellence in Learning Teaching and assessment, and in 2013 won the 'Most Innovative Lecturer' category in UEL's first Student-Led Teaching Awards.
Areas Of Interest
- Teaching and learning in higher education, both theoretically and in the application of new technologies
- The impact of Academic Behavioural Confidence on success in higher education
Ian co-leads the Psychology of Education Research Group and runs the School's Level 4 module 'Thinking Like a Psychologist'. The module reflects Ian's interest in the development of student's generic critical thinking skills. In 2012/12 Ian was awarded a UEL Teaching Fellowship for excellence in Learning, Teaching and Assessment, and in 2013 he was the inaugural winner of the 'Most Innovative Lecturer' category in UEL's Student-Led Teaching Awards . In 2016, Ian was again on the short-list of three for the 'Most Innovative Lecturer' category in UEL's Student-Led Teaching Awards, and received a Special Recognition Award.
Ian graduated from UEL with a first-class degree, having returned to education as a mature student. He remained at UEL to take up a teaching position and to conduct research for his PhD.
Ian's research interests are around teaching and learning in higher education, both theoretically and in the application of new technologies.
Ian's research focuses on linking educational practice to theory from cognitive psychology, with a particular interest in the facilitation and assessment of generic thinking skills. He also has broader interests in teaching and learning practice. This includes the development of multimedia animated tutorials to teach the use of SPSS and, more generally, the introduction of blended learning in teaching practice.
Ian is currently looking at the impact of Academic Behavioural Confidence on success in higher education
- Wells, I., Burton, B., & Burton, E. (2005). The OCR AS level examination as a means of assessing the critical thinking skills of undergraduate students: a pilot study. Psychology Learning and Teaching [PLAT2004 conference issue], 5(1), 32–36. doi:10.2304/plat.2005.5.1.32
- Wells, I., Burton, A., Burton, E., & Corcoran, D. (2007, May). The role of working memory capacity in critical thinking performance. Poster session presented at the APS Annual Convention, Washington D.C.
- Corcoran, D., & Wells, I. (2006, May). Screening large cohorts for potential dyslexia: a new direction from the UK. Poster session presented at the APS Annual Convention, New York.
- Wells, I., Burton, A., & Burton, E. (2006, May). The development of a cognitive model of critical thinking. Poster session presented at the APS Annual Convention, New York.
- Wells, I. (2004, August). Assessing student critical thinking: a United Kingdom perspective. Poster session presented at the APA annual convention, Honolulu.
- Corcoran, D., & Wells, I. (2005). Addressing learning difficulties. Paper presented at the APA Annual Convention, Washington D.C.
- Corcoran, D., & Wells, I. (2005). Supporting the needs of students with specific learning difficulties: an empirical investigation of dyslexia screening. Paper presented at the University of East London Teaching & Learning Conference, London.
- Corcoran, D. J., & Wells, I. (2005). Developing teaching and learning research by employing the empirical methods of cognitive psychology. Paper presented at the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning conference, City University, London.
- Wells, I., & Corcoran, D. (2005). Empowering academics to produce their own multimedia learning support materials. Paper presented at the University of East London Teaching & Learning Conference, London.
- Wells, I., Burton, B., & Burton, E. (2005). Assessing a fundamental employability skill: critical thinking. Paper presented at the University of East London Teaching & Learning Conference, London.
- Wells, I., Burton, B., & Burton, E. (2005). Integrating research and teaching. Paper presented at the APA Annual Convention, Washington D.C.
- Wells, I. (2004). The OCR AS level examination as a means of assessing the critical thinking skills of undergraduate students: a pilot. Paper presented at the Psychology Learning and Teaching Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.
- Poster Session: Corcoran, D., Attree, E., Rose, F. D., & Wells, I. (2007, May). Is imitation a developmental precursor to theory of mind and executive function? Poster session presented at the APS Annual Convention, Washington D.C.
Ian is currently in receipt of £2847 from the University's Learning Enhancement Opportunities Fund to research 'Developing free-standing critical thinking instructional materials', and £1189 from the Dean's Teaching Fund to research 'The application of new technologies to the teaching of large groups in HE'.
- PY4104: Thinking Like a Psychologist
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