Seventh ICMEC
Seventh ICMEC
Supporting Private Childcare Provider Sustainability
The first seminar of this seventh seminar series took place on Monday 3 March 2014 at UEL's Docklands Campus. It focused on the current economic climate. Coupled with the roll-out of the two year old education offer, this not only poses sustainability challenges to private childcare providers across the country, but also creates risks to childcare quality. The latest DFE Childcare and Early Years Providers Survey ( documented profit margins and measures employed to stem losses among day nurseries, childminders and out-of-school services, alongside rich information about school-based early years services.
At this ICMEC seminar Ivana Lavalle, co-author of this report and current ICMEC Visiting Scholar, highlighted salient factors supporting private provider sustainability which remain topical today. To read her presentation follow this link: Ivana La Valle ICMEC seminar 3 Mar 2014.
The second speaker, Courteney Donaldson, Director Corporate Childcare at Christie and Co, brought a business intelligence perspective to these issues, based on her involvement in every major UK nursery transaction since 2006.
Posted December 2014.