Our research projects
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Our research
Our research is participatory, inclusive, empowering, and impactful. It is driven by an urgent need to find long-lasting solutions to significant local and global challenges. As the map demonstrates, our research interests begin at home and stretch around the world. We develop partnerships with local and international governmental and non-governmental organisations to explore and address challenges, issues and concerns. We encourage their active participation and inclusion during the development and delivery of research projects, emphasising collaboration to deliver sustainable problem-solving.
Most of our research falls into the three categories below:
Sustainability and GreenTech
Our research seeks to protect and preserve the natural environment, promote sustainable communities and lifestyles and increase awareness about the effects of climate change.
Health and Health Tech
We are committed to finding pathways to increased physical and mental wellbeing and practical and technological solutions to society’s most pressing health challenges.
Cyber and Social Justice
Our work examines how societies across the world can meet human needs for safety, security and wellbeing in the cyber realm, work and society.