Subject Knowledge Enhancement programmes
SKE courses are available to those who would like to train to teach a variety of Secondary subjects, including;
- Maths
- English
- All sciences
- RE
- DT
- Spanish
- Computing
If you feel you have the potential to be an excellent secondary specialist teacher but that you don't have the right degree to teach a certain subject, our SKE programmes are designed to give you the depth of knowledge you'll need to teach your chosen subject.
Our flexible programmes last up to 24 weeks and are aimed at those who have already been offered a conditional place on a postgraduate initial teacher training (ITT) course, subject to completion of an SKE programme. As a minimum, our SKE programmes are the equivalent of eight weeks' full-time study. Some are longer depending on whether you need to top up your subject knowledge or need something more in-depth.
Depending on the individual programme, you can study all in one go as a full-time programme, or spread your studies over a longer period part-time, possibly through blended learning, evening sessions or weekends. There is also the option of parallel delivery when an SKE programme can't be completed before your teacher training is due to start.
Upon successful completion of the course, you will continue on to Initial Teacher Training at UEL or another training provider.
You should first apply to an ITT course and receive a Conditional offer. If you qualify for Home fees and meet specific criteria concerning your degree, you may be eligible for a bursary and therefore not have to pay for SKE.
SKE funding updates from April 2024
Department for Education has recently confirmed an important change to the SKE bursaries for the remainder of the 2023/24 academic year. From April 2024 onwards SKE provision will be focused on the five subjects with the greatest sufficiency challenges, and the SKE bursary will only be available for eligible participants in the following five secondary subjects; mathematics, physics, chemistry, computing and MFL.
Funding for candidates who have already received an ITT offer for September 2024 prior to this April update, with SKE as the condition for primary mathematics, biology, D&T, English and R.E. will be honoured where eligibility criteria is met.
How do I apply for the SKE bursary?
Please note we are unable to accept further applications for the SKE bursary as we have reached our funding allocation limit for academic year 2023/24.
2024/25 academic year SKE trainees: updated information and bursary application form will be available here from mid-January 2025.
Subjects and courses available in 2023/24
- Chemistry (24 weeks)
- Chemistry (16 weeks)
- Chemistry (8 weeks)
- Design and Technology (8 weeks)
- Physics (24 weeks)
- Physics (16 weeks)
- Physics (8 weeks)
- Spanish (8 weeks)
- English (20 weeks)
- English (12 weeks)
- English (8 weeks)
- Computing (12 weeks)
- Computing (8 weeks)
- Biology
- Religious Studies
Please apply for the subject and course duration you require to meet the conditions of your ITT offer. Your application will be processed for the next available start date and you will receive an offer lettering confirming the start date.
More courses will be available to apply for in the coming weeks. Please check back to this page to find your course if it's not already listed here.