Therapeutic Approaches
Therapeutic Approaches
Therapeutic Approaches with Refugees and Asylum Seekers
This page provides evidence-based research that utilised a variety of therapeutic models including Cognitive-Behavioural, Culturally-Sensitive, EMDR, Narrative, Psychodynamic, Systemic Family, Creative Arts therapies, etc., to treat refugee and asylum-seeking population.
We would like to express our deepest appreciation to researchers, mental health experts and practitioners whose work has been cited below, enriching our portal and practice of professionals working with refugees and asylum seekers.
Papers below have been researched and compiled by Dr Farkhondeh Farsimadan, a Chartered Counselling Psychologist who is an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society and an HCPC registered psychologist.
Please access the research papers. For some papers multiple available links are provided as some links may eventually stop working.
Biological Therapy
- Cohen, A., & Yadlin, Y. (2018). Time and memory in the therapeutic journey with unaccompanied asylum-seeking children. Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 44,3, 348-367.
- Given-Wilson, Z. et al. (2018). A review of adolescent autobiographical memory and the implications for assessment of unaccompanied minors’ refugee determinations. Clinical Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 23,2, 209-222.
- Kaplan, I., Stolk, Y., Valibhoy, M., Tucker, A., & Baker, J. (2016). Cognitive assessment of refugee children: effects of trauma and new language acquisition. Transcultural Psychiatry, 53, 81-109.
- Lies, J. et al. (2019). Prevalence of sleep disturbance and its relationships with mental health and psychosocial issues in refugees and asylum seekers attending psychological services in Australia. Sleep Health, 5,4, 335-343.
- Lønning, M.N., & Kohli, R.S.K. (2022). Memories, mementoes, and memorialisation of young unaccompanied Afghans navigating within Europe. Journal of Refugee Studies, 35,1, 242-261.
- Richter, K. et al. (2020). Sleep disorders in migrants and refugees: a systematic review with implications for personalised medical approach. EPMA Journal, 11,2, 251-260.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- Alatiq, Y., & Alrshoud, H. (2018). Family-based cognitive behavioural therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder with family accommodation: case report from Saudi Arabia. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 11, E14.
- Algahtani, H. et al. (2019). Cultural adaptation of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for patients with depression and anxiety in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain: a qualitative study exploring views of patients, carers, and mental health professionals. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 12, E44.
- Bahu, M. (2019). War, trauma and culture: working with Tamil refugees and asylum seekers using culturally adapted CBT. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 12, E46.
- Beck, A. (2019). Understanding Black and Minority Ethnic service users’ experience of racism as part of the assessment, formulation and treatment of mental health problems in cognitive behaviour therapy. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 12, E8.
- Berry, K. et al. (2018). Culturally adapted Family Intervention (CaFI): case examples from therapists’ perspectives. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 11, E13.
- Brooks, M. (2019). The importance of using reflective practice when working with refugees, asylum seekers and survivors of torture within IAPT. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 12, E16.
- Brunnet, A.E. et al. (2020). Migrations, trauma and mental health: a literature update on psychological assessment. L’Encéphale, 46,5, 364-371.
- Chessell, Z. et al. (2019). A protocol for managing dissociative symptoms in refugee populations – CORRIGENDUM. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 12, E48.
- Chessell, Z. et al. (2019). A protocol for managing dissociative symptoms in refugee populations. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 12, E27.
- Costa, B, (2022). Interpreter-mediated CBT – a practical implementation guide for working with spoken language interpreters. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 15,e8, 1-17.
- Crumlish, N., & O’Rourke, K. (2010). A systematic review of treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder among refugees and asylum seekers. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 198, 237-251.
- D’Ardenne, P., Capuzzo, N., Ruaro, L., & Priebe, S. (2005). One size fits all? Cultural sensitivity in a psychological service for traumatised refugees. Diversity in Health & Social Care, 2, 1.
- D’Ardenne, P., Ruaro, L., Cestari, L., Fakhoury, W., & Priebe, S. (2007). Does interpreted-mediated cognitive behaviour therapy with traumatic refugee people work? Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapy, 35, 293-301.
- de la Rie, S.M. (2020). Feasibility of narrative exposure therapy in an outpatient day treatment programme for refugees: improvement in symptoms and global functioning. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 11,1.
- Drozdek, B., Kamperman, A., Tol, W., Knipscheer, J., & Kleber, R. (2013). Is legal status impacting outcomes of group therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder with male asylum seekers and refugees from Iran & Afghanistan? BioMed Central Psychiatry, 13,148.
- Ehntholt, K., Smith, P., & Yule, W. (2005). School-based cognitive behavioural therapy group intervention for refugee children who have experienced war-related trauma. Clinical Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 10,2, 235-250.
- Ehntholt, K.A. & Yule, W. (2006). Practitioner Review: Assessment and treatment of refugee children and adolescents who have experienced war-related trauma. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 47,12, 1197-1210.
- Eskici, H. S., et al. (2021). Culturally adapted cognitive behavioural therapy for Syrian refugee women in Turkey: a randomized controlled trial. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.
- Farhadi Langroudi, K., & Skinta, M. (2019). Working with gender and sexual minorities in the context of Islamic culture: a queer Muslim behavioural approach. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 12, E21.
- Gary, J., & Rubin, N.S. (2014). A first-person account of the refugee experience: identifying psychosocial stressors and formulating psychological responses. American Psychological Association, APA.
- Golker, C., & Cioffi, M.C. (2021). Cultural adaptations of cognitive behaviour therapy for the Orthodox Jewish community: a qualitative study of therapists’ perspectives. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 14, E3.
- Grech, P. & Grech, R. (2020). A comparison of Narrative Exposure Therapy and Non-Trauma-Focused Treatment in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 41,2, 91-101.
- Grey, N. & Young, K. (2008). Cognitive behaviour therapy with refugees and asylum seekers experiencing traumatic stress symptoms. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 36,1, 3-19.
- Hijazi, A.M., Lumley, M.A., Ziadni, M.S., Haddad, L., Rapport, L.J. & Arnetz, B.B. (2014). Brief Narrative Exposure Therapy for Post Traumatic Stress in Iraqi Refugees: A Preliminary Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 27,3, 314-322.
- Hinton, D. E., Hofmann, S. G., Pollack, M. H., & Otto, M. W. (2009). Mechanisms of efficacy of CBT for Cambodian refugees with PTSD: Improvement in emotion regulation and orthostatic blood pressure response. CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics, 15, 255-263.
- Hinton, D.E. & Jalal, B. (2014). Guidelines for the implementation of culturally sensitive cognitive behavioural therapy among refugees and in global contexts. Intervention, 12,4, 78-93.
- Hinton, D. E., Rivera, E. I., Hofmann, S. G., Barlow, D. H., & Otto, M. W. (2012). Adapting CBT for traumatised refugees and ethnic minority patients: Examples from culturally adapted CBT (CA-CBT). Transcultural Psychiatry, 49,2, 340-365.
- Jackson, L. C., Schmutzer, P. A., Wenzel, A., & Tyler, J. D. (2006). Applicability of cognitive-behaviour therapy with American-Indian individuals. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 43,4, 506-517.
- Jalal, B., Kruger, Q., & Hinton, D. H. (2018). Adaptation of CBT for traumatised South African Indigenous Groups: Examples from Multiplex CBT for PTSD. Cognitive and Behavioural Practice, 25,2, 335-349.
- Jalal, B., Samir, W. S., & Hinton, D. E. (2017). Adaptation of CBT for traumatised Egyptians: Examples from culturally adapted CBT (CA-CBT). Cognitive and Behavioural Practice, 24, 58-71.
- Jankowska, M. (2019). Cultural modifications of cognitive behavioural treatment of social anxiety among culturally diverse clients: a systematic literature review. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 12, E7.
- Kada, R. (2019). Cultural adaptations of CBT for the British Jewish Orthodox community. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 12, E4.
- Kananian, S., Ayoughi, S., Farugie, A., Hinton, D. & Stangier, U. (2017). Transdiagnostic culturally adapted CBT with Farsi-speaking refugees: a pilot study. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 8, Supp 2, 1390362.
- Kaminer, D. & Eagle, T. G. (2017). Interventions for post traumatic stress disorder: a review of the evidence base. South African Journal of Psychology, 47,1, 7-22.
- Khatib, I., & Potash, J.S. (2021). Visual journaling using art therapy with refugees. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 74, 101805.
- King, D., & Said, G. (2019). Working with unaccompanied asylum-seeking young people: cultural considerations and acceptability of a cognitive behavioural group approach. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 12, E11.
- Lindegaard, T. et al. (2021). Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy for depression and anxiety among Arabic-speaking individuals in Sweden: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 50,1, 47-66.
- Mcpherson, J. (2012). Does Narrative Therapy reduce PTSD in survivors of mass violence? Research on Social Work Practice, 22,1, 29-42.
- Miller-Graff, L.E. & Campion, K. (2016). Interventions for Post Traumatic Stress with Children Exposed to Violence: Factors Associated with Treatment Success. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 72,3, 226-248.
- Mir, G. et al. (2019). Delivering a culturally adapted therapy for Muslim clients with depression. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 12, E26.
- Murray, H., et al. (2021). Survivor guilt: a cognitive approach. The cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 14, E28.
- Murray, H., & Ehlers, A. (2021). Cognitive therapy for moral injury in post-traumatic stress disorder. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 14, E8.
- Naeem, F., Phiri, P., Munshi, T., Rathod, S ., Ayub, M., Gobbi, M., & Kingdon, D. (2015). Using cognitive behaviour therapy with South Asian Muslims: findings from the culturally sensitive CBT project. International Review of Psychiatry, 27,3, 233-246.
- Naz, S. et al. (2019). Addressing issues of race, ethnicity and culture in CBT to support therapists and service managers to deliver culturally competent therapy and reduce inequalities in mental health provision for BAME service users. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 12, E22.
- Neuner, F. (2016). Narrative exposure therapy: concept & efficacy. A Webinar presentation featuring Dr Neuner, APA Division 56-Trauma Psychology.
- Neuner, F., Schauer, E., Klaschik, C., Karunakara, U. & Elbert, T. (2004). A comparison of narrative exposure therapy, supportive counselling, and psychoeducation for treating posttraumatic stress disorder in an African refugee settlement. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 72,4, 579-587.
- Neuner, F., Onyut, P. L., Ertl, V., Odenwald, M., Schauer, E. & Elbert, T. (2008). Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder by Trained Lay Counsellors in an African Refugee Settlement: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 76,4, 486-694.
- Neuner F., Kurreck S., Ruf M., Odenwald M., Elbert T., & Schauer M. (2010). Can asylum seekers with post-traumatic stress disorder be successfully treated? A randomised controlled pilot study. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, 39, 81-91.
- NICE (2018). Post-traumatic stress disorder. National Institute for Health & Care Excellence. NICE Guidelines [NG116].
- Nickerson, A., Bryant, R., & Silove, D. (2011). A critical review of psychological treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder. Clinical Psychology Review, 31, 399-417.
- Onyut, L. P., Neuner, F., Schauer, E., Ertl, V., Odenwald, M., Schauer, M., et al. (2005). Narrative exposure therapy as a treatment for child war survivors with post-traumatic stress disorder: Two case reports and a pilot study in an African refugee settlement. BioMed Central Psychiatry, 5,1, 7.
- Paunovic, N. & Ost, L. G. (2001). Cognitive-behaviour therapy vs exposure therapy in the treatment of PTSD in refugees. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 39,10, 1183-1197.
- Perry, A. et al. (2019). Exploring the cultural flexibility of the ACT model as an effective therapeutic group intervention for Turkish-speaking communities in East London. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 12, E2.
- Phiri, P. et al. (2019). Culture and therapist self-disclosure. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 12, E25.
- Rathod, S. et al. (2019). An evidence-based framework to culturally adapt cognitive behaviour therapy. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 12, E10.
- Rees, M., Blackburn, P., Lab, D., & Herlihy, J. (2007). Asylum 5 – working with asylum seekers in a clinical setting. The Psychologist, 20, 162-163.
- Regel, S., & Berliner, P. (2007). Current perspectives on assessment and therapy with survivors of torture: The use of a cognitive behavioural approach. [Special edition: Refugees and asylum seekers]. European Journal of Psychotherapy, Counselling & Health, 9,3, 289-299.
- Robjant, K., Roberts, J., & Katona, C. (2017). Treating post-traumatic stress disorder in female victims of trafficking using Narrative Exposure Therapy: A Retrospective Audit. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 8,63.
- Ruf, M., Schauer, M., Neuner, F., Catani, C., Schauer, E., & Elbert T. (2010). Narrative Exposure Therapy for 7 to 16-year-olds: A randomised controlled trial with traumatised refugee children. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 23, 437-445.
- Schulz, P., Resick, P., Huber, L. C. & Griffin, M. (2006). The effectiveness of cognitive processing therapy for PTSD with refugees in a community setting. Cognitive and Behavioural Practice, 13,4, 322-331.
- Slobodin, O., & De Jong, J. (2015). Mental health interventions for traumatised asylum seekers: what do we know about their efficacy? International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 61,1, 17-26.
- Stenmark H, Catani C, Neuner F, Elbert T, & Holen A. (2013). Treating PTSD in refugees and asylum seekers within the general health care system. A randomised controlled multicentre study. Behaviour Research & Therapy, 51,10, 641-647.
- Sullivan, A., Simonson, G. (2016). A Systematic Review of School-based Social-Emotional Interventions for Refugee and War-Traumatised Youth. Review of Educational Research, 86,2.
- Tay, A.K. et al. (2020). An Integrative Adapt Therapy for common mental health symptoms and adaptive stress amongst Rohingya, Chin, and Kachin refugees living in Malaysia: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of PLoS Medicine, 17,3, e1003073.
- Ter Heide F. J., Mooren T. M., Knipscheer J. W. & Kleber R. J. (2014). EMDR with traumatised refugees: From experience-based to evidence-based practice. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 8,3, 147-156.
- Thompson, C.T., Vidgen, A., & Roberts, N. P. (2018). Psychological interventions for post-traumatic stress disorder in refugees and asylum seekers: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 63, 66-79.
- Tyrer, R., & Fazel, M (2014). School and community-based interventions for refugee and asylum-seeking children: a systematic review. PLOS ONE, 9,2, e89359.
- Vincent, F., Jenkins, H., Larkin, M., & Clohessy, S. (2012). Asylum seekers’ experiences of trauma-focused cognitive behaviour therapy: A qualitative study. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 41, 579-593.
- Young, K., et al. (2021). A cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) approach for working with strong feelings of guilt after traumatic events. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 14, E26.
- Zgueb, Y. et al. (2019). Cultural aspects of vaginismus therapy: a case series of Arab-Muslim patients. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 12, E3.
Complementary Therapies
- Aggar, I. (2015). Calming the mind: healing after mass atrocity in Cambodia. Transcultural Psychiatry, 52,4, 543-560.
- Chung, S. C., & Hunt, J. (2016). Meditation in humanitarian aid: an action research. The Lancet, 388, S36.
- Every, D., Smith, K., Smith, B., Trigg, J., & Thompson, K, (2017). How can a donkey fly on the plane? The benefits and limits of animal therapy with refugees. Clinical Psychologist, APA, Australian Psychological Society, 21,1, 44-53.
- Goodman, G. & Dent, V.F. (2019). When I Became a refugee, this became my refuge: a proposal for implementing a two-generation intervention using yoga and narrative to promote mental health in Syrian refugee caregivers and school readiness in their preschool children. Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 18,4, 367-375.
- Gopalakrishnan, N. (2012). Yoga therapy and the health of refugees. PhD thesis, Curtin University of Technology. Faculty of Humanities, Centre for Human Rights Education.
- Highfield, S. E., Lama, P., Gordin, M.A., Kaptchuk, T.J., & Crosby, S.S. (2012). Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine for survivors of torture and refugee trauma: a descriptive report. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 14,3, 433-440.
- Hodge, D. R. (2019). Spiritual assessment with refugees and other migrant populations: a necessary foundation for successful clinical practice. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 38,2, 121-139.
- Hodge, D.R. (2020). Administering spiritual assessments with refugees: an overview of conceptually distinct assessment options. Journal of Refugee Studies, 33,3, 479-499.
- Jespersen, K.V., & Vuust, P. (2012). The effect of relaxation music listening on sleep quality in traumatized refugees: a pilot study. Journal of Music Therapy, 49,2, 205-229.
- Kalmanowitz, D. (2016). Inhabited studio: art therapy and mindfulness, resilience, adversity and refugees. International Journal of Art Therapy, 21,2, 75-84.
- Kalmanowitz, D.L. (2017). Art therapy and mindfulness with survivors of political violence: a qualitative study. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice & Policy, 9,1, 107-113.
- Lesmana, C. B. J., Suryani, L.K., Tiliopoulos. N., & Jensen, G.D. (2010). Spiritual-hypnosis assisted therapy: a new culturally-sensitive approach to the treatment and prevention of mental disorders. Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health, 12,3, 195-208.
- Longacre, M.M., Silver-Highfield, E.S., Lama, P., & Grodin, M.A. (2012). Complementary and alternative medicine in the treatment of refugees and survivors of torture: a review and proposal for action. Torture, 22,1, 38-57.
- Madsen, T.S., Carlsson, J., Nordbrandt, M., & Jensen. J.A. (2016). Refugee experiences of individual basic body awareness therapy and the level of transference into daily life. An interview study. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, 20,2, 243-251.
- Rousseau, D., Weiss-Lewit, K., & Lilly, M. (2019). MeToo and Yoga: guidance for clinicians referring to trauma-informed yoga. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 13,2, 216-225.
- Singer. J, & Adams, J. (2011). The Place of Complementary Therapies in an Integrated Model of Refugee Health Care: Counsellors’ and Refugee Clients’ Perspectives. Journal of Refugee Studies, 24,2, 351-375.
- Somasundaram, D. (2010). Using cultural relaxation methods in post-trauma care among refugees in Australia. International Journal of Culture and Mental Health, 3,1, 16-24.
Creative Arts Therapies
- Beck, B.D., et al. (2021). Music therapy was non-inferior to verbal standard treatment of traumatised refugees in mental health care: results from a randomized clinical trial. European Journal of Psychotraumatolgy, 12,1, 1930960.
- Chibici-Revneanu, C., | Dong, J. (Reviewing editor), (2020). Writing towards empathy: an expressive writing cycle with Central American migrants and host undergraduate students in Mexico. Cogent Arts & Humanities, 7,1.
- Dieterich-Hartwell, R., & Koch, S.C. (2017). Creative Arts Therapies as Temporary Home for Refugees: Insights from Literature and Practice. Behavioral Sciences, 7,4, 69.
- Dokter, D. (1998). Arts Therapists, Refugees and Migrants: Reaching Across Borders. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Fitzpatrick, F. (2002). A Search for Home: The Role of Art Therapy in Understanding the Experiences of Bosnian Refugees in Western Australia. Art Therapy Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 19,4, 151-158.
- García-Medrano, S. & Panhofer, H. (2020). Improving migrant well-being: spontaneous movement as a way to increase the creativity, spontaneity and welfare of migrants in Glasgow. Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, 15,3, 189-203.
- Gentlemen-Byers, J. (1996). Children of the Stones: art therapy interventions in the West Bank. Art Therapy, 13,4, 238-243.
- Gopalakrishnan, N. (2013). Multicultural Arts and Integrative Medicine: Empowering Refugees in the Healing Process. Electronic Journal of Studies in the Tropics, etropic, 12,2, 119-133.
- Gray, A.E. (2018). Dance/movement therapy and survivors of torture. American Dance Therapy Association.
- Hollingsbee, E. (2019). ‘Tomorrow we make it better’: an art therapist’s reflection on a community mural in a refugee camp in Greece. International Journal of Art Therapy, 24,4, 158-168.
- Horghagen, S. & Josephsson, S. (2011). Theatre as liberation, collaboration and relationship for asylum seekers. Journal of Occupational Science, 17,3, 168-176.
- Humphrey, A.S. (2020). Drawing out of detention: the transnational drawing practices of Eaten Fish, refugee cartoonist. Journal of a/b: Auto/Biography Studies, 35,2, 435-458.
- Kalmanowitz, D. (2016). Inhabited Studio: Art therapy and Mindfulness, Resilience, Adversity and Refugees. International Journal of Art Therapy, 21,2, 75-84.
- Kalmanowitz, D.L. (2017). Art therapy and mindfulness with survivors of political violence: a qualitative study. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice & Policy, 9,1, 107-113.
- Khatib, I., & Potash, J.S. (2021). Visual journaling using art therapy with refugees. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 74, 101805.
- Killian, T., Cardona, B., & Hudspeth, E. F. (2017). Culturally responsive play therapy with Somali refugees. International Journal of Play Therapy, 26,1, 23-32.
- Koch, S.C. & Weidinger-Von der Recke, B. (2009). Traumatised refugees: An integrated dance and verbal therapy approach. The Arts in Psychotherapy 36,5, 289-296.
- Lenette, C., & Sunderland, N. (2016). Will there be music for us? Mapping the health and well-being potential of participatory music practice with asylum seekers and refugees across contexts of conflict and refuge. Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, 8,1, 32-49.
- Lenette, C., Weston, D., Wise, P., Sunderland, N., & Bristed, H. (2016). Where words fail, music speaks: the impact of participatory music on the mental health and wellbeing of asylum seekers. Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, 8,2, 125-139.
- Mallon, T., & Hoog Antink, M. (2021). The sounds of lost homes - Introducing the COVER Model-Theoretical framework and practical insight into music therapy with refugees and asylum seekers. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 21,2.
- Nakhost-Isfahani, S. (2008). Art therapy with a young refugee woman - a survivor of war. International Journal of Art Therapy, 13,2, 79-87.
- Orth, J. (2005). Music therapy with traumatised refugees in a clinical setting. Voices, 5,2.
- Portokaloglou, T. (2018). Transplanting the Soul-Tree: an analytical perspective on how the Sesame approach and movement with touch and sound became the fertile soil for psychological support and therapy for refugee women. Dramatherapy, 39,2, 102-112.
- Posselt, T., & Hoog-Antink, M. (2016). The sound of lost homes: music therapy with refugees in Germany. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 25,sup1, 108-108.
- Quinlan, R., Schweitzer, R.D., Khawaja, N., & Griffin, J. (2016). Evaluation of a school-based creative arts therapy program for adolescents from refugees. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 47, 72-78.
- Rousseau, C., Drapeau, A., Lacroix, L., Bagilishya, D., & Heusch, N. (2005). Evaluation of a classroom program of creative expression workshops for refugee and immigrant children. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46,2, 180-185.
- Rousseau, C., Lacroix, L., Singh, A., Gauthier, M.-F., & Benoit, M. (2005). Creative Expression Workshops in School: Prevention Programs for Immigrant and Refugee Children. The Canadian Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Review, 14,3, 77-80.
- Rova, M. et al. (2020). Existing in-between two worlds: supporting asylum-seeking women living in temporary accommodation through a creative movement and art intervention. Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, 15,3, 204-218.
- Schouten, K.A., Gerrit, J., & Knipscheer, J.W., Kleber, R.J., & Hutschemaekers, G.J. (2015). The effectiveness of art therapy in the treatment of traumatised adults: a systematic review on art therapy and trauma. Trauma Violence Abuse, 16,2, 220-228.
- Schouten MATh, K.A., van Hooren, S., Knipscheer, J.W., Kleber, R.J., & Hutschemaekers, G.J.M. (2019). Trauma-Focused Art Therapy in the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: a Pilot Study. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation. 20,1, 114-130.
- Stickley, T., Hui, A., Stubley, M., Baker, F., & Craig-Watson, M. (2018) “Write here, sanctuary” creative writing for refugees and people seeking asylum. Arts & Health, 11, 3, 246-263.
- Sullivan, A., & Simonson, G. (2016). A Systematic Review of School-Based Social-Emotional Interventions for Refugee and War-Traumatised Youth. Review of Educational Research, 86,2.
- Tyrer, R., & Fazel, M (2014). School and community-based interventions for refugee and asylum-seeking children: a systematic review. PLOS ONE, 9,2, e89359.
- Ugurlu, N., Akca, L., & Acarturk, C. (2016). An art therapy intervention for symptoms of post-traumatic stress, depression and anxiety among Syrian refugee children. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 11,2, 89-102.
- Vougioukalou, S. et al. (2019). Wellbeing and integration through community music: the role of improvisation in a music group of refugees, asylum seekers and local community members. Contemporary Music Review, 38,5, 533-548.
- Ward, J. (2018). ‘Prove it’ working with LGBTQ+ Asylum seekers who must prove their sexuality to stay in the UK. Dramatherapy, 39,3, 141-151.
Culturally Sensitive Therapy
- Alemi, Q., Weller, S. C., Montgomery, S., & James, S. (2017). Afghan refugee explanatory models of depression: Exploring core cultural beliefs. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 31,2, 177-197.
- Alemi, Q., James, S., & Montgomery, S. (2016). Contextualizing Afghan refugee views of depression through narratives of trauma, resettlement stress, and coping. Transcultural Psychiatry, 53,5, 630-653.
- Algahtani, H. et al. (2019). Cultural adaptation of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for patients with depression and anxiety in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain: a qualitative study exploring views of patients, carers, and mental health professionals. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 12, E44.
- Amara, P. (2017). EMDR therapy in an intercultural context. European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 1,3, 183-195.
- Bahu, M. (2019). War, trauma and culture: working with Tamil refugees and asylum seekers using culturally adapted CBT. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 12, E46.
- Bala, J., Mooren, T., & Cramer, S. (2014). Cultural Competence in the treatment of political refugees based on system approaches. Clinical Neuropsychiatry: Journal of Treatment Evaluation, 11,1, 32-39.
- Bernal, G.& Sáez-Santiago E. (2006). Culturally Centered psychological interventions. Journal of Community Psychology, 34, 121-132.
- Berry, K. et al. (2018). Culturally adapted Family Intervention (CaFI): case examples from therapists’ perspectives. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 11, E13.
- Bhui, K. (2018). Cultural neuroscience: ideas worth knowing. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 72,sup1, S5-S8.
- Dalgaard N. T. et al. (2020). Interdisciplinary treatment of family violence in traumatized refugee families. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 16,1, 77-92.
- D’Ardenne, P., Capuzzo, N., Ruaro, L., & Priebe, S. (2005). One size fits all? Cultural sensitivity in a psychological service for traumatised refugees. Diversity in Health & Social Care, 2, 29-36.
- Derges, J., & Henderson, F. (2003). Working with refugees and survivors of trauma in a day hospital setting. Journal of Refugee Studies, 16,1, 82-98.
- Eskici, H. S., et al. (2021). Culturally adapted cognitive behavioural therapy for Syrian refugee women in Turkey: a randomized controlled trial. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.
- Farhadi Langroudi, K., & Skinta, M. (2019). Working with gender and sexual minorities in the context of Islamic culture: a queer Muslim behavioural approach. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 12, E21.
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EMDR, Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing Therapy
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Group Therapy
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Integrative Therapy
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Narrative Therapy
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Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Therapy
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Psychosocial Therapy
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