Research impact
Research impact
Research impact
Drugs Policy Enquiry
The group's work on the impact of recreational drug use has recently formed a report of written evidence which has been accepted and published as part of the Health and Social Care committees Drugs Policy Enquiry (March 2019).
UK Government Consultations
- The group have responded to a call directed to experts in the field from the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee; designed to review evidence and direct future review and policy on e-cigarettes and work is cited in their Seventh Report of Session 2017-19 links and oral evidence citing UEL-linked work (27 February 2018).
- Research cited in Response to the UK Government Consultation: Advancing our health: prevention in the 2020s Supporting Smokers to Quit
Gambling - Informing Policy Makers
Sharman (with Turner) has contributed to an APPG consultation looking at stake sizes permitted for FOBT gambling in December 2016 and subsequently in January 2017. They have also reported to the Department of Culture, Media and Sport and evidence for the DCMS inquiry into FOBTs; which subsequently resulted in a policy change.
Public Health England (PHE)
Research papers by Dawkins et al (2012; with Turner) and Dawkins et al (2015; with Soar and Kimber) have been cited in the National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training booklet on Electronic cigarettes: A brief for stop smoking services, produced in partnership with PHE (2016). Kimber's invited presentation at the Society for the Study of Addiction annual conference in November 2017 has been cited in a recent report by PHE.
- E-cigarettes: Public Health England (PHE) training manual (2016).
- Public Health England (PHE) report (2018).
Informing and Changing Clinical Practice (Gambling)
The team's research and collaboration with GMA has been recognised in public fora (such as the GMA annual trustees meetings at the House of Commons, since 2014), in their annual reports and on their own social media; reaching other stakeholders including representatives from the charities YGAM, BetKnowMore and Gambling with Lives, and health practitioners from Newham NHS, NPGC and King's College Social Care Workforce Research Unit. This has led to various impacts and changes in service delivery.
Charities (Cancer Research UK)
Features in the Electronic cigarette research briefing - October 2015 for researchers, policymakers, health professionals as part of the UK Electronic Cigarette Research Forum.
Trading Standards
E-cigarette research papers with Soar and Corcoran have been cited in a written invited report by Dawkins and Kimber for Trading Standards UK in 2016 on nicotine concentrations in e-cigarettes.
International Regulations on E-Cigarettes
Kimber's PGR work has also attracted considerable attention and led to presentations to regulatory officials from Brazil (July 2017; invited speaker) and the Philippines (April, 2018, invited discussant).
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee - E-Cigarettes Policy
The group have responded to a call directed to experts in the field from the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee; designed to review evidence and direct future review and policy on e-cigarettes and work is cited in their Seventh Report of Session 2017-19 links and oral evidence citing UEL-linked work (27 February 2018).
Media Coverage
E-cigarette research media coverage includes:
a. an opinion piece (Kimber, Feb 2017) requested by;
b. citation of work from Turner's CRUK project on the Psychology Today webpage (2017) and in a Public Health Wales report (2018); and
c. a recent paper by Soar on the Australian Tobacco Harm Reduction Association blog (Aug 2018)
Gambling research coverage includes:
a. extensive coverage in UK national newspapers [e.g. The Times,] and significant international science [e.g. Science Daily, PsychCentral] and industry online news providers.
b. BBC Panorama documentary looking at gambling
c. Sharman and Turner organised the first non-industry linked UK Gambling conference at UEL (Current Advances in Gambling Research 2019).