What is enrolment?
When starting university or returning for a new academic session, you will need to complete enrolment.
Enrolment involves confirmation of your details, paying your tuition fees, and agreeing to the terms and conditions for your course of study.
Enrolment is a critical step whether you’re a new or returning student starting a new academic year of study.
If you fail to complete your enrolment you risk losing your place on your course.
Your invite to enrol is in your inbox
If you’re a new student, you will be invited to complete enrolment and will receive an email to the email address you used on your application. This email will ask you to set up your student account and will include a temporary password. Once you have completed this step, you can complete enrolment.
If you’re a returning student progressing to the next academic year, you will receive an invite to re-enrol for your next academic session when you are eligible to do so. This email will be sent to your UEL student email account, so please check regularly.
Help with enrolment
If you experience difficulties with enrolment please visit the Student Hub in person.
Alternatively, check our Getting Started FAQs, contact the Student Hub by logging your enquiry on MyPortal (using your UEL log-in details), or call us on +44 (0)20 8223 4444 Monday-Thursday 9am – 4.45pm and Friday 9am-3.45pm.
Let's get you enrolled
Look out for your invite to enrol and set up your account
ShowOnce you have your invite to enrol, you will need to log on to your UEL account. If you’re a new student, you will receive a temporary password and will be asked to choose a new password before you can complete enrolment.
When choosing your new password, please make sure it has:
- at least 8 characters
- a mix of upper and lower case
- at least one number OR special character such as #
If you need help, watch our step-by-step video or visit our password information page to see how to reset your password and log in for the first time. If you’re a returning student please use your existing student account details, or if you have forgotten them, you can reset your password.
Not received your invite to enrol? Don’t forget to check your junk emails and add these email addresses to your safe senders list:
Complete online enrolment
ShowOnce you have logged in to UEL Direct, click on the enrolment button on the homepage to begin enrolment.
- To move through each section, click 'Save and proceed'
- To move back a stage, click 'Back'
- Fields marked with [*] are compulsory.
- You can click the [?] symbol at any point for more details about a particular field.
Set up additional security
ShowAfter you have enrolled, you will need to set up something called Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to continue accessing our online services.
What next?
If you’re a new student, once you have completed online enrolment, check our starting checklist and complete all the actions, including checking your course induction information.
If you’re a new international student, please also check out this list of things to do before you arrive.
If you are a returning student, please familiarise yourself with the reorientation information in readiness for the start of term.
Download the UEL app
Visit the Apple Store or Google Play Store to download the Track My Future UEL app. The app gives you access to everything you need to succeed in your studies, from getting started (including enrolment), accessing your emails, timetable, all the latest student news, library services and more.
Get acquainted with your mobile UEL experience today.
Additional information for international students
If you're an international student, you may need to make a tuition fee payment or provide proof of funding or sponsorship to complete online enrolment. Please follow the guidance provided within UEL Direct.
Completing the Right to Study Check
You will need to complete the Right to Study check which can be found in the 'My Task' section within UEL Direct.
For further information please refer to our Right to Study page.