Level 4 Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Practitioner Apprenticeship
The roles and responsibilities of businesses are changing rapidly; society increasingly expects that organisations should act responsibly not just to their shareholders but also to their wider stakeholders and the broader community. Business, therefore, is a great platform for social and environmental change and Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CR&S) Practitioners help to drive this by delivering an organisation's CR&S strategy, releasing the power of business to contribute positively toward social and environmental outcomes.
UEL's Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CR&S) apprenticeship will build practitioners' ability to engage with their chosen field by developing a strong theoretical base for understanding the principles underpinning corporate responsibility and sustainability (the sustainable development goals, theories of intersectional inequality, well-being, capabilities, and ethical practice). In tandem, apprentices will be supported to develop the practical skills needed for developing and implementing a CR&S strategy (strategic planning, project management, stakeholder analysis, negotiation, and data management).
The apprenticeship will be delivered in four modules over 15 weeks each, adding up to 18 months in total.
- Module 1 (delivery to begin September): Principles of CR and Sustainability, including Introduction to Development Studies
- Module 2 (delivery to begin January): Personal Effectiveness and Professional Development, including Knowledge, Skills, and the Self
- Module 3 (delivery to begin May): Delivering CR and Sustainability
- Module 4 (delivery to begin August): End Point Assessment Preparation
Entry Requirements
UCAS: Passes at A2 in at least 2 subjects OR BTEC Diploma OR International Baccalaureate Diploma with 25 points (including minimum 15 at Higher Level)
English Language: Level 3 English and Maths.
Other Accepted Qualifications: British Sign Language (BSL) qualification as an alternative to English Language.
Mature Learners: Applicable professional experience.
Download course specification
End Point Assessment (EPA)
This L4 apprenticeship can equip practitioners in a variety of industries, including the public and private sector, to be a social conscience for the organisation, helping innovate and drive ambitions for social and environmental change and make these a reality that are embedded and implemented across the organisation.
Jake McMahon talks about being an apprentice at UEL
Watch this video to see Jake McMahon talking about being an apprentice at UEL
Get involved with us
We are flexible and responsive in our approach to delivering degree apprenticeships. We discuss the most suited delivery strategy with you to ensure it meets your business requirements, as well as the requirements of your apprentices.
Our usual offer is an intensive, day-release block mode scheme. However, we would also consider concentrated teaching blocks over multiple days subject to numbers, and in cases where geographical limitations make this necessary. If you are an employer with a distinct cohort, we offer to customise the delivery mode to suit your individual needs. We are interested to hear from employers and providers who would like to join one of our Trailblazer groups, which initially design and develop apprenticeships.
Please get in touch if you:
- would like to become an employer partner of UEL and let us help you find the right apprentices for you;
- are interested in any of the apprenticeship degree courses we are currently running or the new ones we are developing;
- would like to explore creating new apprenticeships and join a Trailblazer group with us.
Contact us
Email: degreeapprenticeships@uel.ac.uk
Tel: 020 8223 2337
University of East London
Academic Partnerships Office
Docklands Campus, University Way
London E16 2RD