Level 6 Youth Worker
The course builds on our existing youth work degree and postgraduate youth work offers, staff arrangements and best practice.
The apprenticeship route provides:
- professional formation for students wishing to gain a JNC-recognised professional qualification in youth and community work;
- students with the opportunity to engage critically with theory,
- policy and practice issues relating to youth work; students with the tools to plan and carry out practitioner enquiry in relation to topics of interest to them within their fieldwork practice and beyond;
- a programme which supports participants to meet their professional development needs and interests with academic and practical rigour;
- opportunities for professionals in the field of young people’s services to develop their professional knowledge, experience, understanding and critical thinking in relation to their current and developing roles in the workplace;
- practical experience and assessment of group work, communication, research, safeguarding, anti-discriminatory practice, fundraising, project proposing, delivery and evaluation;
- coaching throughout the three years of study to ensure success at an End-Point Assessment where students showcase their academic and youth work knowledge, skills, experience, professional achievements and ability.
Two 20-credit modules for this apprenticeship will be delivered on the standard academic calendar (1 modules in T1 and 1 module in T2). These are L4 Mental Wealth and Introduction to Digital Society.
The other 80 credits will be delivered as follows:
- New 20-credit module to run part-time across T1 and T2 entitled: The Inclusive Workplace
- New 20-credit module in T3 entitled: Digital Accessibility Guidelines, Standards and Best Practices
- New 20-credit module in T3 entitled: Mainstreaming technology
- New 20-credit module in T1 of second year entitled: Final Project and EPA Preparation.
Entry Requirements
Entry requirements for: BA (Hons) Youth Work Apprenticeship
- UCAS: 80 points
- English Language: L2 functional skills/GCSE C/4 and above
- Other Accepted Qualifications: 100 hours of Youth Work Experience
- Mature Learners: 100 hours of Youth Work Experience
- Level 2 Functional Skills pre-requisite
End Point Assessment (EPA)
The level Six, 40 credit Module: ‘Professional Achievements Showcase’ would host the End-Point Assessment. The EPA would represent a fusion of a pseudo: job interview, presentation, poster event and viva.
The location would be a UEL campus lecture room and each student would have an hour allocated to them, spread across two to three days of assessment depending on the size of the cohort. Each student would be recorded on Teams so that the assessors can moderate remotely thereafter. In addition, the assessors would have access to all the students’ other Module Portfolios, video evidence of the student’s work in the field, and testimonials.
According to Prospects (2020) jobs directly related to a youth work degree include:
- Advice worker
- Community development worker
- Community education officer
- Education mental health practitioner
- Family support worker
- Probation officer
- Social worker
- Teaching assistant
- Youth worker
Get involved with us
We are flexible and responsive in our approach to delivering degree apprenticeships. We discuss the most suited delivery strategy with you to ensure it meets your business requirements, as well as the requirements of your apprentices.
Our usual offer is an intensive, day-release block mode scheme. However, we would also consider concentrated teaching blocks over multiple days subject to numbers, and in cases where geographical limitations make this necessary. If you are an employer with a distinct cohort, we offer to customise the delivery mode to suit your individual needs. We are interested to hear from employers and providers who would like to join one of our Trailblazer groups, which initially design and develop apprenticeships.
Please get in touch if you:
- would like to become an employer partner of UEL and let us help you find the right apprentices for you;
- are interested in any of the apprenticeship degree courses we are currently running or the new ones we are developing;
- would like to explore creating new apprenticeships and join a Trailblazer group with us.
Contact us
Email: degreeapprenticeships@uel.ac.uk
Tel: 020 8223 2337
University of East London
Academic Partnerships Office
Docklands Campus, University Way
London E16 2RD