Ian Wells

Mr Ian Richard Wells

Interim Director of Education & Experience

Psychology of Education

School of Childhood & Social Care , School of Childhood and Social Care

Ian Wells co-leads the Psychology of Education Research Group and runs the School's Level 4 module 'Thinking Like a Psychologist'.

Ian graduated from UEL with a first-class degree, having returned to education as a mature student. He remained at UEL to take up a teaching position and to conduct research for his PhD. In 2012 Ian was awarded a UEL Teaching Fellowship in recognition of his excellence in Learning Teaching and assessment, and in 2013 won the 'Most Innovative Lecturer' category in UEL's first Student-Led Teaching Awards.

Areas Of Interest

  • Teaching and learning in higher education, both theoretically and in the application of new technologies
  • The impact of Academic Behavioural Confidence on success in higher education


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