Eastern European Needs Assessment
Eastern European Needs Assessment
Since the entry of the Accession states into the EU in 2004, the UK has witnessed an influx by nationals from these A10 countries that has significantly transformed the demographic landscape of the parts of the country where they have settled. The London Borough of Barking and Dagenham is one of such areas that has attracted in-migration particularly because of the availability of jobs in the construction sector occasioned by building for the 2012 Olympic Games, and to a lesser extent, the Thames Gateway regeneration programme. Local population profiling has shown that the Eastern European population is one of the most rapidly growing groups but the Borough, like other areas, has had to rely on dated figures from the 2001 Census to derive estimates of these groups and relatively little is known about the experiences and health and social care needs of these new and emerging communities.
To conduct a health needs assessment of the Eastern European (including Roma) population living in Barking and Dagenham.
The different work components and methods of the project include:
- Literature review of the current evidence base on the physical, mental and social health and well-being needs of Eastern European and Roma individuals
- Estimate of Eastern European and Roma populations with demographic profiling and commentary on the projected increases using migration data from various sources - ONS, patient registers, asylum seekers, Home Office Worker Registration Scheme, Department for Education and Skills annual schools census, and Department for Work and Pensions National Insurance registrations.
- Map the existing evidence of need based on historical data from health and social care data
- Carry out a survey using Respondent Driven Sampling technique to explore health needs of the community.
- Undertake community engagement and focus groups to inform needs assessment and engage local communities in recommendations.
- Estimate the demand and requirements for services in primary, secondary and tertiary care reflecting the burden of need
- Identify short term, intermediate and long term recommendations for meeting the identified needs across the health and social care economy in Barking and Dagenham
Main Findings
Findings from the report have provided evidence to inform further assessments and local action plans such as:
- NHS Barking and Dagenham Clinical Commissioning Group (2013). Walk in centres in Barking and Dagenham.
- Equality Impact Assessment of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2012-2015.
- Richard House. Prioritising Diversity and Community Engagement. Richard House’s Community Engagement Project across the North East London region.
Contact us
Project Leads: Dr Patrick Tobi and Kevin Sheridan
Project Team: Patrick Tobi (Principal Investigator), Kevin Sheridan (Co-Principal Investigator), Shahana Lais (Project Coordinator)
Funder: NHS Barking and Dagenham
Project Partners: Shpresa Programme, Roma Support Group, Refugee and Migrant Forum of East London (RAMFEL)
Also available for download at http://www.nelft.nhs.uk/about-us-equality-diversity-resources
For more information, contact: Patrick Tobi p.tobi@uel.ac.uk