Dr Ameer Al-Nemrat
Reader in Cyber Security
Information security and computer forensics
Department of Engineering & Computing , School Of Architecture, Computing And Engineering
- PhD Investigation into Cybercrime Trends and Analysis/ Sep 2010/ UEL
- PGCert in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education/Sep 2009/ UEL
- PGCert Research/ Sep 2008/UEL
- MSC Computer Systems Auditing/ Sep 2006/ London Metropolitan University
- BCS BIS (Informatics, Management, and Statistics)/ Sep1991/Damascus University
Areas Of Interest
- Cyber security and digital forensics
- Chip-off reverse engineering
Dr Ameer Al-Nemrat is a reader in cyber security at the School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering, University of East London; director of cyber security and AI Centre; and the director for the Professional Doctorate in Information Security and the MSc Information Security and Computer Forensics programmes.
In addition, Ameer is the founder and the director of the Chip Forensics Reverse Engineering & The Electronic Evidence Laboratories, where he works closely with law and policy makers, and national and international agencies, on cyber security research projects.
Dr Ameer Al-Nemrat's research in cyber security and digital forensics has had considerable impact on public and industry practice at national and international level. He was personally involved in the professionalisation of initial police training in Africa, South America, and Middle East. His experience and opinion were directly required to advise and help to maintain international cyber security. He contributed, directly, to the public awareness and charitable organisations to sustain and secure online society and public.
Areas of Interest and Expertise
- Cyber criminal network analysis using data mining techniques
- Cybercrime prevention and detection
- Profiling cybercrime victims
- Digital forensics and steganography techniques
Recently Invited Keynote Speaker talks
- Building Cyber Threat Intelligence programme - Albanian Ministry of Defence - 31 May 2022
- The regional summit: Cyber Diplomacy and Governance: Opportunities, Challenges and ways forward for Arab countries. Dead Sea - Jordan. Organised by Chatham House UK & Jordan in Ministry for Foreign Affairs - 17 May 2022
- The 2nd Annual Changing Landscape of Cybersecurity in the Public Sector Event – Organised by The Institute Of Government and Public Policy - Kia Oval - London - 24 March 2022
- FINCRIME GLOBAL | GRC World Forum - How the explosion in ecommerce created multiple new opportunities for Fraudsters, and what are the key risk signs compliance professionals should look for - 24 Jan 2022
- Fraud & Loss prevention - Digital Forensics: Collecting Data in a virtual Environment - CRC World Forums - 8 Dec 2021
- Kaspersky - Academic Summit - Athens - 24 - 25 Nov 2021
- SOPHEX - AI & Digital Transformation Security summit - Dead Sea - Jordan - Oct 2021
- Cyber Security in FinTech - FinTech Global - London - 28 Sep 2021.
- Cyber Security in Health Care - Invited by the Institute of Government and Public Policy - London 24 Sep 2021
- Impact of Covid-19 on Cyber Security from research perspectives - JUST University - Jordan, 2021
- Digital Forensics investigation in the 5G era - Saudi Telecom, 2021
- Covid-19 impact on the rise of cyber- attacks on citizens - Arab Law Ambassadors Organisation - Amman, 2020
- 2nd Cyber Security and Digital Transformation/ Amman, 2019
- 4th ISDF conference - Thessaloniki/Greece Dec - K2018
- Portugal ISO2701 Technical Committee - Oct 2018
- 13th International Symposium in Programming and Systems, ISPS 2018.
- National Computer Security Conference - Angola - May 2016
- National Security & Resilience Exhibition - Abu Dhabi - March 2016
- Brazilian Law Enforcement for Cyber Security Meeting - Sao Paolo - Oct 2015
- 13th Security Meeting summit "Crisis Management, Computer Forensics, Surveillance, ID Theft & Espionage", Lisbon, November 2014.
- The 3rd Forum on Total Quality in Public Security, Hail, Saudi, 24-26 Feb, 2014.
- Workshop on Cyber Crime at ARC Centre for Excellence in Policing and Security, Regulatory Institutions Network, National Australian University, Canberra, Australia. 7 Nov 2013
- The 2nd Forum on Total Quality in Public Security, Jeddah, Saudi, 10-12 Sep, 2012.
Guest Editor
- International Journal of Wireless Information Networks: Future of Wireless Communication and 6G Networks 2021 International Journal of Wireless Information Networks | Call for papers: future of wireless communication and 6G networks (springer.com)
- International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing - 2021 Special Issue on Blockchain Security for Cognitive Cloud Computing (worldscientific.com)
- Wireless Personal Communications An International Journal: Natural and Bio-Inspired Algorithms for Secure Wireless Communication - 2021
Wireless Personal Communications | Call for papers: natural and bio-inspired algorithms for secure wireless communication (springer.com) - International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics: Special Issue on: "Security and Privacy Concerns on Electronic Health Records" - 2021 International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics (IJMEI) Call for Papers - Inderscience Publishers - linking academia, business and industry through research
- The Special Issue of Information Technology and Management on "Privacy Preserving Techniques for Big Data Analytics: Challenges and Research Directions" - 2021 Information Technology and Management | Call for papers on privacy preserving techniques for big data analytics: challenges and research directions (springer.com)
- The special issue "Security and Privacy in Information and communication systems", Future Internet Journal - 2019.
- The special issue "Cyber Security in the connected world" - Int. J. Electronic Security and Digital Forensics, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2018
- Guest Editor for Special Issue "Developments in Cybercrime and Cybercrime Mitigation" Future Internet Journal
- Guest Editor for the special issue "Cybercrime Prevention, Detection & Response", International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics., ISSN (online) 1751-9128. Volume 5 (2), 2013
- Global Security, Safety, and Sustainability & e-Democracy, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST 99, Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Publish date: August 2012.
- "Issues in Cybercrime, Security and Digital Forensics", Edited by George S Weir & A. Al-Nemrat, University of Strathclyde Publishing in Glasgow 2012. ISBN: 978-0-947649-85-2.
- H. Jahankhani; A. Al-Nemrat; & A. Hussein-Far, "Cybercrime Classification and Characteristics", A. Babak, A. Staniforth, & F. Bosco, eds. "Cyber Crime and Cyber Terrorism Investigator's Handbook". Syngress, 2014.
Journal Papers
- Ford A., Al-Nemrat A., Quarashi S. A, Davidson J. 2022 "The Impact of GDPR Infringement Fines on the Market Value of Firms" in Information and Computer Security Journal - Sep 2022
- R Vinayakumar, M.Alazab, KP Soman, P. Poornachandran, A. Al-Nemrat, S. Venkatraman "Deep Learning Approach for Intelligent Intrusion Detection System". IEEE Access Journal, vol (7) : 41525-41550. April 2019
- Mumina Uddin, Shareeful Islam, A. Al-Nemrat "A Dynamic Access Control Model Using Authorising Workflow and Task-Role-Based Access Control". IEEE Access Journal, Vol (7) : 166676-166689. Oct 2019.
- Solomon H Ebenuwa, Mhd Saeed Sharif, Ameer Al-Nemrat "Variance Ranking for Multi-Classed Imbalanced Datasets: A case Study of One-Versus-All". Symmetry Journal, Vol (11), issue (12): 1504. Dec 2019.
- Alifa Aida Abdulrahman; A. Al-Nemrat & D. S. Preston "Sustainability in Information Systems Auditing". European Scientific Journal, Vol (3), ISSN: 1857 - 7431 (Online). European Scientific Institute, ESI 2014.
- Benzaid C.; Lounis K.; Al-Nemrat A.; Badache N.; Alazab M. "Accelerated vBNN-IBS in Wireless Sensor Networks". Special Issue on "Trust, Security and Privacy in Emerging Distributed Systems”, in Future Generation Computer System Journal. 2014.
- Mukhtar, Rabiu, et al. "Analysis of firewall log-based detection scenarios for evidence in digital forensics." International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics 4.4 (2012): 261-279.
- Alavi, R.; Shareeful I.; Jahankhani H.; and Al-Nemrat. A "Analyzing Human Factors for an Effective Information Security Management System," International Journal of Secure Software Engineering (IJSSE) 4 (2013): 1, accessed (November 05, 2013), doi:10.4018/jsse.2013010104.
- A. Taweel, U. Naeem, M. Montebello, R. Bashroush and A. Al-Nemrat, Integration Operators for Generating RDF/OWL-Based User Defined Mediator Views in a Grid Environment, in Journal of Intelligent Information Systems.
Conference Papers & Book Chapters
- Adrian Ford, Al-Nemrat A., Seyed Ali Ghorashi, Julia Davidson "The Impact of GDPR Infringement Fines on the Market Value of Firms". ECCWS 2021-Proceeding of the 20th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security. Pages 473-481
- Adrian Ford, Al-Nemrat A., Seyed Ali Ghorashi, Julia Davidson "The Impact of Data Breach Announcements on Companies value in European Market". WEIS 2021: The 20th Annual Workshop on the Economics of Information Security.
- Newman B. & Al-Nemrat A. "Making the Internet of Things sustainable: An Evidence Based Practical Approach" in the edited book “Digital Forensics Investigation of Internet of Things (IoT) Devices, Springer, Page: 255-285, 2021
- Ebenuwa S. Al-Nemrat A. , et. al , 2019 "Variance ranking for multi-classed imbalance datasets: A case study of One-Versus-All". Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
- Al- Ali A. A. H., Al-Nemrat A., "Cyber Victimisation: UEA as a case study", in the proceeding of the Cybersecurity and Cyberforensics Conference (CCC 2017). IEEE, pp. 19-24. 2017
- Balaji R. J. R., Baravalle A., Al-Nemrat A., Falcarin P., "Content Discovery Advertisements: An Explorative Analysis". International Conference on Global Security, Safety, and Sustainability.pp.134-143, 2017, Springer.
- Bounouh T., Brahimi Z., Al-Nemrat A., Benzaid C., "A scalable Malware Classification Based On Integrated Static and Dynamic Features". International Conference on Global Security, Safety, and Sustainability. Pp. 113 -124. 2017, Springer.
- Sarantinos N., Benzaid C., Arbiat O., Al-Nemrat A., "Forensics Malware Analysis: The value of Fuzzy Hashing Algorithms in Identifying Similarities. Trustcom/BigDataSE/ I SPA, 2016 IEEE, pp. 1782-1787. Tianjin, China.
- Outaka RI., Edoh AA., Al-Nemrat A., "A novel Semantic Framework for Cloud Service Ranking and Adoption" in the proceeding of the 3rd ISDF conference. Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Bendovschi A., Al-Nemrat A., "Security countermeasures in the cyber-world". IEEE Conference on Cybercrime and computer Forensics (ICCCF). Pp. 1-7, 2016. Vancouver, Canada.
- C Benzaïd, A Boulgheraif, FZ Dahmane, A Al-Nemrat, "Intelligent detection of MAC spoofing attack in 802.11 network", Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, ACM publication, 2016.
- C Moore, A Al-Nemrat, "An Analysis of Honeypot Programs and the Attack Data Collected", Global Security, Safety and Sustainability ICGS3. The series Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer 2015.
- Mumina Uddin & A.Al-Nemrat, "Is the Security Bubble Within the Banking Sector about to BURST", The 6th International Conference on Information Security and Cyber Forensics (InfoSec2014), Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia, 2014. SDWIC publication
- Sarantinos, Nikolaos; Al-Nemrat, Ameer; Naeem, Usman, "Statistical Sampling Approach to Investigate Child Pornography Cases," Cybercrime and Trustworthy Computing Workshop (CTC), 2013 Fourth, vol., no., pp.22,29, 21-22 Nov. 2013; doi: 10.1109/CTC.2013.14.
- Aiash, M.; Al-Nemrat A.; and Preston D.; "Securing address registration in location/ID split protocol using ID-based cryptography." (2013). Wired/Wireless Internet Communication, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7889, 2013, pp 129-139.
- Alazab, M., Al-Nemrat, A., Al Kadiri, M., & Venkatraman, S. (2012, October). Malicious Code Detection Using Penalized Splines on OPcode Frequency. In Cybercrime and Trustworthy Computing, Workshop (pp. 38-47).
- F. Amuchie; A. Al-Nemrat; M. Alazab; R. Layton. "Identifying Cyber Predators through Forensic Authorship Analysis of Chat Logs." 2012 Third Cybercrime and Trustworthy Computing Workshop. IEEE, 2012.
- C. Benziad; S. Medjadba; A. Al-Nemrat; and N. Badache, "Accelerated Verification of an ID-based Signature Scheme for Broadcast Authentication in Wireless Sensor Networks". CSE"12 Proceeding of the 2012 IEEE 15th International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering. Page 633-639, IEEE Computer Society Washington, DC, USA ©️ 2012.
- CN7019 Digital Forensics (MSc)
- CN6107 Computer and Network Security (BSc)
Browse past publications by year.
Full publications list
Visit the research repository to view a full list of publications
- Variance Ranking for Multi-Classed Imbalanced Datasets: A Case Study of One-Versus-All Symmetry. 11 (Art. 1504). https://doi.org/10.3390/sym11121504
- A Dynamic Access Control Model Using Authorising Workflow and Task-Role-Based Access Control IEEE Access. 7 (Art. 166676). https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2947377
- Variance Ranking Attributes Selection Techniques for Binary Classification Problem in Imbalance Data IEEE Access. 7, pp. 24649-24666. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2899578
- Deep Learning Approach for Intelligent Intrusion Detection System IEEE Access. 7, pp. 41525-41550. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2895334
- Content Discovery Advertisements: An Explorative Analysis in: Jahankhani, Hamid, Carlile, Alex, Emmett, David, Hosseinian-Far, Amin, Brown, Guy, Sexton, Graham and Jamal, Arshad (ed.) Global Security, Safety and Sustainability - The Security Challenges of the Connected World. Springer Verlag
- Forensic Malware Analysis: The Value of Fuzzy Hashing Algorithms in Identifying Similarities 2016 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA. IEEE, pp.1782-1787
- Intelligent Detection of MAC Spoofing Attack in 802.11 Network Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
- Security countermeasures in the cyber-world 2016 IEEE International Conference on Cybercrime and Computer Forensic (ICCCF). IEEE, pp.1-7
- Measuring sustainability for an effective Information System audit from public organization perspective Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS), 2015 IEEE 9th International Conference on. IEEE, pp.42-51
- An Analysis of Honeypot Programs and the Attack Data Collected in: Jahankhani, Hamid, Carlile, Alex, Akhgar, Babak, Taal, Amie, Hessami, Ali G. and Hosseinian-Far, Amin (ed.) Global Security, Safety and Sustainability: Tomorrow's Challenges of Cyber Security. Springer International Publishing
- ARP cache poisoning mitigation and forensics investigation 2015 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA. IEEE, pp.1392-1397
- Cybercrime Profiling: Decision-Tree Induction, Examining Perceptions of Internet Risk and Cybercrime Victimisation 2015 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA. IEEE, pp.1380-1385