The Clinical Research Group
The Clinical Research Group
About Us
The Clinical Research Group (CRG) is a core of health and bioscience expertise in translational and interdisciplinary research into the impact and alleviation of human chronic disease. The CRG organises our clinical research base in the School of Health Sport and Bioscience (HSB) and encourages collaboration to improve clinical practice for a variety of chronic conditions that detract from a healthy physical life and well-being.
The CRG has expertise in pipeline development of research from lab to clinic to home. This includes physiological assessment, innovation and development of medical devices and repurposing of existing treatments and interventions to offer new therapeutic solutions, as well as community-based initiatives. Research in this group is inclusive of diverse methodologies, including qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods as well as participatory methodologies including participatory action research and community-led research.
Clinical research skills of the group reflect those of the professions allied to bioscience, health and medicine that our School excels in and contributed to 92 per cent of UEL's overall research being recognised as world-leading, internationally excellent or internationally recognised in REF 2021.
Key Research Staff
Roger Carpenter MSc PhD FHEA
Dr Carpenter is currently the director of the CRG at UEL. His research interest is the impact of positive interventions (e.g., exercise) and negative factors (e.g., stress) on physiological indices of health and well-being in clinical and non-clinical groups. He has previously published work in collaboration with Professor Seed and Professor Corcoran at UEL and the University of Hertfordshire, the University of Kent, the University of Northumbria, the University of York, the University of Winchester and associated NHS trusts (e.g., Guy's and St Thomas' and Barts). He is currently co-supervising a PhD student in collaboration with Drs Meah, Morgan and Ruchaya at UEL, on a project looking at the effect of types of smoking on autonomic control and damage to cardiopulmonary function at rest and exercise.
Niall Fitzpatrick MSc PhD
Dr Fitzpatrick is the programme lead for the BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy courses at UEL. He obtained his PhD in 2014 and has previously developed innovative ways of delivering hand therapy. This included working closely with hand surgeons in an Integrated Musculoskeletal and Pain service to develop and implement a triage service for the diagnosis and management of acutely hand-injured patients. He worked closely with Plastic and Orthopaedic Consultant teams to promote closer cooperation, including the training of junior surgical staff, by devising and conveying strategies to streamline working practices within these specialities. He also developed new patient pathways to make patient access to services more efficient. He is currently a member of the British Association of Occupational Therapists, Health and Care Professions Council and British Association of Hand Therapists.
Alexander Izod PhD
Dr Izod's primary research interests have been built upon his clinical expertise in podiatric biomechanics. Supported by a grant awarded by the Dr William M Scholl Podiatric Research and Development Fund, these have focused on the use of three-dimensional (3D) motion capture to study the impact of early rheumatoid arthritis (RA) on lower limb biomechanics. Dr Izod is interested in developing protocols for the use of 3D motion capture to further extend research in this area, as well as the application of this technology in the analysis of age-related degenerative changes of the lower limb.
Mohammed Meah MSc PhD
Dr Meah is currently investigating how risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as stress, cause nervous system autonomic imbalance (high sympathetic and low parasympathetic responses) and its link to heart rate variability (a measure of autonomic activity). Humans produce different stress responses based on gender, ethnicity, age and duration of stress, so autonomic imbalance could play a role in different responses and thus increase cardiovascular risk.
He is currently director of studies for Amel Al-Hashimi (Co-supervised by Drs Morgan, Carpenter and Ruchaya) who is undertaking a PhD project on the effect of types of smoking (cigarette, water pipe and electronic) on autonomic control and damage to cardiopulmonary function at rest and exercise.
Prashant Ruchaya PhD
Dr Ruchaya focuses his research on cardiovascular disease and stem cell therapy. His main expertise is in pre-clinical in-vivo physiology. Currently, Dr Ruchaya is investigating mechanisms of how (1) the ageing process predisposes individuals to cardiovascular disease and (2) how ageing negatively influences stem cell efficacy as a therapeutic intervention.
Dr Ruchaya has active collaborators at Queen Mary University London and King's College London, where he is co-supervising two PhD students (in collaboration with Prof Ellison-Hughes and Dr Clark). These projects aim to investigate; (1) how to enhance stem cell engraftment in an in vivo model of left ventricular heart failure, using PET/MRI imaging and (2) the mechanisms of how ageing induces cardiomyocyte damage, using in vivo and in vitro-based assays. At the University of East London, Dr Ruchaya is co-supervising two PhD students; in collaboration with Dr Meah, Dr Morgan and Dr Carpenter, one project focuses on the effect of types of smoking (cigarette, water pipe and electronic) on autonomic control and damage of cardiopulmonary function at rest and exercise. In collaboration with Dr Bringloe and Dr Rallis, the second project focuses on mechanisms underlying neuronal dysfunction in ageing.
Internationally, Dr Ruchaya actively collaborates on integrative research projects with the Federal University of Goias, Brazil and the Biomedical Research Foundation Academy of Athens, Greece. Currently, Dr Ruchaya has two active grants based on ageing and the efficacy of second-generation stem cell therapy. His laboratory actively supports inquiries into collaboration and PhD studentships and can be contacted at or 020 8223 4539.
Patricia Smith, MSc, PhD, MCSP, FHEA
Dr Smith is the director of the Diabetes Research Group (DRG) at UEL. The DRG is an interdisciplinary sub-group of the CRG focussing on the personal, social, cultural and health impacts of diabetes worldwide. It brings together diverse perspectives on one of the most prevalent non-communicable diseases of our time. A physiotherapist by background, Dr Smith has worked in health for more than 30 years and has taught professional health sciences and research methods for over two decades. She is a qualitative researcher whose area of interest is community-based rehabilitation, where her expertise focuses on physical disability, community involvement and community development. She has worked on community physiotherapy projects in Jamaica, mainly with families living with disabled children, and on community-based projects in the UK, including diabetic groups and migrant groups, in the London borough of Newham. Her book, Disability and Culture: an International and Inter-professional Perspective, published in 2015, considers how disability is culturally placed and contextualised in different societies. She is currently Director of Studies for a PhD student undertaking a mixed-methods research study on the prevalence of stroke in a small community in Nigeria and how stroke impacts the quality of life for survivors. This work is co-supervised by Professor Rachel Tribe and Dr Folashade Alloh.
Paul Watts PhD
Dr Paul Watts is a Senior Lecturer in Public Health at UEL. Paul’s research interests are the social and environmental determinants of health and health behaviours, healthy ageing and quantitative research methods. He has published research on healthy ageing; frailty in older adults; social, economic and environmental determinants of health; clustering of health behaviours within populations; influences on sport and physical activity participation; and physical and mental health benefits of sport and physical activity participation for adults and children. Paul is also experienced in whole systems evaluations of complex health, social and environmental interventions acting on health and health behaviours.
The methods Paul uses in his research include advanced quantitative methods for analysis of observational and experimental studies; mixed methods approaches to evaluating complex whole system interventions; and systems mapping to understand complex public health problems.
Our School hosts the East London NHS Foundation Trust Foot Health Clinic and has a Clinical Education building on the Stratford campus that contains a bespoke first-in-class podiatric medicine consulting suite, consulting rooms, patient changing and showers and a new nursing training facility with state-of-the-art simulation labs, including augmented and virtual reality technologies. We also have a large refurbished human physiology laboratory with an adjoining wet lab containing sophisticated body composition, metabolic analysis and a body-motion sensor system.
Our School has invested substantially in the analytics research environment, with a £5m HEFCE/UEL-funded refurbishment and re-equipment of the laboratories and infrastructure. For example, genomic/proteomic and cellular and ion channel electrophysiological equipment (e.g., BD Celesta and Accuri C6 FACS, capillary DNA sequencer, gel documentation system, Flow cytometry, RT-PCRCFlow, Agilent qPCR, Electrophysiology work station, LC-DAD and LC-ESI-MS systems, Latach QC8500 analyser).
This close relationship of clinical and analytical resources, coupled with the substantive collaborations with UCL Partners as well as Barts Health and Guy's & St Thomas', Newham NHS Trust, and St George's University of London (GCP Analytics), provides a powerful resource for HSB Clinical Research.
Journal articles (2012-present)
- Watts, P. N., & Netuveli, G. (2022). Costs of healthy living for older adults: the need for dynamic measures of health-related poverty to support evidence-informed policy-making and real-time decision-making. Public Health, 212, 1-3.
- Cathala, X., Ocho, O. N., Mcintosh, N., Watts, P. N., & Moorley, C. (2022). An exploration of social participation in Caribbean student nurses' use of social media in their learning journey. Journal of Advanced Nursing.
- Ravenscroft, A., Salisbury, C., Voela, A., & Watts, P. (2022). Addressing the Safety and Criminal Exploitation of Vulnerable Young People: Before, During and After COVID-19 and Lockdown. In After Lockdown, Opening Up (pp. 151-171). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- Wehner-Hewson, N., Watts, P., Buscombe, R., Bourne, N., & Hewson, D. (2021). Racial and ethnic differences in falls among older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities, 1-14.
- Soltani, N., Botticello, J., & Watts, P. (2021). Exploring the physical activity of Iranian migrant women in the United Kingdom: a qualitative study. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 16(1), 1963111.
- Cathala, X., Ocho, O. N., Watts, P. N., & Moorley, C. (2021). International student nurses' use of social media for learning: A cross-sectional survey. Nurse Education Today, 107, 105160.
- Cathala, X., Ocho, O. N., Moorley, C., & Watts, P. N. (2021). Demographic profiling of Caribbean and United Kingdom student nurses' use of social media for professional development. Journal of Professional Nursing, 37(6), 1036-1043.
- Watts, P., Rance, S., McGowan, V., Brown, H., Bambra, C., Findlay, G., & Harden, A. (2020). The long-term health and wellbeing impacts of Healthy New Towns (HNTs): protocol for a baseline and feasibility study of HNT demonstrator sites in England. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 6(1), 4.
- Namuddu, J., & Watts, P. N. (2020). Choice of device to view video lectures: an analysis of two independent cohorts of first-year university students. Research in Learning Technology, 28.
- Netuveli, G., & Watts, P. (2020). Pro-environmental behaviours and attitudes are associated with health, well-being and life satisfaction in multiple occupancy households in the UK Household Longitudinal Study. Population and Environment, 1-25.
- Watts, P., Blane D. & Netuveli G. (2019). Minimum income for healthy living and frailty in adults over 65 years old in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing: a population-based cohort study. BMJ Open;0:e025334. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-025334
- Watts, P., Webb, E., & Netuveli, G. (2017). The role of sports clubs in helping older people to stay active and prevent frailty: a longitudinal mediation analysis. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 14(1), 95.
- Watts, P., Hayee, M., Bertotti, M. & Tobi, P. (2017). Social, cognitive, behavioural and neighbourhood characteristics associated with sedentary time in men and women living in deprived neighbourhoods. European Journal of Sport Science. DOI:10.1080/17461391.2017.1323951
- Frostick, C., Watts, P., Netuveli, G., Renton, A. & Moore, D. (2017) Well London: Results of a Community Engagement Approach to Improving Health among Adolescents from Areas of Deprivation in London. Journal of Community Practice, DOI:10.1080/10705422.2017.1309611
- Watts, P., Buck, D., Netuveli, G., & Renton, A. (2016). Clustering of lifestyle risk behaviours among residents of forty deprived neighbourhoods in London: lessons for targeting public health interventions. Journal of Public Health, 38(2), 308-315.
- Bertotti M, Watts P, Netuveli G, Yu G, Schmidt E, et al. (2013) Types of Social Capital and Mental Disorder in Deprived Urban Areas: A Multilevel Study of 40 Disadvantaged London Neighbourhoods. PLoS ONE 8(12): e80127.
- Watts, P., Phillips, G., Petticrew, M., Hayes, R., Bottomley, C., Yu, G. & Renton, A. (2013). Physical Activity in Deprived Communities in London: Examining Individual and Neighbourhood-Level Factors. PloS ONE, 8(7), e69472.
- Watts, P., Phillips, G., Petticrew, M., Harden, A. & Renton, A. (2011). The influence of environmental factors on the generalisability of public health research evidence: physical activity as a worked example. International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 8:128
- Yu, G., Renton, A., Schmidt, E., Tobi, P., Bertotti, M., Watts, P & Lais, S. (2011). A multilevel analysis of the association between social networks and support on leisure-time physical activity: Evidence from 40 disadvantaged areas in London. Health and Place, 17(5), 1023–1029
- Exploring the physical activity of Iranian migrant women in the United Kingdom, a qualitative study, Soltani, N., Botticello, J., and Watts, P., (In press). International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Health and Well-being.
- Measuring inflammatory foot disease in rheumatoid arthritis: development and validation of the Rheumatoid Arthritis Foot Disease Activity Index-5. Anika Hoque, Kellie Gallagher, Anne McEntegart, Duncan Porter, Martijn Steultjens, James Woodburn, Gordon J Hendry (2020). Arthritis Care and Research May 2020.
- Targeting Extracellular Vesicles to the Arthritic Joint Using a Damaged Cartilage-Specific Antibody (2020) Louise M Topping, Bethan Lynne Thomas, Michael Seed, Mathieu-Benoit Voisin. Frontiers in Immunology. February 2020. DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.00010
- Engaging with Communities and Civil Society on the Front-Line for Tackling TB in Migrants in England (2019), Berrocal, L., Botticello, J., Piotrowski, H., Kon, O-M., Lalvani, A., and Zenner, D. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 23 (5): 563–570. DOI: 10.5588/ijtld.18.0230.
- Affective and enjoyment responses to 12 weeks of high-intensity interval training and moderate continuous training in adults with Crohn's disease. Lindsay Bottoms, Dean Leighton, Roger Carpenter, Simon Anderson, Louise Langmead, John Ramage, James Faulkner, Elizabeth Coleman, Caroline Fairhurst, Michael Seed and Garry Tew (2019). PLOS ONE 14 (9)
- High-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity continuous training in adults with Crohn's disease: A pilot randomised controlled trial. Tew, G.A., Leighton, D., Carpenter, R., Anderson, S., Langmead, L., Ramage, J., Faulkner, J., Coleman, E., Caroline Fairhurst, C., Seed, M., and Bottoms, L. (2019) BMC Gastroenterology 19:19
- Feasibility of high-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity continuous training in adults with inactive or mildly active Crohn's Disease: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Tew, G.A., Carpenter, R., Seed, M., Anderson, S., Langmead, L., Fairhurst, C., and L. Bottoms (2017). Pilot and Feasibility Studies 3:17. DOI 10.1186/s40814-017-0133-z
- Locomotor Muscle Fatigue Does Not Alter Oxygen Uptake Kinetics during High-Intensity Exercise. Hopker JG., Caporaso G., Azzalin A., Carpenter R., Marcora SM. Front Physiol. 2016 Oct 13;7:463.
- A Meta-analysis of the use of mesenchymal stem cells in the treatment of multiple sclerosis – lack of clinical efficacy through insufficient cell numbers administered? Godfray H., Seed M.,. (2016) Proc Br Pharmacol Soc pA2-Online 13(3):400(P)
- Does this case hold the answer to one of the worse types of pain in medicine - that of Loin Pain Haematuria Syndrome (LPHS). Russell AR, Chatterjee S, Seed M., (2015), BMJ Case Reports 2015: doi:10.1136/bcr-2014-209165
- Dynamic plantar loading index detects altered foot function in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis but not changes due to orthotic use. Telfer S., Baeten E., Gibson KS., Steultjens MP., Turner DE., Woodburn J., Hendry GJ. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2014 Nov; 29 (9):1027-31. doi: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2014.08.009.
- Functionally optimized orthoses for early rheumatoid arthritis foot disease: a study of mechanisms and patient experience. Gibson KS., Woodburn J., Porter D., Telfer S. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2014 Oct; 66 (10): 1456-64. doi: 10.1002/acr.22060.
- Evaluating the biomechanics of the paediatric foot in Turner syndrome: a case report. Morrison SC., Izod A., Mahaffey RJ. Am Podiatry Med Assoc. 2012 May-Jun; 102 (3): 259-63.
- Fitzpatrick, N., and Finlay, L., (2008) ‘Frustrating disability’: the lived experience of coping with the rehabilitation phase following flexor tendon surgery. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 3(3).
- Fitzpatrick, N., (2007) A phenomenological Investigation of People's Experiences Following a Flexor Tendon Injury to their Hand(s). British Journal of Hand Therapy.
- Fitzpatrick, N., (2006) ‘Through the maze, a learning pathway through a six-month hand therapy rotation’. British Journal of Hand Therapy.
- Fitzpatrick, N., and Presnell, S., (2004) Can an Occupational Therapist be a Hand Therapist? British Journal of Occupational Therapists 67 (11) 508-510(3).
Conference proceedings
- Paul Watts, Elizabeth Webb, Gopalakrishnan Netuveli (2015). Maintaining the Olympics legacy: how sports clubs can help older people stay active and prevent obesity. Policies and Environments Special Interest Group - ISBNPA Conference – Edinburgh.
- Paul Watts, Gemma Phillips, Mark Petticrew, Richard Hayes, Christian Bottomley, Ge Yu, Elena Schmidt, Derek Moore, Caroline Frostick, Karen Lock, Adrian Renton (September 2012) The relationship between greenspace and physical activity in deprived communities in London. WHO Health Enhancing Physical Activity Conference (Cardiff)
- Watts, P., Phillips, G., Petticrew, M., Renton, A., Hayes, R., Bottomley, C., Yu, G., Schmidt, E., Moore, D., Frostick., C & Locke, K. (September 2011 – Oral presentation) "Determinants of physical activity in deprived communities in London: examining the effects of individual and neighbourhood characteristics” Annual meeting of the Society for Social Medicine (Warwick).
- Watts, P., Phillips, G., Petticrew, M., Renton, A., Hayes, R., Bottomley, C., Yu, G., Schmidt, E., Moore, D., Frostick., C & Locke, K. (September 2011 – Poster presentation) "Determinants of physical activity in deprived communities in London: examining the effects of individual and neighbourhood characteristics" Health and Wellbeing - The 21st Century Agenda – Journal of the Royal Society for Public Health (London).
- Watts, P., Phillips, G., Petticrew, M., Harden, A. & Renton, A. (September 2011 - Poster Presentation). “The influence of environmental factors on the generalisability of public health research evidence: physical activity as a worked example.” Health and Wellbeing - The 21st Century Agenda – Journal of the Royal Society for Public Health (London).
- Watts, P., (October 2009 - Oral Presentation). "Theoretical approaches to researching environmental influences on physical activity". Environment and Healthy Lifestyles Conference - University of Staffordshire (Stoke-on-Trent).
- Paul Watts, Elizabeth Webb, Gopalakrishnan Netuveli (2016). The role of sports clubs in helping older people to stay active and prevent frailty: a longitudinal mediation analysis. The International Centre for Lifecourse Studies in Society and Health Seminar (UCL), 15th November, 2016.
- Bertotti, M and Watts P. “Types of social capital and mental disorder in deprived urban areas: a multilevel study of 40 disadvantaged urban neighbourhoods”, AUHE seminar, 25th June 2013, University of Leeds, Leeds.
- The impact of early RA on lower limb kinematics (2020) Alexander G Izod Catherine J Bowen Kellie S Gallagher Michael Seed. Rheumatology 59 (Supplement_2). P229 DOI: 10.1093/rheumatology/keaa111.223
- Fitzpatrick, N., (2019) Understanding adaptive experiences following hand injury: Supporting patients to manage their expectations. Poster presented at International Federation for Societies of Hand Therapy, Berlin.
- Fitzpatrick, N., (2017) An exploration of the return to work experiences of individuals who are managing a traumatic hand injury and the development of a return to work intervention. Paper Presentation BAHT Conference, Norwich.
- Adverse Event Profiles of the Anti-Epileptic Drugs Lacosamide and Pregabalin, as Adjunctive and Mono-Treatments. Mabbott-Day A, Seed MP. (2015) Proc. Br. Pharmacological Soc pA2-Online 12 (3): 217 (P).
- Therapeutic Hypothermia as a Neuroprotectant for Post ‘Out-of-Hospital’ Cardiac Arrest: a Meta-Analysis. Smyth AMA & Seed MP (2014). Proc. Br. Pharmacological Soc. pA2-Online 11 (3) 204P
- Fitzpatrick, N., (2013) To investigate the experience of patients returning to work after suffering a traumatic hand injury. International Human Science Research Conference, Aalborg, Denmark.
- Metabolic Profiling of Exercise Intervention: Exercise Metabolomics. Lyons, A., Carpenter R., Corcoran, O., and Culpan, J. (2012). Proceedings of The Physiological Society; The Biomedical Basis of Elite Performance (London) (2012) Proc Physiol Soc 26, PC100.
- Translating systems biology of elite athletes from the laboratory to the sports arena. Corcoran, O., Lyons, A., Carpenter R and Culpan, J. (2012). Proceedings of the Physiological Society; The Biomedical Basis of Elite Performance (London) (2012) Proc Physiol Soc 26, PC47.
- Fitzpatrick, N., (2012) To investigate experiences of patients returning to work after suffering a traumatic hand injury, London South Bank University Summer School, London, UK.
- Fitzpatrick, N., (2006). The need to include family and friends in treatment planning for patients who have undergone a flexor tendon repair to their hands. Poster presentation at the World Federation of Occupational Therapists, Sydney, Australia.
- Fitzpatrick, N., (2002). The patient doesn’t end at the elbow: Creativity lends a hand in occupational therapy. Poster presented at the 13th World Congress of Occupational Therapists, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Ryan, S., Fitzpatrick, N., (2002). Becoming a research department – using clinical reasoning to effect change. Poster presented at the 26th Annual College of Occupational Therapists Conference, Brighton, UK.
Book chapters
- Introduction; The Nature of Disability in the UK and Multi-cultural Influences; Community Based Rehabilitation and Post-Coloniality: The Jamaican Context; Cultural Imperatives within Community-Based Rehabilitation: Narratives from Families Living with Disability. P Smith, (2015) In: Disability and Culture: An International and Inter-professional Perspective, Illinois: Common Ground Publishing.
- Yoruba-Nigerians, Cosmopolitan Food Cultures and Identity Practices on a London Market, Botticello, J. (2012) in P. Williams-Forson and C. Counihan (eds.) Taking Food Public, New York and London: Routledge, pp. 425-437.
Contact us
General enquiries to the Clinical Research Group can be made to:
Dr Roger Carpenter
Tel: +44 (0) 208 223 4481
School of Health, Sport and Bioscience
University of East London
Stratford Campus
Water Lane
E15 4LZ