Civil Engineering Apprenticeship
Civil engineers provide technical and management input to develop design solutions for complex civil engineering problems. They will work as part of a team of engineers and other construction professionals through all lifecycle stages of development, design, construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of civil engineering infrastructure.
Occupation profile
A civil engineer will be required to have a board skills base to work in areas including:
- Sustainable construction, structural integrity, geotechnics (engineering behaviour of earth materials), materials, tunnelling, marine and coastal engineering, water, waste management, floor management, transportation and power.
- A civil engineer might work in public and private sector organisations including local authorities, central government departments and agencies, engineering consultancy practices, contracting firms and research and development organisations.
This 4.5 year apprenticeship and six months for the end point assessment involves a day release method of delivery at our Docklands campus. The overall time can be shorted depending on the candidate’s entry qualifications.
Entry requirements: Potential apprentices will need to be employed in the field of study, be over 18 and have at least two A levels or equivalent including A2 Mathematics, minimum grade C. In addition, they must have GCSE English and mathematics at A-C, or grade 4 and above.
Fees per apprentice for whole duration (paid on a monthly basis and is an estimate):
Levy employer: £27,000 - an estimated £562 per month from company levy.
Non-levy employer: please email or call +44 (0)20 8223 2337 for more information.
The apprentice will not be required to pay any fees.
Progression: on completion, full-time employment and additional CPD as required.
Jake McMahon talks about being an apprentice at UEL
Watch this video to see Jake McMahon talking about being an apprentice at UEL
Our usual offer is an intensive, day-release block mode scheme. However, we would also consider concentrated teaching blocks over multiple days subject to numbers, and in cases where geographical limitations make this necessary. If you are an employer with a distinct cohort, we offer to customise the delivery mode to suit your individual needs. We are interested to hear from employers and providers who would like to join one of our Trailblazer groups, which initially design and develop apprenticeships. Please get in touch if you:
- would like to become an employer partner of UEL and let us help you find the right apprentices for you;
- are interested in any of the apprenticeship degree courses we are currently running or the new ones we are developing;
- would like to explore creating new apprenticeships and join a Trailblazer group with us.
+44 (0) 20 8223 2337
University of East London
Academic Partnerships Office
Docklands Campus, University Way
London E16 2RD
The information on this webpage reflects the course details as they are at the time of publication and is subject to change. The information is included as a guide to course content only.