Centre for Research on Migration, Refugees and Belonging
The Centre for Migration, Refugees and Belonging (CMRB) grew out of the Refugee Research Centre, which was founded in 2004. It is located in the Department of Social Sciences at the University of East London.
Our mission is to build knowledge and understanding of the related issues of migration, refugees and belonging. We aim to foster interdisciplinary conversations and provide a space for debate and creative thinking amongst academics, practitioners, activists, migrants, and refugees in order to make positive changes to society at large.
About the Centre
CMRB benefits from its unique location at the heart of East London, an area which has seen some of the highest rates of international settlement in Europe - historically and in the present day.
The University of East London prides itself in being a diverse, innovative and globally aware group of scholars, students and local and international community partners.
CMRB research seeks to engage with political and policy debates as well as theoretical concerns that have local and global relevance.
The work of CMRB is closely integrated with that of the Refugee Council Archive at UEL.
Core activities
CMRB provides interdisciplinary, innovative and critical scholarship on the relationship between migration, refugee and belonging, including on the intersectional relationship between race, gender, and citizenship.
The Centre supports scholarship and debates on contemporary issues of migration, refugees and belonging through the work of its members and by fostering partnerships between academics, policymakers, practitioners, activists and migrants from a wide range of backgrounds.
CMRB aims to integrate research and teaching programmes that are designed to support the capacity of students in academia, as practitioners and activists locally and globally.
- Prof Molly Andrews
- Prof Floya Anthias
- Claudia
Brazzale - Dr Kathryn Cassidy
- Reem Charif
- Yesim Deveci
- Catherine Donaldson
- Paul V Dudman
- Dr Latefa Guema
- Dr Rumana Hashem
- Erene Kaptani
- Prof Yosefa Loshitzky
- Norbert Mbu-Mputu
- Dr Isabel Meier
- Prof Peter G Morey
- Sonia Quintero
- Dr Nicola Samson
- Dr Michael Skey
- Dr Abel Ugba
- Dr Eric Woods
Research Associates and Student Members
- Dr. Anna Piva - Artist-in-residence
- Chiara Cestaro - research assistant
- Gabriella
Ibba - Hannah Flint - (Development Studies and Administration Intern)
- Helen Moore Start - researcher
- Jessica Oddy - Education across the Displacement Linear: Experiences of Displaced Adolescents (Doctoral Student)
- Mienna Rasuli - undergraduate student and university intern
- Roxanne Nanton - Unaccompanied Minors and Covid-19, MA in Refugee Studies alumni and Refugee Council (Research Associate)
Dissemination and impact
We aim to disseminate our work widely through publications, online information resources, media, and networks.
Research projects
Gujarati Voices
Gujarati Voices is a collaborative community-based project bringing together the UEL Archives, CMRB staff and UEL students to work with external partners and the Gujarati Community in the UK. Funded by UEL Public and Community Engagement Funding, "Roots and Changes - Gujarati Influences" comprises an oral history project, exhibition and event series to be held at both Brent Museum and Archives and at UEL in 2020.
For more information on the Gujarati Archives, visit the Refugee Living Archive.
Refugee University Education
'Refugee University Education' is a collaborative, participatory and interdisciplinary project that aims to build capacity, promote interdisciplinary innovation and evaluate impact. Building on UEL's existing 'Life Stories' higher education work and existing collaboration with the NGO Mosaik Education, and its educational work with refugees in Jordan and Lebanon, this research project funded through the Global Challenge Research Fund (2018-2019) has three main aims:
a) To support the innovative peer to peer "Guidance and Support" programme implemented by Mosaik Education. The peer-to-peer mentoring programme uses student ambassadors to address information and psycho-social barriers to accessing higher education for refugees through a combination of academic guidance workshops, informative digital content and peer mentorship. Activities include online content of inspirational and informative advice for refugees interested in higher education; emblematic stories and story-questions to encourage exchange; guidance workshops on higher education options and how to evaluate them; and peer mentorship on programme and subject experiences.
b) To conduct evaluation research on the "Guidance and Support" programme, specifically about the impact of storytelling and co-construction of stories between students, but more generally about all the activities implemented, and the trajectories, barriers and access to higher education for refugee students participating in the "Guidance and Support" programme. Through participatory design methods that build sustainable research and education capacity amongst all stakeholders, UEL staff and students contribute by providing evidence-based research that addresses the challenges faced by refugees in DAC countries in the area of refugee education. Expanding on the existing UEL model that offers certified tailored trainings and courses to refugees, in collaboration with Mosaik Education, UEL staff and students facilitate the planning and implementing of dedicated workshops, and provide certified and/or credit-bearing training.
c) To strengthen national and international collaborations and exchange of innovative participatory best practices in the provision of support to overcome barriers to higher education for refugees through joint production of online materials, organisation of collaborative workshops and events and joint presentations and publications.
Learn more about the "Mosaik +UEL: University Partnerships Providing Tools for Student-Led Learning" that offers insights into the co-creation of digital e-learning platforms that apply Life Stories as a research and pedagogical tool for and with refugees.
Mapping and Mobilising the Rwandan Diaspora in Europe for Development in Rwanda
Mapping the Rwandan Diaspora in Europe offers a comparative analysis of the diaspora engagement in the development of their country of origin. Sponsored by the International Organisation for Migration in 2019, the comparative analysis presents an overview of socio-demographic characteristics of the Rwandan diaspora in four European countries - Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The desk-review of individual countries mapping exercises examines convergences and divergences in current and planned engagements, knowledge and skills transfers, motivations, practices and barriers. It provides the evidence base for shaping diaspora engagement programme interventions in Rwanda, guiding the Government of Rwanda's future strategies and policies enabling diaspora members to participate and contribute to the development of the country.
For more information contact CMRB co-director Giorgia Donà or visit the IOM site.
EUBorderscapes, financed through the EU's 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, is an international research project that tracks and interprets conceptual change in the study of borders. It is a large-scale project with a consortium that includes 22 partner institutions from 17 different states, including several non-EU countries. The EUBorderscapes project studies conceptual change in relation to fundamental social, economic, cultural and geopolitical transformations that have taken place in the past decades. In addition, major paradigmatic shifts in scientific debate, and in the social sciences, in particular, will also be considered. State borders are the frame of reference, rather than ethnographic/anthropological boundaries. However, this approach emphasises the social significance and subjectivities of state borders while critically interrogating "objective" categories of state territoriality and international relations. The research is not only focused at the more general, at times highly abstract, level of conceptual change but also compares and contrasts how different and often contested conceptualisations of state borders (in terms of their political, social, cultural and symbolic significance) resonate in concrete contexts at the level of everyday life.
CMRB's Role
CMRB's Professor Nira Yuval-Davis is coordinating work package 9 of the project - Borders, Intersectionality and the Everyday. The central objective of the work package has been to promote hitherto neglected areas of border research agendas that address lived, experienced and intersectional (e.g. gender, age, ethnicity) aspects of state borders. Situated intersectional everyday bordering perspective has analysed discursive, practical and interpretational categories that reflect issues of citizenship, identity and transnational migration. This work package also explores how everyday bordering affect groups with regard to gender, race, citizenship, socioeconomic status and sexuality. The comparative perspective encompasses in-depth case studies that involve internal Schengen borders (UK/France) and the external EU border (Finland/Russia). Another focus of the WP9 research has been everyday bordering in Metropolitan cities (London, Barcelona, St. Petersburg). In addition, the WP9 research has carried out comparative research (UK, Hungary, Finland) of Roma and everyday bordering. As part of CMRB's involvement in the EUBORDERSCAPES project, they have also produced a film called 'Everyday Borders' (dir. Orson Nava). It examines the impact of the 2014 Immigration Act on British society, exploring the way the 'border' is increasingly entering into everyday life. It can be viewed here.
Working alongside Professor Yuval-Davis will be:
- Dr Kathryn Cassidy, Senior Research Fellow - k.l.cassidy@uel.ac.uk
- Dr Georgie Wemyss, Senior Research Fellow - g.wemyss@uel.ac.uk
- Dr Jamie Hakim, Research Assistant - j.hakim@uel.ac.uk
All can be contacted on + 44 (0) 208 223 2399 or + 44 (0) 208 223 2399
University of Eastern Finland • Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen Centre for Border Research • Middle East Technical University, Center for Black Sea and Central Asia • Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona • University of Tromsø • The Queen’s University of Belfast • Ben Gurion University of the Negev • Umeå University • University of Bergamo • University of Gdansk • V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University • Leibniz-Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning • Centre for Population, Poverty and Public Policy Studies, Luxembourg • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - Pacte / Université Joseph Fourier • Research Centre for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences • Centre for Independent Social Research, St. Petersburg • University of Helsinki • Centre for Advanced Study Sofia
Findings from the research project.
Racism and Political Mobilisation, Thinking Historically and Transnationally
This is an ESRC funded series.
Identity, Performance and Social Action: Community Theatre Amongst Refugees (IPSA)
This is an ESRC research project which brings together theatre and social sciences in the study of the lives and identities of refugees.
Directed by Professor Nira Yuval-Davis it investigates refugee identities and social actions by using an innovative methodology of Playback and Forum theatre performances and workshops run by research fellow Erene Kaptani while working with four refugee groups in London.
The research aims to explore constructions and politics of identity and belonging amongst refugee communities in London. These identity constructions are narrated and performed during interactive community theatre events and consequent reflections in several community centres in London - Kosovan, Kurdish, Somali and a mixed refugee course. For this purpose the research project has used, as its main methodological techniques, two experimental theatre techniques, Playback and Forum Theatre, which allow participants to reflect on the performance, intervene in it and explore in the performance alternative strategies of social action. The research examines crucial situations of the refugees' lives since coming to Britain, highlights conflicts between constructions of self, community and society, and explores modes of identity authorisation and resistance involved in the multiplex processes of settlement in London and integration into British society. Of particular interest have been the roles of community organisations, statutory agents and the state.
Digital Social Care Provision for Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children: DEAS Principles in the Charity Sector: A Case Study of the Refugee Council
The consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic have meant that many organisations have had to provide their services online. There is a need to understand the degree of efficiency, security and effectiveness of digital service provision and the extent to which these changes will impact service delivery in the charity sector in the future. Vulnerable clients such as Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children (UASC) are likely to face additional challenges in adapting to digital support due to language proficiency, IT literacy, lack of assistance and heavy dependence on multiple social protection services simultaneously.
This research examines how the Refugee Council can incorporate the digitally innovative and advanced systems (DEAS) into organisational models that will therefore, result in added value to young beneficiaries.
Methodology: It collates data from staff and young refugees about their online encounters with legal, social, immigration and welfare service providers in the wake of Covid-19, and it provides recommendations on how DEAS principles can be adapted to the charity's sector.
This study aims to improve digital working experiences, upskilling and career paths for staff, to inform changes in guidelines on working digitally with children and to raise awareness amongst the refugee youth charity sector.
Project by:
Giorgia Dona: Co-Director Centre for Migration, Refugees and Belonging (CMRB) at the University of East London
Roxanne Nanton: Refugee Council the leading charity supporting refugees in the UK
University of East London
The proposed project will be conducted in partnership with the Refugee Council (RC)
Period 1 September 2020 - September 2021
A partnership between the Centre for Migration, Refugees and Belonging (CMRB) at the University of East London (UEL) and the Refugee Council (RC), the leading charity supporting refugees in the UK.
Funder Deas + Network
The Digital Storytelling Project
Accessing good education has always been important for every individual. Whilst some may have it easy, for many refugees, they are unable to access the benefits higher education. As a result, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) have committed to working with partners on helping young refugees' access and benefit in the education system. This is why both the University of East London and the Centre for Migration, Refugees and Belonging (CMRB) invite you all to a talk where we will discover the findings from the living refugee archive (LRA) and discuss findings on the refugee’s experience in terms of their education.
The University of East London, who have been leading the CMRB have also collaborated with a range of partners and non-governmental organisations (NGO). The CMRB have been lucky enough to have collaborated with Mosaik on a Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) project. Mosaik is an NGO that uses technology to support refugees accessing university.
For more information about the Mosaik and UEL Partnership Providing Tools for Student Led Learning, follow this link.
Guest speakers include:
- Professor Giorgia Dona: Co-director of the CMRB at the University of East London
- Jessica Oddy: A PhD student at the CMRB
- Paul Dudman: A UEL archivist, also responsible for the Refugee Council Archive and Living Refugee Archive Online Portal
'Refugee University Education' is a collaborative, participatory and interdisciplinary project that aims to build capacity, promote interdisciplinary innovation and evaluate impact.
There are three aims:
a) Supporting the innovative peer to peer "Guidance and Support" programme implemented by Mosaik Education. Student ambassadors are available to address information and psycho-social barriers to give refugees access to higher education. The activities include online content to inform refugees about higher education; sharing stories and story questioning to encourage exchange, guidance workshops, peer mentorship on program and subject experience.
b) To conduct evaluation research on the ‘’Guidance and Support’’ programme about the impact of storytelling, activities and trajectories or barriers for refugee students to access higher education that are in the program. UEL staff members and students will contribute evidence-based research to address the challenges faced by refugees in DAC countries also planning and implementing workshops and certified and or credit bearing training.
c) To strengthen national and international collaborations and exchanges of innovative participatory to overcome barriers of higher education for refugees to the opportunity of online materials, workshops and events.
Mosaik +UEL: University Partnerships Providing Tools for Student-Led Learning
For more information:
- Digital Storytelling and Educational Exhibition
- CMRB (this webpage)
- Mosaik
Climate change and the Politics of Belonging: A situated intersectional approach
The research, which focuses on both the UK and Israel, aims to explore how the growing concern over the extreme effects of climate changes affects governments and everyday politics. Natural disasters have brought a new sense of urgency into ongoing debates on climate change. International conferences, from the Rio UN Framework Convention in 1992 to the Madrid Summit in December 2019, have tried to reach international agreements on these issues, as it has become clear they cannot be solved within national boundaries and policies.
The aim of this research is to explore the levels and ways in which these two political debates are interrelated in public discourses and more importantly, to examine the extent to which they tend to be carried out by different social groupings, distinct by gender, generation, class ethnicity and/or other axes of belonging. One hypothesis is that those concerned about climate change tend to be of a more cosmopolitan political orientation and thus generally advocating open borders and international cooperation, while those mainly concerned to limit the number of migrants and with the securitisation of borders tend to focus on finding political solutions by, as the popular Brexit slogan has been, 'taking back control over our borders'.
The proposed research will use the approach of 'situated intersectionality' developed by (Yuval-Davis& al., 2019). Debates on climate change as well as migration and belonging will be examined
The findings of the research shares light on the interrelationship as well as the tension between narrative on climate change and political projects of migration and belongings. Climate change is viewed as a factor in decreasing and increasing process of everyday bordering.
- Castles, S., 2013. The forces driving global migration. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 34(2), pp.122-140
- Dessler, A.E. and Parson, E.A., 2019. The science and politics of global climate change: A guide to the debate. Cambridge University Press.
- Trombetta, M.J., 2014. Linking climate-induced migration and security within the EU: insights from the securitization debate. Critical Studies on Security, 2(2), pp.131-147
- Yuval-Davis, N.,(2011), The Politics of Belonging: Intersectional Contestations, Sage.
- Yuval-Davis, N., Wemyss, G. & Cassidy, K. (2019), Bordering, Polity Press
Project by
Nira Yuval-Davis, BA, MA, PhD, FAcSS
Professor Emeritus and Honorary Director of CMRB
(Centre for Research on Migration, Refugees and Belonging)
The University of East London
Field of study - Sociology
Seafarers, Empire and Belonging
This is a long-term project aimed at raising awareness about the implications for citizenship and belonging in twenty-first century Britain of the invisible histories of racialized seafarers who were subjects of the British Empire but whose settlement in Britain was prevented by maritime and other colonial-era legislation. It has the grown out of the theoretical approach and empirical evidence from Georgie Wemyss' monograph, The Invisible Empire: White Discourse, Tolerance and Belonging (Routledge 2016)
Period: Active since 2012
Team: Dr Georgie Wemyss
Funder: TBC
Partnership: TBC
Contact: Georgie Wemyss g.wemyss@uel.ac.uk
List of publications
- Wemyss, G., 2023. Bordering seafarers at sea and onshore. Front. Sociol. 7:1084598.
- Wemyss, G., 2015. Everyday bordering and raids every day: The invisible empire and metropolitan borderscapes. Borderscaping: Imaginations and Practices of Border. Farnham: Ashgate, pp.187-196.
- Wemyss, G., 2011. Littoral Struggles, Liminal Lives: Indian Merchant Seafarers' Resistances. South Asian Resistances in Britain, 1858-1947, p.35.
- Wemyss, G., 2008. White memories, White belonging: Competing colonial anniversaries in ‘postcolonial’ East London. Sociological Research Online, 13(5), pp.50-67.
- Wemyss, G., 2006. "Outside Extremists", "White East Enders", "Passive Bengalis": Tracking Constructions, Mobilisations and Contestations of Racial Categories in Media Discourses. In Sage Race Relations Abstracts (Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 21-47).
- Border Criminologies Blog
- The Future of 'Citizenship Policy' in the UK
Public engagement:
- APPG Race & Community | Unearthing Invisible Seafaring Histories of Empire (Part 1 and Part 2)
In June 2023 The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) Race and Community and the Runnymede Trust hosted a public conversation with Newham resident and UEL alumni, Asif Shakoor and CMRB co-director, Dr Georgie Wemyss focusing on Asif’s research and stories about his grandfather’s journeys in the British Merchant navy including in the First World War, visits to docks in London and Liverpool, highlighting important insights into the conditions experienced by seafarers born under British colonial rule which still impact on present day issues of migration, empire, Britishness and belonging. Dr Shabna Begum chaired the conversation
The event can be viewed using these links:
APPG Race & Community | Unearthing Invisible Seafaring Histories of Empire (Part 1)
APPG Race & Community | Unearthing Invisible Seafaring Histories of Empire (Part 2)
- Brick Lane Circle
- The East India Company and East India Docks (2013): Watch the video
- Invisible History Walks around East India Docks (multiple walks 2007 - 2021): Read about the walks
- National Archives 2019
- NewVic College 2021 Hidden History of Seafarers
- Newham Heritage Month 2020
- Researching Seafarers - Asif Shakoor interview
- BBC 4, A Very British History - British Bangladeshi (2020) Consultant
- Port of London Study Group Indian Seafarers - Connecting Histories (2017)
- Portrait of a Londoner
- Diversity and the Public Realm: Consultation with Mayor of London and Royal Docks London about public realm and naming of streets in the Royal Docks
- Equality and Diversity in Schools: Runnymede Trust Making History Project: School Resource
Ongoing work with schools: TBC
Navigating Digital Resources; Meet Miniila For Young Migrants In Transit Across Europe
More than 18,000 young migrants have disappeared in Europe over the last three years. As a result, they face increased risks of trafficking and exploitation that undermine their ability to seek protection. Furthermore, the Covid-19 outbreak has exacerbated these risks, as children on the move in Europe face border closures, limited support services, poor camp conditions and social isolation. Due to the influx of migrants, this situation has highlighted the need for young migrants to access information and resource.
Missing Children Europe developed the Miniila App to give young refugees online access to resources and information about services across eight countries in Europe in five languages.
This study conducted in partnership with Missing Children Europe is an evaluation of the impacts of the Miniila app and young people, families and partner organisations.
Helen Moore Start - Researcher
Key findings
Key recommendations
Positive stories
To learn more about the app watch this video.
Imagining the Future: Engaging young people on environmental challenges to create new and sustainable livelihoods in Algeria
Brief summary of the project
Since 2018, Dr Latefa Guemar (University of East London) and Dr Jessica Northey (Coventry University) have been working together to build links between Algerian and British Universities. Since 2019, they have worked with Jijel University in Algeria, where Latefa is originally from, to set up numerous initiatives to support Algerian students with research, writing and opportunities. Together with colleagues in Jijel, they developed the Imagining the Future project and succeeded in gaining funding support from the British Academy.
The project investigates innovative ideas of young people on tackling environmental challenges. The project captures the creative energy of young people to understand how they imagine their own futures in Algeria rather than risking their lives by taking unsafe routes of migration. What forms of governance are fair and sustainable? How can young people be better involved in policymaking to ensure such imagined futures and livelihoods are possible?
This research will also prove valuable across North Africa, the Mediterranean, and beyond, with many countries facing stark new challenges around sustainability, climate change adaptation as well as considerations around the future of work.
Algeria is characterised by a very young population. Almost a third are under 15, and those under 30 represent 75% of the population. Young people suffer high levels of unemployment, with figures twice as high for women. This is a major challenge for the state and society. Young people lack social, cultural, political and economic opportunities which prevents them from leaving the family household, entering adulthood themselves and developing meaningful lives. If employed, they often face precarious livelihoods, low pay and if in the informal sector, limited workers' rights. This situation is even more challenging for women and those with a disability. The problems of accessing labour markets and pursuing purposeful lives are compounded as well by significant regional and spatial inequalities across the country, driving internal migration to a densely populated, heavily polluted capital and leaving once thriving heritage-rich towns without their young.
The project aims to explore how young people across different cities in Algeria now view themselves, and what they think is necessary to become citizens capable of influencing policy and politics in the country, creating meaningful livelihoods, protecting their own environments leading to a significant reduction in young people risking their lives in dangerous boats to cross the Mediterranean for better lives.
Period: The project began in February 2019 and will run till December 2021 with the possibility of extension due to the impossibility of travelling to Algeria during the pandemic.
Funder: British Academy (BA) Youth Futures
Academic institutions:
- Coventry University Centre for Trust, Peace, Reconciliation and Social Relations (CTPRS)
- University of East London, Centre for Migration Refugees, and Belonging ( CMRB)
- University of Jijel-Algeria- Faculty of Social and Human Sciences for Development
- Manchester University, Centre for Modern Arabic Studies
- University College Cork, School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Non-academic institutions:
- Dr Jessica Northey Principal investigator Jessica.northey@coventry.ac.uk
- Dr Latefa Narriman Guemar Project partner l.n.guemar@uel.ac.uk
- Northey, J, 'Leadership from a Civil Society Perspective' in Ozerdem, Akgül-Açıkmeşe and Liebenberg, (Eds) Routledge handbook of Conflict Response and Leadership in Africa, (Routledge, 2021)
- Northey, J, 'The Algerian Hirak: Citizenship, Non-Violence and the New Movement for Democracy' in Mackert, Wolf and Turner, (Eds) The Condition of Democracy Volume 3: Postcolonial and Settler Colonial Contexts (2021)
- Guemar, L, Northey, J & Hirak anniversary: Political prisoners freed as Algerians continue to protest, in Open Democracy (2021)
- Northey, J Imagining a new political space: the power of youth and peaceful protest in Algeria Revista Idees (2020)
- Northey, J & Guemar, L 'The Algerian Hirak: Youth mobilisation, elections and prospects for reform 'Orient (2020)/II
- Chiheb, A., Guemar, L., Northey, J, The Algerian Hirak: Young people and the non-violent revolution in Open Democracy (2019)
- Guemar, L, Northey, J, Algeria breaks the Wall of Fear in Open Democracy (2019)
- Submitted article to Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies:
Diaspora philanthropy and migrant activism: Algerian community responses during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Latefa Guemar, University of East London, Jessica Northey, Coventry University
We are currently collecting data, including conducting 200 interviews with youth in Algeria which should be published in articles in the Journal for North African Studies and a book with I.B. Tauris.
Public engagement
Together with our UK-Algerian team, we advanced our research initiative to analyse the actions of the Algerian diaspora in London, including young people, in responding to COVID-19. Drawing on objective 1, we investigated how impressive the social solidarity of the Algerian diaspora was in contributing to reflections about citizenship and identity, and how this might contribute to social transformations in the future. We conducted interviews with community organisations in the UK, student groups, charities and influencers, and gathered data about their activities, analysed this and wrote a joint paper (Guemar, Northey, Boukhrami).
The PI Dr Northey and consultant partner, Dr Latefa Guemar presented these findings at the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations' Global Inequalities and Development Research Group, 22 February 2021. Read the report.
We then presented it alongside Dr Elias Boukhrami at the Migrant Belongings Conference at Utrecht University
Lastly, this was also presented by Dr Latefa Guemar in our successful joint BISA panel on "Political mobilisation, youth and women’s activism and new democratic politics in the southern Mediterranean, Middle East and its Diasporas". The International Studies of the Mediterranean, Middle East and Asia Working Group, of which the PI is Co-convenor, sponsored this. The panel involved four papers, from the PI, co-investigator, partners and PhD students, with our partner Prof Salhi as discussant, and was held at 11am, 21 June 2021.
Additional projects
Leadership for Sustainability
Towards a Zero Waste Future for Algeria
10-12 September 2021
Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations (CTPSR), Coventry University, Centre for Migration Refugees and Belonging (CMRB) University of East London and Sustainability Leadership Kosova (SLK) in the framework of the British Academy funded Imagining the Future: Engaging young people on environmental challenges to create new and sustainable livelihoods in Algeria.
Hosted by the Centre for Alternative Technology, Machynlleth Wales.
Impact and public engagement
CMRB aims to engage with the public and work in partnership with civil society organisations to research and publish resources useful to a range of stakeholders and that have a positive impact on society. We welcome partnerships to develop collaborative links in our areas of expertise.
Building a Creative Community
We use artistic approaches to connect migrants, residents and local communities,
What do we do?
We call curious people who want to create citizen spaces where our vision of our
Partners: Newham Poetry Group, Queer Newham and Seeders Circle
Activities: Online and in-person creative workshops, talks, seminars, and more.
Look out for our forthcoming events at www.newhampoetrygroup.com
For more information: please contact Sonia Quintero at squintero2@uel.ac.uk.
Challenging the Hostile Environment
CMRB has produced evidence of the widespread effects of Hostile Environment measures, working with a wide range of local, national and intergovernmental organisations, networks and individuals.
- Improving policy and practice about country-of-origin evidence for the government
- Raising awareness of the effects of bordering and shaping campaigning evidence for organisations, politicians, and migrants
- Raising international and national understanding of the racist effects of hostile environment policies and practice
Building Inclusion for Refugees and Forced Migrants in Higher Education (HE)
The Centre for Narrative Research and CMRB have generated an influential model for refugee higher education access and progression, OMNI - Open and free; Multiple-modality and holistic; Narrative; Inclusive and gender-sensitive - which is refugee-centred, starting from refugees' own stories.
- Refugee engagement, attainment, and wellbeing in Higher Education
- Inclusion policy and practice for refugees beyond HEIs
Past Impact and Public Engagement
- REF 2014 Impact Case Study: Improving the Protection and Welfare of Children Living in Difficult Circumstances in Rwanda, Bangladesh and around the World.
- REF 2014 Impact Case Study: Migration, Refugees and Belonging.
Recent Books and Journal Articles
- De Noronha, L., Elliot-Cooper, A., El-Enany, N., Gebriel D., Koram K., Balani S., Nisancioglu K., Empire's Endgame, Pluto Press, 2021
- Forkert, K., Oliveri F., Bhattacharyya G., and Graham J., 2020 How Media and Conflicts Make Migrants. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Social Scientists against the Hostile Environment., 2020. Migration, Racism and the Hostile Environment: Making the Case for the Social Sciences
- Doná, G., 2019. The Marginalised in Genocide Narratives. Abington-on-Thames: Routledge.
- Yuval-Davis, N. Wemyss, G. & Cassidy, K., 2019. Bordering, Cambridge: Polity Press.
- Bloch, A. and Doná, G. (eds), 2018. Forced Migration: Current Issues and Debates. Abington-on-Thames: Routledge.
- Yuval-Davis, N. Wemyss, G. & Cassidy, K.,2018. Racialized Bordering Discourses on European Roma. Routledge.
- Bhattacharyya, G., 2018. Rethinking Racial Capitalism, Questions of Reproduction and Survival. London: Rowman and Littlefield.
- Jones H., Gunaratnam Y., Jackson E., Bhattacharyya G., Forkert K., Davies W, Dhaliwal S., Saltus R., Go Home The politics of immigration controversy, University of Manchester Press, 2017
- Crisis, austerity and everyday life: Living in a time of diminishing expectations, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015
Journal articles:
Winner of the 2019 Sage Sociology Prize for Innovation and Excellence:
Yuval-Davis, N. Wemyss, G. and Cassidy, K., 2018. 'Everyday bordering, belonging and the re-orientation of British immigration legislation'. Sociology, 52(2): 228–244.
Other journal articles:
- The Poetics of Justice: aphorism and chorus as modes of antiracism, Identities, Volume 27, 2020 - Issue 1: The Role of Intellectual Life in Struggles Against Racism, pp53-70
- Cassidy, K., Yuval-Davis, N. and Wemyss, G., 2018. 'Intersectional Border(ing)s'. Political Geography, 66: 139-141.
- Cassidy, K., Yuval-Davis, N. and Wemyss, G., 2018. 'Debordering and everyday (re) bordering in and of Dover: Post-borderland borderscapes'. Political Geography, 66: 171–9.
- Doná, G., 2018. 'Situated bystandership during and after the Rwandan genocide', Journal of Genocide Research, 20 (1):1-19
- Wemyss, G., Yuval-Davis, N., and Cassidy, K., 2018. 'Beauty and the Beast': Everyday bordering and sham marriage discourse. Political Geography, 66: 171
- Wemyss, G. and Cassidy, K., 2017. '"People think that Romanians and Roma are the same": Everyday bordering and the lifting of transitional controls'. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 40(7): 1132–50.
- Yuval-Davis, N., Varjú, V., Tervonen, M., Hakim, J. & Fathi, M (2017) Press discourses on Roma in the UK, Finland and Hungary, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 40:7, 1151-1169.
- Yuval-Davis, N., Wemyss, G., and Cassidy, K., 2017. 'Introduction to the special issue: Racialized bordering discourses on European Roma'. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 40(7): 1–11.
Articles in refereed journals:
- Nationalism, a hard habit to break, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Volume 43, 2020 - Issue 8, pp1428-1435
- Racism, class and the racialised outsider, Ethnic and Racial Studies review, volume 38, issue 13, October 2015
- Rereading the Empire Strikes Back, Ethnic and Racial Studies Review, volume 37, issue 10, September 2014
Book chapters:
- Doná, G. and Bloch, A. (2018) Reflecting on the past, thinking about the future: forced migration in the 21st century. In A. Bloch and G. Doná (eds) Forced Migration: Current Issues and Debates. Abington-on-Thames: Routledge, pp. 163-173.
- Doná, G. and Godin, M. (2018) Mobile technologies and forced migration, in A. Bloch and G. Doná Forced Migration: Current Issues and Debates. Abington-on-Thames: Routledge, pp. 126-144
Online articles:
- Wemyss, G., 'The Compliant environment: turning ordinary people into border guards should concern everyone in the UK’. The Conversation November 20, 2018.
- Wemyss, G., Cassidy, K and Yuval-Davis, N. 'Welcome to Britain in 2017, where everybody is expected to be a border guard'. The Conversation. April 7, 2017
- Yuval-Davis, N., 'Those who belong and those who don't - Physical and mental borders in Europe' forthcoming in Green Europe, Spring, 2016.
- Yuval-Davis, N., Wemyss, G., Cassidy, K. 'Changing the racialized 'common sense' of everyday bordering' Open Democracy. February 2016.
- Yuval-Davis, N. 'Want to know how to kill a multicultural Society? Turn its ordinary citizens into border guards'. The Independent. Tuesday 15 December 2015.
- Wemyss, G. 'The new Immigration Bill and the criminalization of work and everyday bordering'. Glasgow Refugee and Asylum Network (GRAMnet).
Essays in edited collections:
- Five (Bad) Habits of Nearly Successful Political Projects, Futures of Socialism, edited by Grace Blakeley, Verso, 2020 - this appeared as a Verso blog.
- Trying to discern the impact of austerity in lived experience, chapter in 'Popular Culture and Austerity', Routledge, 2017
- Narrative Pleasure in Homeland: The Competing Femininities of "Rogue Agents" and "Terror Wives" (2014) chapter in The Routledge Companion to Media and Gender, edited Cynthia Carter, Linda Steiner and Lisa McLaughlin, London, Routledge
Articles in refereed journals:
- Nationalism, a hard habit to break, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Volume 43, 2020 - Issue 8, pp1428-1435
- The Poetics of Justice: aphorism and chorus as modes of antiracism, Identities, Volume 27, 2020 - Issue 1: The Role of Intellectual Life in Struggles Against Racism, pp53-70
- Racism, class and the racialised outsider, Ethnic and Racial Studies review, volume 38, issue 13, October 2015
- Rereading the Empire Strikes Back, Ethnic and Racial Studies Review, volume 37, issue 10, September 2014
- "Digital Social Care Provision for Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children: DEAS
Principles in the Charity Sector: A Case Study of the Refugee Council" - Life is not Just Normal as Before: Covid-19 and Digital Service Provision in the
Charity Sector
Anti-Jewish and Anti-Muslim Racisms and the Question of Palestine/Israel Online Paper Series, Edited By Nira Yuval-Davis and Jamie Hakim
Sponsored by CMRB, the Runnymede Trust and the Centre for Palestine Studies, London Middle East Institute, SOAS, this series has been constructed as an open-ended forum for dialogue between academics, activists and interested parties differently situated across the globe. The editors will consider all submissions that explore any aspect of how anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim racism and the question of Palestine/Israel intersect, from within an anti-racist normative framework.
Published 14 September 2015
Nira Yuval-Davis and Jamie Hakim, Anti-Jewish and Anti-Muslim Racisms and the Question of Palestine/Israel Series Introduction
- Antony Lerman, 'The "New Anti-Semitism'"'
- Sami Zubaida, 'Varieties of "Islamophobia" and its targets'
- Hilary Aked, 'The Undeniable Overlap: Right-wing Zionism and Islamophobia'
- Helga Embacher and Jan Ryback, 'Anti-Semitism in Muslim Communities and Islamophobia in the Context of the Gaza War 2014: The Example of Austria and Germany'
- Annabelle Sreberny, 'The Idea of Jewish Anti-Semitism and Recuperating the "Semites"'
- Keith Kahn-Harris, 'The Interplay between Internal and External Factors in the Stimulation of Intra-Jewish Conflict over Israel and Antisemitism'
- Stefano Bellin, 'How Should We Speak About the Jews and the Palestinians? Constructing a Non-Racist Space for Criticism'
Online Publication Series
Annual Reports
- Annual Report 2015/16
- Annual Report 2014/15
- Annual Report 2013/14
- Annual Report 2012/13
- Annual Report 2011/12
The following documents are referenced in the annual report and provide supporting information:
A Selection of Member Publications
- Rumana Hashem and Paul Vernon Dudman, (2016). "Paradoxical narratives of transcultural encounters of the "other": Civic engagement with refugees and migrants in London." Transnational Social Review. DOI: 10.1080/21931674.2016.1186376.
- Norbert MBU-MPUTU, Les grenouilles incirconcis, suivi de Les tortues circonspectes, Guerres et prospectives de paix en République Démocratique du Congo (Pamphlet), Newport, Paperback.
- In collaboration, Are you Happy with That? (Refugees Writings in Wales), Swansea, Hafan Books, 2014.
- Mbu-Mputu, N. & Katya Kasereka, D., Bamonimambo (the Witnesses). Rediscovering Congo and Wales Common History, Newport, South People’s Projects, 2014.
- Saey, Sarah & Skey, Michael (2015) The politics of trans/national belonging: A study of the experiences of second-generation Egyptians during a period of socio-political change in Egypt (Migration Studies)
- Skey, Michael (2015) 'Mindless markers of the nation': The routine flagging of nationhood across the visual environment (Sociology)
- Skey, Michael (2014) 'How do you think I feel? It's my country': Belonging, entitlement and the politics of immigration, Political Quarterly, 85(3), 326-332.
- Skey, Michael (2014) 'What nationality he is doesn’t matter a damn!': Football, mediated identities and (conditional) cosmopolitanism, National Identities
- Skey, Michael (2014) Boundaries and belonging: Dominant ethnicity and the place of the nation in a changing world in Jackson, J & Molokotos-Liederman, L (eds), Nationalism & Boundaries, Routledge, London
- Skey, Michael (2014) Media, representation, imagination: Time to move beyond the 'Holy Trinity'?, European Journal of Communication, 29(4): 495-515
- Skey, Michael (2014) The mediation of nationhood: Communicating the world as a world of nations, Communication Theory, 24(1): 1-20
DISTERRA: Film Screening and Discussion
- Wednesday 26th February. 5.00 pm - 7.00 pm.
- Room EBG.06, UEL Docklands Campus, E16 2RD
Find out how a clinic in Paris is a key site for understanding ways public psychiatry is changing to meet the needs of the city’s most vulnerable people. The film highlights the experiences of homeless Afghani migrants in Paris who are being treated for trauma after losing family members on the journey to Europe. Following the screening of DISTERRA, the film’s director and UEL alumni, Dr Orson Nava, will discuss issues raised in its making.
For more information about the event contact: g.wemyss@uel.ac.uk.
Past events
SUNHCR Protection of Afghan Children/ Families in Iran
A Presentation for CMRB by Shima Soleimani
- Tuesday 3rd December 4-5pm
- Room EB3.17 Docklands Campus, UEL
Shima Soleimani is a legal and humanitarian professional pursuing an MA in Refugee Studies at the University of East London and a member of CMRB. With a background in international law and experience at UNHCR, she specializes in child protection, refugee rights, and community support, focusing on advocacy and case management for vulnerable populations.

Social Scientists Against the Hostile Environment (SSAHE) November Webinar: "Education and the Hostile Environment"
Monday 25 November 2024, 17:30-19:00
Register for the SSAHE webinar
Standing up for school children in the Hostile Environment: what can we do?
Jen Persson, Defend Digital Me
Refugee Students navigating the hostile environment in higher education in the UK
Louise Ryan, María López and Alessia Dalceggio
The hostile environment in secondary education for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, the challenges for schools and teachers, what teachers are doing to fight back, and what they need to succeed.
Deborah Gwynn, National Education Union (NEU)
Heritage exhibition and film at the Royal Docks
Wednesday 27 November 2024, 16:00-19:00
CMRB is partnering with the Centre for Sustainability's Community Connect and Repair Cafe next Wednesday 27 November. Come along to see an exhibition and film about seafarers from across the world who worked on ships that docked at the Royal Docks over 100 years ago and meet some of their descendants who took part in the film.
Queer(y)ing Asylum Symposium
Saturday, 9 November 2024
Join us at the Queer(y)ing Asylum Symposium 2024 to explore issues surrounding LGBTQ+ asylum seekers in a safe and inclusive space!
Social Scientists Against the Hostile Environment Webinar
Monday 21 October 5-6.30 pm
The Labour Government and the Hostile Environment: Closing a chapter, or continuing it in spirit?
As Labour scraps the Rwanda plan and writes a new Immigration Bill, the panel discusses whether the Labour Government offers a more Hostile Environment or a real fresh start.
The panellists are Zoe Bantleman, Legal Director of the Immigration Law Practitioners Association, and Professor Nando Sigona, Director of the Institute for Research into Superdiversity (IRiS) at Birmingham University, introduced by Professor Nira Yuval Davis and Professor Eleonore Kofman.
Register for the Social Scientists Against the Hostile Environment Webinar
Contesting The Hostile Environment
Social Scientists Against The Hostile Environment conference
Birkbeck, University of London, 27-28 June 2024.
Refugee Week 2024
In Refugee Week and Pride Month CMRB is partnering with Newham Poetry Group. Queer Newham Borderless Group, RM Greenwich, and the University of Westminster to organise the following events:
- Sunday 16 June: Royal Museums Greenwich 2-4 pm “Unfolding Stories”
- Thursday 20 June: University of Westminster 10-12 pm “Writing a letter back home”
- Saturday 22 June: Borderless Group gather, a session to decorate our rainbow flags and explore the meaning of pride, flag colours and more.
For more information contact: newhampoetrygroup@gmail.com

CMRB Refugee Week Exhibition and Launch of Tallash/ تلاش
- Exhibition Free from 17 to 22 June
- Launch Thursday, June 20 · 6 - 9pm

How will immigration policy shape the 2024 general election campaign?
Tuesday 26 March 2024, 5pm – 6.30 pm
Professor Eleonore Kofman will review the paradoxical experience of policies on post-Brexit labour migration which appear to have had the unintended consequence of hiking net migration to the unprecedented height of 750,000 thousand people in the past year.
Barrister Sonali Naik will look at the controversial issue of the UK-Rwanda deal from the standpoint of refugee policy.
Zrinka Bralo of Migrants Organise will discuss civil society responses to recent migration policy developments.
Chairs: Don Flynn and Giorgia Dona (CMRB)
Displacement, Gender and Mental Health among Diverse Groups of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon
- CMRB public seminar
- Tuesday 7 November 2023 2pm-3.30pm in Room EB 1.105 Docklands Campus
Dr Jasmin Diab from the American Lebanese University in Beirut.
Dr Jasmin Lilian Diab (she/her) is the Director of the Institute for Migration Studies at the Lebanese American University, where she also serves as an Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Migration Studies. In 2022, she became the United Nations University Centre for Policy Research’s first Global Fellow on Migration and Inequality.
Dr Diab is a Research Affiliate at the Centre for Refugee Studies at York University, a Global Fellow at Brown University’s Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies, as well as a Visiting Fellow at the University of Cambridge and the Centre for Lebanese Studies’ British Academy Bilateral Research Chair on Education in Conflict.
Book Launch - Algerian Women & Diasporic Experience: From the Black Decade to the Hirak
Wednesday 18 October 2023 2pm-4pm University of East London, Docklands Campus, Room EB1.01
In conversation:
- Dr Latefa Narriman Guemar, CMRB, UEL
- Professor Leah Bassel, University of Coventry
- Professor Giorgia Donà, CMRB, UEL
Algerian Women & Diasporic Experience: From the Black Decade to the Hirak uses the narratives of women who fled Algeria in the 1990s—known as the ‘Black Decade’—to offer a more intimate understanding of the violence women face in times of conflict. It details their struggle for independence, and for freedom from the violence directed against them as women, as well as revealing the obstacles they encounter when seeking gender-appropriate international protection. Chapters also investigate these women’s life experiences beyond Algeria, and the professional and cultural networks they form. Such networks play an important role in enabling the female diaspora to maintain relationships with Algeria and engage in political discussion concerning the recent revolutionary Hirak movement, which emerged in 2019.
Latefa has been publishing on the Algerian diaspora and Algeria’s socio-political context since 2012, drawing on her own experiences as well of those of others. The result of rich empirical data gathered through months of fieldwork with women survivors of the 1990s conflict in Algeria, this book employs innovative research methods to investigate the female experience of conflict, flight and living in exile. It challenges official narratives which deny the mass exodus of highly skilled Algerian women in recent years and provides an important contribution to the study of Algerian postcolonial history. It also offers new ways of approaching healing processes for female victims of persecution and terrorism. Algerian Women and Diasporic Experience – University of Exeter Press.
Latefa Narriman Guemar is an activist academic. She received her PhD from the University of East London and has expertise in the fields of gender and migration, as well as innovative methodologies that capture the migratory experience. She also has experience of supporting refugee integration in the UK and was involved in designing the Youth Futures Algeria programme, connecting her home country with British universities, and enabling young people to reflect on issues of sustainability.
Leah Bassel is Professor of Politics and International Studies at the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University. Her research interests include the political sociology of migration, intersectionality and citizenship.
Giorgia Doná is Professor of Forced Migration and Refugee Studies, and co-director of the Centre for Migration, Refugees and Belonging. Her research focuses on conflict and displacement, child and youth migration, psycho-social perspectives in forced migration, refugee voices and representation, and multi-modal narratives.

News from the Centre for Migration, Refugees and Belonging
News from the Centre for Migration, Refugees and Belonging
Identity, Performance and Social Action: Community Theatre Among Refugees (IPSA)
IPSA is an ESRC research project which brings together theatre and social sciences in the study of the lives and identities of refugees.
Past Events
Past Events from the Centre for Migration, Refugees and Belonging