University of East London Scholarship Scheme – 2025/26 Entry
Terms and Conditions
What is the University of East London Scholarship Scheme?
1. The UEL Scholarship Scheme is an umbrella term for the following scholarships, which target academic excellence, financial need, and a commitment to UEL’s values.
Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship £9,535 per year (to a maximum of 3 years)
Dean’s Scholarship £4,500 per year (to a maximum of 3 years)
Scholarships are merit-based and are open to applicants who meet the criteria outlined in section 2.
2. Students will only be able to apply for an award if they meet all the following criteria:
- Starting an undergraduate degree for the first time at UEL in September 2025 / January 2026
- Firmly accept their offer within 3 weeks of the offer date
- Fee assessed as a home/EU student paying full-time fees of £9,250 per year
- Starting an undergraduate degree at foundation year 0 or year 1
- Studying at one of our campuses or on distance learning programmes with tuition fees of £9,535 per year.
If you do not meet the above criteria, please do not apply. Your application will not be considered.
Excludes those studying:
- With a collaborative partner
- On our YourWay programme
- Via online or distance learning with fees under £9,535
- In receipt of NHS funding
In addition, successful Social Work students will receive the scholarship award in their first year of study only.
Application process
1. An application form is available on our website and students who meet the criteria above will automatically be invited to apply for our scholarship scheme. Decisions will be based on the quality of the student’s application. Applications will be assessed internally by the relevant member of staff. All decisions are final.
2. UEL may invite shortlisted applicants to give a presentation in person before making final award decisions.
3. UEL will notify successful students of the provisional outcome four to six weeks after the deadline for applications. The scholarship will be confirmed once you have firmly accepted your place and enrolled in September 2025 (Or enrolling for January 2026). All communications will be sent by email.
4. There are a limited number of scholarships available. Students will be awarded based on the strength of their application. UEL is under no obligation to award all scholarships, should the quality of the applications be insufficient.
5. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
6. Successful students will only be allowed to hold one scholarship.
7. Due to the large number of students applying to study at UEL it will not be possible for students to request individual feedback.
Payment details
8. Successful students can decide whether they would prefer the scholarship as a tuition fee waiver or as a cash payment into their chosen bank account. Students will be invited to choose an option every year.
9. Fee waivers will be applied to student’s tuition fees before enrolling.
10. Students should expect to receive their cash award via BACS after the fourth week of teaching at UEL.
11. Payment of the scholarship will be made in two instalments. The second instalment will only be paid if students have committed fully to the conditions of admittance, UEL’s regulations including our attendance policy and the student code of conduct.
12. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure the bank details they provide to the University are correct. Incorrect bank details may cause delays in payment. If bank details have not been provided by the end of the first term, the award will be cancelled without further warning.
13. The scholarship payment will not be made if you have overdue debt to UEL, this includes not having Student Loans Company funding in place. Students have the option to have their scholarships transferred to cover/contribute to paying off the debt.
Future payments
14. Students will receive future payments under this scheme if they continue to progress and achieve an overall pass mark of 2:1 or above. In addition, successful Social Work students will receive the scholarship award in their first year of study only.
15. Students will be contacted by email with information on when to expect future payments in subsequent years. We estimate that payments will be made at the beginning of the academic year, after the first four weeks of teaching.
General terms and conditions
16. Payment will only be made once for each level of study, up to a maximum of three years. It will not be renewed or extended beyond this term to cover repeat modules.
17. If a student undertakes a degree that takes more than three years to complete, (e.g. through a placement year or by extended degree) they will only receive payment of the scholarship up to a maximum of three years. Placement year – payment of the scholarship will stop during this year and resume once the student returns to full-time study. Degrees with Foundation Year – successful students will receive payments in the foundation year, years one and two.
18. If an awarded student decides to change programmes, the student will be entitled to keep the scholarship provided that the new course and mode of study meet the eligibility criteria. All changes must be approved by the Director of Student Recruitment and Marketing.
19. If an awarded student decides to withdraw, the scholarship will terminate at the date of withdrawal. Any payments made to the student will not need to be returned.
20. The scholarship cannot be exchanged for an alternative award.
21. The scholarship should be used in the year advertised. If a student defers their start date, the scholarship may be deferred for a maximum of one year at the discretion of the Director of Student Recruitment and Marketing. If the student defers their start date for more than one year, they will no longer be eligible for the scholarship.
22. Once a period of study has commenced, should a scholarship holder suspend their studies through the proper channels, their scholarship is similarly suspended and will be recommenced on the resumption of studies.
23. If the student’s status changes during their study, as a result of information not being provided at the point of application, and the student becomes ineligible, UEL reserves the right to revoke the scholarship and claim back any payments incorrectly made to you.
24. The Alumni discount may not be held in conjunction with any other scholarships. If awarded, you will only be entitled to one scholarship, one bursary or an alumni discount, whichever is the highest to be deducted from your tuition fees due. Please see Fees Policy
25. If a student breaks UEL regulations and is withdrawn from study, the scholarship will be immediately revoked. If the student returns to study at a later date, the scholarship will not be re-awarded.
26. Students who are awarded a scholarship must commit to support the University with future promotion of UEL through ambassadorial works, and a minimum of 4 events, such as open days and open evenings. This will be the equivalent of ten hours of unpaid work for the university. Successful students will also need to commit to a photo, testimonial profile and video testimonial promoting UEL as a minimum.
27. UEL reserves the right to verify applications and request additional evidence.
28. If you are in receipt of welfare benefits and begin a course, money from scholarships and bursaries can affect your benefit entitlement as it may be treated as income. This depends on what the fund is intended to support you with, i.e. study related costs or living costs. Starting a course is a change of circumstance and you should inform all relevant benefit offices when you enroll.
29. A complaint is normally a specific concern related to a procedural error, irregularity, or maladministration in admissions procedures or policies. If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the administration of your scholarship, please contact us in the first instance so that an informal resolution can be sought. This may be done in writing by emailing