Towards Universal Health Care in India
Towards Universal Health Care in India
Comprehensive research evidence is now available to demonstrate that a hospital-centric health delivery system is unsuitable to delivering universal affordable health care, which requires a strong platform of primary care, capable of addressing the majority of community health needs close to people's homes. India's Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-2017) recommendations highlight the need to plan for the establishment of universal access to affordable health care during this plan period and to strengthen primary care delivery nationwide as a means to achieving this goal. The proposed project has the potential to make a substantial contribution to this goal.
In recognition of the high priority given to planning for universal health coverage, Government of Kerala aims to pilot a new model of primary care at three pilot primary health centres in Trivandrum, building on best practice in the UK primary care system and adapting it to the Kerala context, and to evaluate its impact on the health status of and health delivery to the population.
The design and implementation of a new model using care pathways developed for six common conditions, as well as a contribution to the planning of a baseline study. This work is being carried out by a group of UK experts led by M Rao.
The outputs will include the establishment of strengthened primary care delivery at the pilot sites providing evidence-based preventive care and disease management to a registered catchment population. The pilots will be evaluated to assess whether health status as well as the quality of health delivery have improved.
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Project Lead: Professor Mala Rao
Project Team: Professor Gopal Netuveli
Funder: Government of Kerala through a grant from Government of India
Project Partners: This project is led by Government of Kerala's Department of Health and Family Welfare. The National Health Systems Resource Centre will be closely involved. The UK team will work in close collaboration with the health leadership of Government of Kerala
Newspaper Article in The Hindu