Newham Community Prescribing: Pre and Post Data
Newham Community Prescribing: Pre and Post Data
Start Date: Oct 2013 End Date: May 2014 Status: Completed
The Newham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) commissioned the Institute for Health and Human Development (IHHD) based at the University of East London (UEL) to conduct an analysis of pre and post patients' outcome data for the Newham community prescribing (NCP) pilot project that started in October 2013 and ended in May 2014.
The key aim of this analysis of quantitative data was to assess whether there have been any changes in either physical activity and/or mental wellbeing levels of pre-diabetic and diabetic patients who have been invited to take part in the Newham Community Prescription pilot project.
In order to provide some evidence in response to this question, we used an uncontrolled pre-post intervention design to examine differences in mental well-being and physical activity levels before and after the introduction of a physical activity intervention. Data were collected by three navigators in a total of seven GP practices in two stages: the first stage (pre) at the first meeting with navigators following referral from the patient's GP practice; the second stage (post) at the conclusion of 12 weeks of physical activity. At this point, the patient was considered as having completed the NCP pilot. Navigators assisted patients in the completion of each questionnaire.
Collected data were held by the Forum for Health and Well-being (FHWB), the organisation managing the NCP pilot and employing the navigators. As part of the analysis, patients who had filled in questionnaires both at pre and post stages were identified and pseudo-anonymised.
Main Findings and Report
Available upon request
Contact us
Project Lead: Dr Marcello Bertotti
Project Team
Dr Marcello Bertotti, Dr Paul Watts, Irram Akhter, David Eselebor
Funder: Newham Clinical Commissioning Group
For more information, contact:
Dr Marcello Bertotti, Senior Research Fellow, IHHD
t: +44(0)20 8223 4139; e: