Centre for the study of States, Markets and People (STAMP)
Centre for the study of States, Markets and People (STAMP)
About the centre
Inspired by the work of Karl Polanyi, STAMP, founded in June 2013, is an inter-disciplinary research centre in the Royal Docks School of Business & Law (RDSBL) involving staff, practitioners, early career researchers, PhD students and international scholars. The centre, having a global focus, examines the theory and practice of global and European enterprises and their corresponding forms of governance at macro and micro levels. It extends to areas of law, critical marketing and money studies, global geo-politics, conflict and international security because all these areas constitute key pillars for a safe economic and sustainable environment free of geopolitical tensions and conflict.
STAMP has six areas of research concentration (research units) each of which is headed by dedicated members of staff:
Geopolitics, governance, banking and finance: Dr Slawomir Raszewski
Money clinic: Dr Eric Boahen
Critical marketing studies: Dr Ayantunji Gbadamosi
International development and sustainability: Dr Shampa Roy-Mukherjee and Dr Nikos Tzivanakis
African studies and political economy: Dr Francis Boateng Frimpong
Europe-Asia, Balkan and Middle Eastern Studies: Professor Vasileios Fouskas
As inter-disciplinary (and transdisciplinary) research centre STAMP produces original and cutting-edge work on topical socio-economic, financial and geopolitical issues, especially in the field of hydrocarbons. STAMP and its international network of scholars is involved in risk-assessing complex geopolitical conflict and crises, often in regional-geographical context, but also in scrutinising business and investment strategies, whether public or private. STAMP houses the refereed periodical, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, published eight times a year by Routledge-Taylor & Francis since 1998 (https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/cjsb20)
Aims and Objectives of the centre
STAMP has a defined set of objectives which has been serving since its foundation in 2013:
- a) Create and maintain a sustainable and inclusive research culture across the School and the University, which is conducive to the production of impactful and REF-able research projects, using tools that support, empower and enable social equity.
- b) Provide a platform for mentoring research grant applications from ECRs, leading not just to income generation, but also to three star and four stars journal articles.
- c) Organise seminars, workshops and symposia with practitioners and international scholars, creating platforms for research cooperation, networking, knowledge-transfer and employability.
- d) Nurture a research culture for PhD students, since research students historically have been at the heart of the STAMP project.
- e) STAMP aims at income generation via international partnership agreements with other research centres, universities, colleges and institutes, including hosting visiting fellowships and running joint research and taught programmes with partners and consortia. STAMP has international partnerships in most OECD countries, providing a venue for research cooperation and consultancy.
Membership and Advisory Boards
Executive board
- Dr Eric Boahen
- Professor Vasileios Fouskas (Director)
- Dr Francis Boateng Frimpong (Assistant to Directors)
- Dr Ayantunji Gbadamosi
- Dr Shampa Roy-Mukherjee (Co-Director)
- Dr Slawomir Raszewski
Associate Members
- Olawayemi Ajayi
- Martial Bogui Godo
- Janette Da Silva
- Elpiniki Karakosta
- Isabel Miti
- Leah Mwainyekule
- Wanjia Li
- Elly Nmecha
- Chenzhu Song
External Members
- Prof William Mallinson (University of Guglielmo Marconi, Italy, https://unimarconi.academia.edu/WilliamMallinson)
- Dr Michael Reynolds (London School of Economics & Political Science, https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/author/michael-reynolds/)
- Dr Themis Tzimas (University of Thrace, Greece, https://polsci.duth.gr/)
- Dr Ejike Udeogu (Coventry University, UK, https://pureportal.coventry.ac.uk/en/persons/ejike-udeogu)
International advisory board
- Prof Gilbert Achcar (SOAS University of London, UK, https://www.soas.ac.uk/about/gilbert-achcar)
- Prof Philip Arestis (University of Cambridge, UK, https://www.landecon.cam.ac.uk/directory/professor-philip-arestis)
- Prof Jovo Ateljevic (University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, https://unibl.org/en/fis/zaposlen/3003-jovo-ateljevic)
- Prof Alan Cafruny (Hamilton College, USA, https://www.hamilton.edu/academics/our-faculty/directory/faculty-detail/alan-cafruny)
- Prof Radhika Desai (University of Manitoba, Canada, https://umanitoba.ca/arts/political-studies/faculty-staff )
- Prof Constantine Dimoulas (Panteion University of Social and Political Science, Greece, https://socialpolicy.panteion.gr/en/people/kdimoul)
- Prof Bülent Gökay (Keele University and Editor, Journal of Global Fault-lines, UK, https://www.keele.ac.uk/spgs/staff/gokay/)
- Prof Dejan Jovic (Zagreb University, Croatia, https://www.fpzg.unizg.hr/staff/dejan.jovic)
- Prof Donato Iacobucci (Ancona University, Italy)
- Prof Charles Kupchan (Georgetown University and Council on Foreign Relations, USA, https://gufaculty360.georgetown.edu/s/contact/00336000014RjepAAC/charles-kupchan)
- Prof Mark Mazower (Columbia University, USA, https://history.columbia.edu/person/mazower-mark/)
- Prof Giulio Sapelli (University of Milan, Italy
- Prof Donald Sassoon (Queen Mary University of London, UK, https://www.qmul.ac.uk/history/people/emeritus-academic-staff/profiles/sassoondonald.html)
- Prof Leila Simona Talani (King's College London, https://www.kcl.ac.uk/people/leila-simona-talani)
- Prof Constantine Tsoukalas (University of Athens, Greece, https://www.pspa.uoa.gr/el/anthropino_dynamiko/omotimoi_kathigites_kai_afypiretisantes_didaskontes/konstantinos_tsoykalas/)
- Prof Andrew Wachtel (American University of Central Asia, Kyrgyz Republic, http://slavic.berkeley.edu/people/andrew-baruch-wachtel/)
- Prof Susan Woodward (Graduate Centre, City University of New York, USA, https://politicalscience.commons.gc.cuny.edu/faculty/susan-woodward/)
- Prof Michael Zoumboulakis (University of Thessaly, Greece, https://www.secretvolos.gr/prosopa-michalis-zoympoylakis-kathigi/)
STAMP is currently (2022-2023) participating in the project “Turkey, Asia and the EU in a changing global order”, funded by the Centre for Advanced Turkish Studies (CATS) based in Berlin. The project is led by Yasar University (Izmir, Turkey). The third partner is Guangdong University of Finance and Economics (Guangdong, China). The project, focused on Turkey and split into three actions, examines risk strategies of governmental and non-governmental actors in conditions of geopolitical crisis and power-shift to Asia.
STAMP and his lead researcher, Dr Nikos Tzivanakis, is participating in the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme with a project on “Analysing and preventing extremism via participation” budgeted for 2.918,100 Euros. STAMP members are also involved in projects funded by the ESRC and the Leverhulme Trust.
External Partnerships
STAMP has pioneered international partnerships and creation of international consortia in view of creating research synergies with industry and academic institutions all over the world.
STAMP is part of the REDETE (Researching Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies - http://redete.org/index.php) professional network, the largest organisation of academics in the broader Balkan region. Prof Fouskas is the network’s chief adviser.
STAMP has initiated an important partnership with the Faculty of Economics, University of Thessaly (Greece), which was endorsed with the signing of an MoU at executive University level. Further joint research initiatives and collaborations are currently planned.
STAMP publications
Selected publications
- Eric O. Boahen & Emmanuel C. Mamatzakis (2019) 'The impact of religion on classification shifting in the presence of corporate governance and BIG 4 audit', Accounting Forum, 44.
- Chau Duong et al. (2020) 'CEO profile and earnings quality', Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting', forthcoming
- Chau Duong et al. (2019) 'Overvaluation and earnings management: Does the degree of overvaluation matter?', Accounting and Business Research, 49
- Shazaib Butt et al. (2020) 'Terrorism activities influence on financial stock markets: empirical evidence from United Kingdom, India, France, Pakistan, Spain and United States', Global Journal of Social Sciences Studies, 6.
- Francis Boateng Frimpong (2021) Financialisation and Poverty Alleviation in Ghana - Myths and Realities Amsterdam: Brill
- Vassilis K. Fouskas, Shampa Roy-Mukherjee, Qingan (Angus) Huang and Ejike Udeogu (2020) China and the USA. Globalisation and the Decline of America's Supremacy London & New York: Palgrave-Macmillan
- Qingan (Angus) Huang et al. (2019) 'Materialism, social stratification and ethics: evidence from SME owners in China', International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 25.
- Shampa Roy-Mukherjee et al. (2019) 'The Shifting Boundaries of Capitalism and the Conflict of Surplus Value Appropriation within the Gig Economy', in Page-Tickell, R. and Yerby, E. (eds.) Conflict and Shifting Boundaries in the Gig Economy: An Interdisciplinary Analysis London: Emerald Publishing.
- Meloni, A., ‘Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 establishing a Community Code on Visas (Visa Code)’ in Thym and Hailbronner eds., EU Immigration and Asylum Law. Article-by-Article Commentary 3rd ed. (C.H. Beck, Hart, Nomos, 2022)
- Sam Raszewski (2022) 'When one door closes, another opens: How the failure of the Turkey - Austria natural gas pipeline project has led to recovery, resilience and scalability of successor projects', Energy Policy, Vol. 167
- Sam Raszewski (2020) 'Asian Energy Markets: The Impact of Shifting Global Politics' in P. Crossley & T. Hunter (eds) Handbook of Energy Law Abingdon: Routledge
- Alshema & Salem, S. F. (2022) “Fashion involvement, opinion-seeking and product variety as stimulators for fashion e-commerce; an investigated model based on S-O-R model”, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics
- Salem, S. F., Alshema. (2021). What Drives Malaysian Online Fashion shopping? The Mediating Role of Perceived Value, forthcoming in Journal of global fashion marketing
- Mimoza Shabani et al. (2019) 'Dimension and Determinants of Financialisation: Comparing OECD Countries since 1997', New Political Economy, 25.
- Mimoza Shabani et al. (2019) 'Too Big to Manage: US Megabanks' Competition by Innovation and the Micro-foundations of Financialisation', Cambridge Journal of Economics, 43
Public Engagement
Members of STAMP are currently engaged in research projects and consultancy in the fields of banking, finance, economic forecasting, public policy and law, management and entrepreneurship, Islamic banking and finance, as well as international affairs, transatlantic relations, migration and energy and international security. STAMP has a strong area specialism in European, Balkan, Middle Eastern, Eurasian and African affairs and its members have appeared in a variety of media outlets in the country and abroad. STAMP members welcome media and research consultancy in the field of their expertise.
Most members of STAMP offer regularly expert opinion and commentaries to Channel 5, Al Jazeera, TRT World, CBC TV, LBC Radio, Vergina TV, Crete TV, whereas they write in popular websites, such as The Conversation and open Democracy. Due to the multi-cultural and multi-linguistic wealth of the centre, its members are active participants in media and other social and business outlets in non-Anglo-American linguistic environments, such as India, Pakistan, Ghana, Nigeria, Greece, Turkey, Republic of Cyprus, Romania, Poland, Russia, China, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Italy, France, Germany and many countries in the broader Middle Eastern region and Africa. STAMP members are invited as keynote speakers in international symposia, seminars and conferences and are involved in research consortia and consultancy networks locally and internationally.
One of STAMP’s public engagement priorities is the generation of impact. STAMP, having produce two impact case studies for the business unit of assessment for the REF 2021, is now enhancing its public engagement potential aiming at multiplying this successful record drawing in more members of staff and wider external communities in the country and abroad.
STAMP organises advanced post-graduate seminars every fortnight and an annual symposium on a topical international issue. This academic year (2022-23) STAMP will hold an international conference to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies. The conference will to take place in the School’s premises in University Square Stratford in mid-March 2023. .
Contact us
If you have any feedback, wish to join our mailing list, start a PhD with us, give a paper or any other enquiries please contact us. We would love to hear from you:
Assistant to Directors and Deputy Director
Dr Francis Boateng Frimpong
Adjunct Lecturer in Economics
Email: possojnr@yahoo.com
STAMP Director
Vassilis K. Fouskas
Professor of International Relations
Email: v.fouskas@uel.ac.uk
STAMP Co-Director
Dr Shampa Roy-Mukherjee
Director of Impact and Innovation
Email: s.roy-mukherjee@uel.ac.uk
Follow us on: @stamp_uel on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.