Mental Health Resources in English
Mental Health Resources in English
Mental Health Resources in English
This page provides access to a wealth of information and resources in English including leaflets on mental health conditions, their causes, symptoms and treatments available including psychological therapies via a number of reputable national and international mental health organisations and their databases.
These resources are available to refugees and asylum seekers and their families, friends, carers, as well as mental health practitioners who may utilise them whilst working with this population.
The national and international websites below have been researched and compiled by Dr Farkhondeh Farsimadan, a Chartered Counselling Psychologist, who is an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society and an HCPC registered Psychologist.
Please use the links below to access the websites and resources.
American Psychological Association
American Psychological Association website on PTSD contains resources for clinicians related to the Clinical Practice Guideline for the treatment of PTSD.
Beyond Blue
Beyond Blue is an Australian independent, not-for-profit organisation that works with individuals, families and communities affected by depression, anxiety and suicide, promoting good mental health across a range of population groups, ages and ethnicities. Beyond Blue's Resource Library provides a range of mental health resources in English to help individuals and their families.
Emerging Minds, Australia
Emerging Minds is dedicated to advancing the mental health and emotional wellbeing of Australian infants, children, adolescents and their families. Emerging Minds now leads the National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health, delivered in partnership with the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS), the Australian National University (ANU), the Parenting Research Centre (PRC) and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). Emerging Minds develops mental health policy, services, interventions, training, programmes and resources in response to the needs of professionals, children and their families. Resources including research papers, podcasts, webinars, practice papers, factsheets, toolkits etc., are freely available via the website and link below.
NHS England
NHS England website contains resources and information, tools and guidance to support mental health commissioning and the transformation of services.
EthnoMed is Harborview Medical Centre's ethnic medicine website containing medical and cultural information about immigrant and refugee groups. EthnoMed is a joint program of the University of Washington Health Sciences Libraries and Harborview Medical Centre's Interpreter Services Department/Community House Calls Program (ISD/CHC). Information provided is specific to groups in the Seattle area, USA, but much of the cultural and health information may be of interest to individuals and professionals in other geographic areas. EthnoMed provides a collection of resources and information (with some translated information) related to cross-cultural and refugee health topics including refugee mental health, select populations' cultural perspectives regarding mental illness, and teaching videos about providing culturally competent care and managing stigma.
The website is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, and Office of Refugee Resettlement. is the website of the National Capacity Building Project of the Centre for Victim of Torture and provides mental health resources for practitioners working in the field. The mental health resources on the website are organised by the type of resource including webinars, videos, publications, links, tools, etc., and by topic.
Here to Help
Here to Help is a project of the British Columbia Partners for Mental Health and Substance Use Information in Canada. The project is made of a group of seven leading mental health and substance non-profit agencies working together to help people live well and better prevent and manage mental health and substance use problems. Here to Help provides information/fact sheets in English and a number of languages that were developed and tested through a community process to make sure the translations are accurate as well as sensitive.
The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, ISTSS
The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, ISTSS is an interdisciplinary professional organisation and the website offers resources for clinicians and survivors of trauma.
Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre
The BC Children's Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre provides mental health and substance use information, resources, and peer support to children, youth and their families from across BC, Canada. Children, youth and families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds may experience additional challenges accessing mental health information and services, as a result, the centre provides cross-cultural translated resources and tools that community and health professionals can use to strengthen their ability to support the mental health of diverse families in British Columbia.
These resources and information are available in Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), Farsi, French, Korean, Punjabi.
Local Government Association
The above Local Government Association resource is a one-stop resource for councillors and council officers to answer queries about supporting refugees, asylum seekers and unaccompanied children.
FAQs on council support for refugees, asylum seekers and unaccompanied children
Mental Elf YouTube Channel
The Mental Elf YouTube Channel helps its users keep up to date with the latest mental health research and events through live streamed talks and discussions from conferences, debates, webinars.
The Mental Health Foundation
The Mental Health Foundation is a UK based charity and its website provides a directory of mental health conditions.
Mental Health and Human Rights Info (MHHRI) Database
MHHRI provides a valuable database of search including references, publications, guides, organisations, etc., covering core topics of mental health and human rights violations in disaster, war, and conflict areas. The information is presented as thematic pages which are available in English and Spanish.
MIND, the mental health charity's website provides a directory of mental health offering information and support on various mental health conditions, treatment options, etc.
Mental Health First Aid Australia
Mental Health First Aid Australia, MHFA is a national not-for-profit organisation that aims to provide high quality, evidence-based mental health first aid education to everyone. In order to improve the quality of the mental health first aid techniques being taught to the public in their courses, MHFA Australia and researchers at the Population Mental Health Group at the University of Melbourne have developed best practice Mental Health First Aid Guidelines in English on a range of mental health disorders and mental health crisis situations including Adult Trauma, Depression, Psychosis, Panic, Suicidal Thoughts & Behaviours, Suicide First Aid Guidelines for people from immigrant and refugee backgrounds, etc.
Mental Health First Aid guidelines
Suicide first aid guidelines for people from immigrant and refugee backgrounds
National Centre for Mental Health
The National Centre for Mental Health was funded by the Welsh Government through the Health and Care Research Wales. The NCMH has a library of free mental health leaflets to help individuals, families and carers to learn about a range of mental health conditions.
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network, NCTSN
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network, NCTSN is run by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and coordinated by the UCLA-Duke University National Centre for Child Traumatic Stress (NCCTS). The NCTSN's website is a resource for the public and professionals who work with children and are concerned about childhood traumatic stress.
NHS website
The below NHS website pages provide mental health and wellbeing information and support and a series of mental wellbeing audio guides to help adults and children cope with stress and anxiety and boost their mood.
Post-traumatic stress disorder. Guidance. National Institute for Health & Care Excellence, NICE. (2018).
NICE - mental health, behavioural, and neurodevelopmental conditions
Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
Self Help Guides produced by Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust. Titles cover a range of mental health issues.
Race Equality Foundation
Race Equality Foundation and its Better-Health project offer a collection of evidence-based briefing papers containing research, good practice tips, and resources focusing on different issues and ethnic minority groups.
Rehab Guide
Rehab Guide offers free and confidential addiction helpline and advice, including free addiction assessment to those affected by drug and alcohol addiction residing in Hackney and Redbridge, in East London. Rehab Guide’s website also provides free guidance and resources including self-help information and a News and Blog section on how to overcome addiction. In addition, Rehab Guide provides guidance on how to access free rehab clinics and NHS/Council funded rehab options in the UK. These places are occasionally available to people who require intensive support and show sufficient willingness and motivation to succeed. Rehab Guide also offers private alcohol and drug addiction treatment including detox, rehabilitation, and counselling.
Royal College of Psychiatrists
The Royal College of Psychiatrists' mental health page offers user-friendly and evidence-based information on mental health problems, treatments and other topics, devised by psychiatrists in collaboration with patients and carers.
Royal College of Psychiatrists Resource for Refugees & Asylum seekers
Royal College of Psychiatrists launched a resource (endorsed by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges) in April 2022 which provides information, guidance and support to health and social care professionals working with refugees and asylum seekers who have sought sanctuary in the UK, ensuring prompt, high quality care.
Please use the links below to access this resource:
Save the Children's Resource Centre
Save the Children's Resource Centre is an online library that hosts comprehensive, reliable and up-to-date information on Save the Children's thematic areas: child protection, child rights governance, health and nutrition, education and child poverty. The website is open to the public and provides access to over 7,000 materials all in one place and a number of languages including English, Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish, etc.
SANE Australia
SANE Australia is a national mental health charity that provides support to those affected by complex and enduring mental illness. SANE Australia's website provides easy- to-read factsheets and guides on a number of complex mental health problems, their symptoms and treatments; dealing with crisis; suicide prevention; drug and alcohol; etc.
SANE is a UK mental health charity and its website provides detailed information on a number of mental health conditions, their causes, symptoms and treatments as well as information for family, friends and carers, devised by mental health professionals in collaboration with service users.
Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors, NSW, STARTTS
New South Wales, NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors, STARTTS, is an Australian specialist, non-profit organisation that provides culturally relevant psychological treatment and support, and community interventions, to help refugees and asylum seekers recover from trauma and rebuild their lives in Australia.
Therapist Aid
The Therapist Aid website was created by Woody Schuldt, a Licensed Mental Health Counsellor in Jacksonville, Florida and provides free evidence-based education and therapy tools to aid mental health professionals to improve their practice.
World Health Organisation
The World Health Organisation website offers factsheets on a number of health topics including mental health conditions.