Portal’s Resource Centre Updated
Posted on March 21 2024 by Dr Farsimadan
We are pleased to announce that Portal's Resource Centre including the resources in the Adult and Children sections together with the Directory of Services & Organisations for Refugees, Asylum seekers & Migrants in the UK & Beyond: 2024 Edition, have all been updated.
Mental Health and Human Rights Info (MHHRI) Database
Posted on 10 December 2023 by Dr Farsimadan
MHHRI provides a valuable database of searches including references, publications, guides, organisations, etc., covering core topics of mental health and human rights violations in disaster, war, and conflict areas. The information is presented as thematic pages which are available in English and Spanish.
In addition, the MHRRI website provides Gender Based Violence Training Manuals for those working with or assisting survivors of gender-based violence or involved in training professionals working directly with survivors. These manuals address working with women, with boys and men and with children. The manuals are translated into several languages.
Please access MHHRI’s database via this link and this link.
Also, MHHRI has published its Newsletter No. 4 - November 2023, titled:
How does war affect children's mental health and their future?
The content includes children & trauma; children & resilience; psychological first aids; children in armed conflict; and refugees and asylum seekers, among other topics.
Please access the content via MHHRI’s Newsletter November 2023.
Displaced Voices. A Journal of Archives, Migration and Cultural Heritage. Vol 3, Number 1, Spring 2023, entitled “Forced migration: psychosocial services and interventions including the role of education”.
Posted on 30 June 2023 by Dr Farah Farsimadan
We are pleased to announce the upcoming online publication of the special edition of the Displaced Voices. A Journal of Archives, Migration and Cultural Heritage. Vol 3, Number 1, Spring 2023.
Portal’s Resource Centre Updated
Posted on 13 December 2022 by Dr Farah Farsimadan
We are pleased to announce that Portal's Resource Centre including the resources in the Adult and Children sections together with the Directory of Services & Organisations for Refugees, Asylum Seekers & Migrants in the UK & Beyond 2023 Edition, have all been updated.
We would like to thank Mr Robin Johnson from UEL's Digital Content Team for their unwavering support and patience in uploading the resources.
Please access the resources via the links below:
Going full circle. The primary needs and experiences of refugees and people seeking asylum. (2022). The London Refugee Advocacy Forum & Refugee council.
Posted on 21 October 2022 by Dr Farah Farsimadan
The London Refugee Advocacy Forum, supported by the Refugee Council published the “GOING FULL CIRCLE” report which looks into the experiences of refugees and people seeking asylum living in London.
The report pulls together 13 key recommendations to a number of stakeholders including the Great London Authority (GLA), policy and decision-makers, service providers, and grant-making bodies, and challenges them to take action or to review their policy and practice, in order to achieve positive outcomes for refugee communities in London.
Working with refugees – what do we need to know – The British Psychological Society Conference
Posted on 3 August 2022 by Dr Farah Farsimadan
Date and time: 30 September 2022, 9:00am – 4:30pm
The conference opens for registration today, please use the link below to book your place:
UK government guidance on the health needs of displaced people from Ukraine, advice for primary care professionals treating this population and links to translated health information in Russian and Ukrainian
Posted on 8 March 2022 by Dr Farah Farsimadan
The UK government has updated its guidance on the health needs of migrant patients from Ukraine. Please use the links below to access these:
- Guidance Ukraine: migrant health guide
Advice and guidance on the health needs of migrant patients from Ukraine for healthcare practitioners:
- Guidance for arrivals from Ukraine
Arrivals from Ukraine: advice for primary care:
- Translation links to health information in Ukrainian and Russian - Doctors of the World and Bevan Healthcare infographic on how the NHS works - a guide for migrants in Russian and Ukrainian:
- Medline Plus health information in Ukrainian (українська)
- NHS Scotland guide to services for displaced people from Ukraine
This leaflet gives information about NHS Scotland Services for displaced persons from Ukraine in Ukrainian.
- NHS Inform information about calling 111 in Ukrainian
Statement about Ukraine
Posted on 31 March 2022 by Dr Farah Farsimadan
Please see the link below to the World Association of Cultural Psychiatry (WACP) statement
Portal’s Resource Centre Updated
Posted on 4 November 2021 by Dr Farah Farsimadan
We are pleased to announce that Portal's Resource Centre including the resources in the Adult and Children sections together with the Directory of Services & Organisations for Refugees, Asylum Seekers & Migrants in the UK & Beyond: 2021-2022 Edition, have all been updated.
We would like to thank UEL's Digital Content Team for their assistance in uploading the updates.
Please access the resources via the links below:
Refugee Research Network, RRN Research Digest, latest edition
Posted on 20 September 2021 by Dr Farah Farsimadan
Read the latest Refugee Research Network, RRN, Research Digest edition, published on September 16 2021 on the RRN website below:
Call for Abstracts for an upcoming workshop hosted by the University of Ottawa Refugee Hub
Posted on 20 September 2021 by Dr Farah Farsimadan
We are pleased to share with you a Call for Abstracts for an upcoming workshop on new and innovative research in refugee sponsorship, to be held online in November 2021, hosted by the University of Ottawa Refugee Hub.
This workshop is part of the university's 2021 Colloquium on Refugee Sponsorship, run in partnership with the Institute for Research into Superdiversity at the University of Birmingham and the Centre for Refugee Studies at York University. The university particularly encourages submissions from people with lived experience with displacement, and from researchers who collaborate and/or work with communities with this experience.
If you would like to present at this workshop, please send your presentation title and abstract (up to 300 words) by 3 October 2021 to Eliza Bateman, Senior Research Analyst at the University of Ottawa Refugee Hub.
Refugee Council
Posted on 10 September 2021 by Dr Farah Farsimadan
Refugee Council urges the UK Government to do more for Afghan refugees.
Updating the Resource Centre, 2020
Posted on 23 November 2020 by Dr Farah Farsimadan
We are pleased to announce that our 2020 updated version of the Portal’s Resource Centre including the 52-page Directory of Services & Organisations for Refugees, Asylum Seekers & Migrants is completed.
Please access the Resource Centre via the link below:
Coronavirus Resources by the BPS
Published on 21 November 2020 by Dr Farah Farsimadan
The BPS has put together some useful tips, advice and links to articles as well as guidelines issued by the UK Government and the NHS that practitioners, professionals and the public might find useful in dealing with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Please click on the link below:
Forced Migration Conference on Psychosocial Issues
Posted on 2 September 2020 by Dr Farah Farsimadan
The University of East London’s Psychology Department hosts an all-day online Forced Migration
Conference on Psychosocial Issues on Friday 4 September 2020, 10am-7pm. See the link below for more details.
Racial disparities in mental health: literature and evidence review
Posted on 23 March 2020 by Dr Farah Farsimadan
This week we saw the publication of a new report by the Race Equality Foundation. Drawing on the most recent published research from the last five years and with insights from two events and conversations across the sector, the report reveals a wide range of inequalities linked to mental healthcare in BAME communities. The report covers prevalence, access, assessment, treatment, and recovery. Recommendations to health agencies, professionals and the voluntary sector are offered. Access the report via the links below:
Here’s a thought-provoking story written as part of the Refugee Journalism Project which poses the question ‘What could improve the mental health of refugees?’ You can read the story by clicking the link below:
In addition, The UN Refugee Agency published new guidelines in May 2019 to help British businesses employ refugees. You can access the guidelines by clicking on the link below:
BPS Division of Counselling Psychology 2019 award
Reported on 6 August 2019 by Elaahe Farsimadan
We are very pleased to announce that the BPS Division of Counselling Psychology 2019 award for diversity in practice was jointly awarded to Professor Tribe and Dr Farsimadan in recognition of their contributions to the field including the development of the UEL Refugee Mental Health and Wellbeing Portal. The award was formally presented at the DCoP conference in Cardiff on Saturday 29 June.
Congratulations to Rachel, Farah and the team!!!
The Global Mental Health Assessment Database (GMhAD)
Reported by Elaahe Farsimadan 2 July 2019
The World Association of Cultural Psychiatry (WACP) is happy to share a new resource from colleagues at the University of San Diego that supports access to culturally informed mental health tools internationally.
The Global Mental Health Assessment Database (GMhAD) is an open toolkit for global mental health assessment tools for use in low and middle-income countries. To find out more about this resource, please see the link below.
Retrieved 31 May 2019 by Elaahe Farsimadan
Invitation to the Launch of our Mental Health and Wellbeing Portal for Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Health and Social Care Professionals
Posted on 4 June 2016 by Paul Dudman
Please join us at the launch of the UEL mental health and wellbeing portal for refugees, asylum seekers and health and social care professionals to be held on June 9 from 4pm – 6pm in the UEL SportsDock, room SD.1.04, Docklands Campus, University of East London (Find us).
Draft programme
- 3.30 - 4pm: Registration and Light refreshments.
- 4pm Professor John Joughin, UEL Vice-Chancellor - Introduction UEL and Civic Engagement
- 4.15pm Maurice Wren /Angelina Jalonen Chief Executive Refugee Council - Mental health and refugees
- 4.30pm Professor Hacker Hughes or Professor Rachel Tribe - The work of the British Psychological Society Presidential Taskforce on migrants, refugees and asylum seekers
- 4.45pm to be confirmed
- 5pm Dr Farah Farsimadan - developing resources
- 5.15pm Dr Patricia Smith - Community Liaison
- 5.30pm Jidong Dung - Introduction to the refugee portal and launch
- 5.45pm – 6pm Paul Dudman - UEL Archivist for the Refugee Archive - The UEL Refugee Archive tour and networking
- 6pm onwards: A Reception with a selection of foods and refreshments will be available in the Library Foyer to enable further discussion and networking.
For further details, please contact Paul Dudman on