Performing Arts Postgraduate Study
Performing Arts Postgraduate Study
We used to tell stories to audiences, now we make stories with them
The University of East London offers a dynamic and immersive range of performing arts courses that provide students with a comprehensive education in the field of performing arts.
Our state-of-the-art performance spaces and industry-standard equipment offer students access to the latest creative technologies, inspiring and challenging them to develop the skills they need to succeed in the competitive performing arts industry.
Delivered by a team of experienced and highly qualified lecturers, our performing arts courses emphasise the need for collaboration across the arts. This culture of cross-disciplinary study allows students to work with artists and performers from a diverse range of backgrounds, building strong professional connections across the areas of theatre, music and dance.
Dance entrepreneur wins prize to build his business
An urban dance student at the University of East London so impressed HSBC with his entrepreneurial vision that he walked away with the top prize in an incubator pitch competition, along with money to progress his business idea.
Read this articleAbout us
In the past, storytelling was often a one-way process; the author would present a narrative to the audience who would receive and interpret it, but now the trend has shifted. Rather than simply being a form of entertainment, performing arts has become a collaborative process between the performer and their audience.
Your tutors and lecturers will encourage you to be bold and follow your creative intuition, giving you space to fine-tune your craft and capture your audience. Our postgraduate performing arts courses will allow you to develop your own performance projects and take advantage of the vast network of artists and production companies available to you throughout the creative hub of East London and beyond.
Why choose us?
The multipurpose arts studios feature professional-grade, fully sprung dance floors, mirrors, ballet bars, and high-quality lighting, as well as HD video and sound infrastructure. Situated in the recently constructed University Square Stratford building, these spaces are exclusively designated for teaching dance and movement performance and serve as venues for professional performance production.
In the Live Rooms, there is a Boston GP-218 concert grand piano, a Yamaha Motif 8 synthesizer workstation, a Yamaha Stage Custom drum kit, and some percussion instruments. Music students can also take advantage of our seven practice rooms and an equipment store stocked with a wide range of musical instruments and recording gear available for rental.
The Black Box studio is a theatre production space that exceeds industry standards. Boasting top-of-the-line lighting, sound, and HD video infrastructure - it features acoustical treatment and a fully sprung dance floor, offering complete technical, performance, and teaching flexibility to produce exceptional quality performance work.
What we're researching
In 2021, the Research Excellence Framework (REF) conducted a national review of higher education research — the results highlighted the exceptional quality and impact of the work carried out by our institution. An impressive 92 per cent of our overall research was acknowledged as either world-leading, internationally excellent or internationally recognised.
At our Centre for Performing Arts Development (CPAD), we have established ourselves as a leading international research centre in the field of performing arts. Our focus is on research that explores a wide range of issues including political, philosophical, cultural, ethical, socially engaged, and community applied topics.
Our academic staff members are either leading funded research projects or creating performance work. All are actively involved in the performing arts industry as teachers, practitioners, and researchers.
- Dr Dominic Hingorani, Course Leader for Theatre Directing, is also co-artistic director of Brolly Productions - a cross-arts performance company that aims to engage new and diverse audiences.
- Liselle Terret and Clare Qualmann, Co-Course Directors for BA Drama, Applied Theatre, and Performance, are actively involved in performance-making and publishing.
- Dr Sarahleigh Castelyn and Dr Laura Robinson, members of the Dance team, are leading figures in their respective fields of performance politics, hip-hop dance, and choreography.
- Helen Reddington, a member of our music department, has published extensively on topics related to gender and politics.
Our performing arts graduates have pursued a range of careers; from arts administrators, teachers and advertisers, to actors, scriptwriters, producers and sound designers.
Several of our music graduates have been signed by independent record labels, a graduate from our Applied Theatre course served as assistant director for the National Theatre of Wales and now runs a theatre company, and one of our Dance graduates was featured on the TV show "Got to Dance."
The vast range of professions that our performing arts graduates have entered shows that there are boundless career opportunities for those who choose to study at the University of East London.
At UEL, you'll have access to:
- Employability skills training such as interview techniques and CV writing.
- Career Assessment, allowing you to learn about yourself and Career Coach will help you to discover career suggestions based on your interests.
- UEL Skills Academy, where external professionals deliver sessions on the competencies most prized by graduate employers.
- Internships, placements and volunteering opportunities from our work placements team.
- Professional mentoring scheme, matching students with staff from major companies.
- Networking opportunities and annual careers fair.
- Support with setting up your own arts business.
Career coach
Use our online Career Coach to find out the different career paths your chosen subject area can lead you to. Get information on specific careers, job roles, potential wages and available jobs in the sector. Or take a quick quiz to find a career to match your personality type!
Our location
Our location in one of Europe's largest regeneration areas and our extensive links to local employers will also give you access to fantastic performing arts internships and placements. From heavy industry to high-tech, health and social care to the arts, there are so many opportunities right on our doorstep.
Our staff
Find out more about our performing arts staff by visiting our School of Arts and Creative Industries (ACI) page.