New materials in Art, Design and Engineering
New materials in Art, Design and Engineering
Understanding how moisture diffusion at the molecular level affects road building materials will permit the greater use of new and more sustainable construction.

- Enormous quantities of non-renewable natural materials are required to build road infrastructure that our current way of life depends on.
- In the UK, roads consume over 40 per cent of all materials extracted from the ground as aggregates, most of which are difficult to recycle due to multiple technological challenges such as uncertainty in predicting performance, lack of standardised mix design procedures or lack of specification and design guidelines.
- Research work on highway pavement materials has provided a better understanding of the performance and durability of recycled materials for road construction.
- Our work has contributed to the translation, into technology, of fundamental research on the performance and durability of recycled highway materials and industrial by-products in building, maintaining and repairing roadways. This has contributed to the reduction of obstacles to widespread adoption of sustainable road construction around the world.
Impactful research that is removing obstacles to widespread adoption of sustainable road construction around the world.
Our research is contributing to new GREEN technologies that will protect and enhance the environment through the development of holistic approaches to mitigate climate change impacts.