Thirteenth ICMEC
Thirteenth ICMEC
On 27 June 2022 ICMEC held its first hybrid seminar. The topic was: Marketised early childhood systems - developments in New Zealand and Australia. Professor Linda Mitchell, Waikato University, New Zealand and Professor Fran Press, Manchester Metropolitan University, presented papers on ‘Turning ‘Turning the tide on privatised early childhood education in New Zealand’ and ‘A mixed economy and the quality of ECEC. Lessons learned from the Australian experience’ respectively. As discussant, UEL emerita Professor Helen Penn introduced the discussion with an input on ‘Company childcare – Characteristics of companies operating in the care sector.’
All three presentations can be found here:
Helen Penn: Company Childcare - UEL ICMEC seminar
pptx, 44.65 KB
The in-person audience at UEL’s University Square Stratford campus consisted of UEL, UCL and other academic colleagues, postgraduate students interested in marketized childcare systems, journalists, childcare practitioners, and providers. Delegates with similar professional associations were found among the online audience, which also included several policymakers from England and Ireland. Online and in-person delegates represented 8 different countries around the world, including Singapore and Malaysia.