Our Knowledge and Resource Hub
Our Knowledge and Resource Hub
Our projects
Outcomes for young people involved in PAC.

PAC briefing report on community impact.

A PAC commissioning action research collectives.

A PAC guide to making the most of your research.

Rapid Evidence Review, Newham Council Participation Academy

A PAC guide to Peer Research and social action on issues related to youth violence

The New Deal for Young People, Mentoring Research Support

2022 Civic Data Innovation Project.

Newham Council Welfare Check-in Call Pilot: Learning from a rapid evaluation 2021-2022.

The lived experience of hotel isolation: Evaluation of the Newham Council Hotel Isolation Pilot: Learning from a rapid evaluation 2021-2022.

Prevention and Promotion for Better Mental Health Fund: Evaluation of Projects to Support a borough wide trauma informed initiative in Tower Hamlets.

Prevention and promotion for better mental health fund: London Borough of Newham Local Evaluation Report.

Ten top tips: Supporting disengaged children and young people with diabetes to self-care.

A two-year evaluation of the young people social prescribing (YPSP) pilot.

Factors affecting the sustainability of community mental health assets: A systematic review.

Evaluation of the integrated social prescribing model in Redbridge.

Social prescribing for children and young people.

Do people perceive benefits in the use of social prescribing to address loneliness and/or social isolation? A qualitative meta-synthesis of the literature.

Protocol on a multicentre statistical and economic modelling study of risk based stratified and personalised screening for diabetes and its complications in India (SMART India).

Impact on health and provision of healthcare services during the COVID-19 lockdown in India: A multicentre cross-sectional study.

Complex interventions to implement a diabetic retinopathy care pathway in the public health system in Kerala: The Nayanamritham study protocol.

The ORNATE India Project: Building research capacity and capability to tackle the burden of diabetic retinopathy-related blindness in India.

Costs of Healthy living for older adults: The need for dynamic measures of health-related poverty to support evidence-informed policy-making and real-time decision making.

The Impact of GDPR Infringement fines on the Market Value of Firms.

The Impact of Data Breach Announcements on Company Value in European Markets.

European Youth Cybercrime, Online Harm and Online Risk Taking: 2022 Research Report.

The Impact of CISO Appointment Announcements on the Market Value of Firms.

Conceptualizing Cybercrime: Definitions, Typologies and Taxonomies.