Instructions for Authors
Instructions for Authors
Manuscript Submission Guidelines
Papers must be written in English and avoid discriminatory language. They should be aimed at an international audience, using a clear style, avoiding jargon. Acronyms, abbreviations and technical terms should be defined when first used. UK spellings are preferred. If notes are essential, only use endnotes. Do not indent at the start of a new paragraph; instead, leave one line between each paragraph, and at least two lines between each (sub)section and the next.
Each manuscript should contain:
- A full title (and optionally a subtitle).
- An abstract, overview or synopsis of 100–150 words.
- Up to six keywords.
Papers should be between 1,500 and 5,000 words, excluding references. The text should be clearly organised, with a clear hierarchy of headings and subheadings. The text should be written in 11-pt Arial font.
Tables must be numbered consecutively and typed on separate pages at the end of the article, with no more than one table per page. Tables presented as embedded images or image files are not acceptable. The approximate positioning of tables in the text must be indicated by words such as 'TABLE 1 ABOUT HERE'; they should be referred to in the text by table number only without any reference to the relative position of the table (e.g., 'See Table 1' never 'See table below' or even 'See Table 1 below'). Column and row headers must be clear and succinct.
Each table should have a short descriptive title, with an appropriate acknowledgement of source if necessary, placed above the table; if there are notes, these should appear as footnotes to the table.
All line illustrations, graphs, diagrams, and other images are termed 'Figures' and should be referred to as such in the typescript. They should be numbered consecutively and presented in a form suitable for immediate reproduction (i.e., not requiring redrawing), each on a separate page. Their approximate positioning in the text must be indicated by words such as 'FIGURE 1 ABOUT HERE'; they should be referred to in the text by figure number only without any reference to the relative position of the figure (e.g., 'See Figure 1' never 'See figure below' or even 'See Figure 1 below').
Each figure should have a short descriptive title, with an appropriate acknowledgement of source if necessary, placed below the figure.
- APA (7th edition) referencing must be used.
- Every citation should have a reference and every reference should be cited.
- Do not use bold or underlining in references. Provide translations for non-English titles in the references.
Multimedia Content
EPRaP accepts multimedia submissions, including videos and podcasts. Please contact the Editor for further information including technical guidance.
- Acknowledgements: please include any acknowledgements, for example thanking participants for their contribution to the research.
- Funding: please state any sources of funding for the research/paper.
- Disclosure: please state whether there are any competing interests relevant to the paper.
Material Subject to Third-Party Copyright
Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders to reproduce any figures, reproduce or adapt tables, quote lengthy passages of text or reproduce multimedia content. Articles cannot be published until all necessary copyright permissions have been obtained.
The copyright terms applied to published content are separate from the copyright terms of the website.