Recent Publications
Recent Publications
- Briggs, S., Netuveli, G., Gould, N., Gkaravella, A., Gluckman, N., Kangogyere, P., Farr, R., Goldblatt, M., Lindner, R., (2019): The effectiveness of psychoanalytic/ psychodynamic psychotherapy for reducing suicide attempts and self-harm: Systematic review and meta-analysis, British Journal of Psychiatry, Jun;214(6):320-328.
- Briggs, S. (2019) Time-limited Adolescent Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: a developmentally-focussed psychotherapy for young people, London, Routledge
- Briggs, S. Finch, J., & Farah, F. (2019) Evaluation of Grassroots men at risk of suicide project, East Sussex County Council.
- Finch, J., Jonsson, J., Kamali, M. & McKendrick, D. (2019) Social Work and Countering Violent Extremism in Sweden and the UK, European Journal of Social Work
- Finch, J. and Parker J. (2020) The history and context of contemporary social work (including global social work) Parker, J. (ed) Introducing Social Work, London, Learning Matters, Sage
- Finch, J. (2020) Looking After Yourself as a Social Work in Parker, J. (ed) Introducing Social Work, London, Learning Matters, Sage
- Finch, J. (in press) Assessment in Field Education in Egan, R., Hill, N., & Rollins, R (Eds) Challenges, Opportunities and Innovations in Social Work Fieldwork Education, Melbourne, Routledge
- Finch, J. (2020) Emotions and the Importance of Personality in Development in Parker, J. and Ashencean Crabtree, S. (Eds) Human Growth and Development in Children and Young People: Theoretical and practice perspectives (Volume 1) Bristol, Policy Press
- Finch, J. and McKendrick, D. (2019) Securitising Social Work: Counter -Terrorism, Extremism and Radicalisation in Webb, S. (ed) Routledge Handbook of Critical Social Work, Routledge, London
- Hoskin, J. and Finch, J. (2020) Covid 19, Disability and the New Eugenics. Implications for social work policy and practice, in Social Work 2020 under Covid, 4th Edition, 2nd June 2020
- McKendrick D. and Finch, J. (2020) Social Work, Covid 19 and Securitisation, in Social Work 2020 under Covid, 2nd Edition, 24th April 2020
- McKendrick. D. and Finch, J. (2020) Pressure Drop: Securitising and De-Securitising Safeguarding, Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, Vol 32 (1) pp:61-72
- Maclean, S., Finch, J. & Tedam, P. (2018) SHARE: A New Model for Social work, Kirwin Maclean Associates, Litchfield
- Maxwell, M., Briggs, S., Keenan, A., Chadwick, A. (2019) Using Time-limited Adolescent Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (TAPP) in CAMHS, Association of Child Psychotherapists' Bulletin, 271, 20-23.
- McKendrick. D. and Finch, J. (2020) Pressure Drop: Securitising and De-Securitising Safeguarding, Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, Vol 32 (1) pp:61-72
- McKendrick, D. and Finch, J. (2019) PREVENT, Safeguarding and The Common-Sensing of Social Work in the UK, Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, Vol 31(2)
- Stevenson, S. (2019) A Racist Attack Managing Complex Relationships with Traumatised Service Users - a Psychodynamic Approach. Journal of Social Work Practice.