Unconditional Offers
Unconditional Offers
Why have I been made an unconditional offer?
We make unconditional offers in cases where, through your application, you are able to demonstrate your potential and motivation to excel through your chosen degree course. It's important that you continue to focus on doing your best in your examinations and coursework, as many graduate schemes and employers will look at student achievements at GCSE and A Level/BTEC in additional to their degree classification when deciding who to hire.
Accepting your unconditional offer
To help you decide if UEL is the right university, we invite you to attend one of our Offer Holder Days, where you will have the opportunity to experience life as a student at UEL, and take part in a taster session and get the chance to spend time with staff and students.
You can track the progress of your application and reply to offers online via UCAS Hub. You will need to wait until you have received a decision from all of our choices before you can reply. Once you have received decisions from all of your choices, your UCAS Hub account will be updated to show your reply deadline. For most applicants, this will be in May/June.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is UEL offering unconditional offers?
Year 13 is already very stressful - we want to remove the additional pressure of securing a university place based on performance in Year 13 only. We also want to help applicants with the transition to higher education - with an early guaranteed place, so that you can start to make definite plans around funding and accommodation well in advance.
Who qualifies for unconditional offers?
Applicants with a very strong academic profile who are highly motivated to study will be offered the unconditional offer. This means we may take into consideration such strengths as an outstanding interview or portfolio (for relevant courses), performance at Level 2/GCSEs, strong predicted Level 3 grades, or a glowing reference from those who know the applicant best - your current tutors/teachers.
Your personal statement is also exceptionally important, it shows motivation and understanding of the study demands of higher education generally, and particularly the programme offered at UEL and the subject you wish to study.
What would happen if I do not achieve/pass my Level 3 qualifications?
As we are offering this to only the strongest applicants who have already demonstrated their academic ability at Level 2 and have a solid recommendation from your tutors, this is unlikely to happen.
If it does happen, however, something exceptional may have occurred, which does not necessarily detract from your overall ability to succeed in higher education.
As you have already been offered an unconditional place, your place is guaranteed and you will still be admitted to UEL.
In such circumstances, we would refer you to the wide range of study skills support that we have for students to ensure that you feel confident and equipped to perform well in your degree.
Should I still keep trying in my examinations?
An unconditional offer means that we are confident that you demonstrated that you have the requisite motivation and academic profile to succeed at UEL. It does not mean that Level 3 qualifications are not important.
While we are looking at the academic profile below Level 3, employers also will look your whole academic history and strength at all levels; not just your most recent degree study.
It is important that you make every effort to do your best in your Level 3 exams and assessments - these will be on your CV for life.