Research in Teacher Education - Instructions for Authors
Research in Teacher Education - Instructions for Authors
Manuscript submission guidelines
Style: Papers must be written in English and avoid discriminatory language. They should be aimed at an international audience, using a clear style, avoiding jargon. You must therefore explain points that might only be understood within your own education system. Acronyms, abbreviations and technical terms should be defined when first used. UK spellings are preferred. If notes are essential, only use endnotes. Do not indent at the start of a new paragraph; instead, leave one line between each paragraph, and at least two lines between each (sub)section and the next.
Each manuscript should contain:
- A full title and (if any) subtitle.
- An abstract of 100-150 words.
- Up to six keywords.
- Papers should be between 1,500 and 3,500 words, excluding references. The text should be clearly organised, with a clear hierarchy of heading and subheading.
- The text should be written in Arial Font 11.
Tables: Tables should be typed (double-line spaced) on separate sheets, and their positions indicated by a marginal note in the text. All tables should have short descriptive captions, with footnotes and source(s) typed below the tables.
Illustrations: All line diagrams are termed 'Figures' and should be referred to as such in the manuscript. They should be numbered consecutively. Line diagrams should be presented in a form suitable for immediate reproduction (ie not requiring redrawing), each on a separate A4 sheet or, if possible, on disk as either EPS (all fonts embedded) or TIFF files with a minimum resolution of 600 dpi (b/w only).
Authors are responsible for obtaining permissions from copyright holders for reproduction of any illustrations, tables or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere.
References: The styles indicated below must be followed exactly by authors:
Every citation should have a reference and every reference should be cited. Use ampersands in multiple references (e.g. Smith, Brown & Jones), but in the text put the first author et al. (e.g. Smith et al.). Do not use bold or underlining in references. Provide translations for non-English titles in the references.
Journal article
- Smith, A. P. (2010). 'Choosing your style guru'. Journal of Dummies, 4(1): 24–9.
- Smith, A. P. (2010). Reference style guidelines. London: Cass.
- Smith, A. P. & Brown, A. P. (2003). References for some: deciding an appropriate style. London: Cass.
Chapter in a book
- Smith, A. P. (2010). 'The importance of matching stick and carrot'. In Red, A. (ed.) Guidelines for references, pp. 55–8. London: Cass.
Editor of a book
- Smith, A. P. (ed.) (2010). The essentials of labour: styles of referencing. London: Cass.
Thesis (unpublished)
- Smith, A. P. (2010). 'Dressing style guidelines'. Unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Borchester, Borchester.
Research/Governmental report
- Belch, M., Cough, C., Bourn, U., Coffin, D. & Cross, H. (2000). 'Making your mind up: teaching in private schools' (Research Report AA49). London: DfPC.
Paper presented at a symposium or annual meeting
- Smith, A. P. (2010). 'A citation for every occurrence, and an occurrence for every colon'. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Educators' League Association, Cambridge, January.
- Smith, A. P. (2011). 'Choosing a layout for your bedroom. Guidance on decor'. Online: [accessed January 2010]