Apprenticeships Support
Apprenticeships Support
Everything apprenticeships, all in one place.
Find out all you need to know about higher and degree apprenticeships.
Whether you are an apprentice studying at the University, an employer who employs apprentices training with us (or are considering it!), or a member of UEL staff who wants to quickly access the latest information on apprenticeship processes, this is our main repository for everything you need to know for every step of the apprenticeship journey.
This webpage has been divided into key ‘milestones’ for apprenticeships, including all the steps that occur before an apprenticeship is launched at the University, through to employer and apprentice induction, all the way up to the completion of End Point Assessment (EPA).
As we are publicly funded, the University is regularly updating its approach to apprenticeships to ensure it meets all government expectations and so this webpage will be regularly updated to ensure that you have access to everything you need to know, when you need it, all in one place.
We want to ensure your experience working with apprenticeships at UEL is as simple and stress-free as possible. If you have any suggestions or improvements, please contact the University’s Quality Assurance and Enhancement Team at
Milestone 1: Apprenticeship Course Design and Quality Assurance
All apprenticeship courses at the University of East London are underpinned by rigorous quality assurance and enhancement processes from the course design and the approval to deliver the course (known as ‘validation’), to continuous quality monitoring and formalised course modification processes. All apprenticeship quality processes keep employer and apprentice needs at the heart of the decision-making process in compliance with the latest government policy. This ensures we can develop a bespoke apprenticeship portfolio of courses that are attractive to all those involved while fulfilling our quality obligations as an apprenticeship training provider.
Central to the processes of quality assurance and enhancement is the role of Internal Quality Assurance (IQA), which is pivotal in preparing UEL for external quality assurance visits and inspections conducted by regulatory bodies, such as the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted), the Office for Students (OfS), and the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).
UEL contacts
- Louis Clark - Quality Manager (Apprenticeships) -
- Charles Nyanzi - Quality Assurance and Enhancement Officer - (for internal quality assurance queries).
- The Quality Assurance and Enhancement Team can also be contacted at
UEL resources
- UEL Quality Manual - Process-by-process descriptors of every quality assurance and enhancement process undertaken by the University (reviewed annually).
- Quality Forms and Guidance [Access to UEL staff only] Repository for UEL staff to access all templates, forms and guidance for the completion of quality assurance and enhancement processes.
External resources
- Apprenticeship Funding: Legal Agreement for Training Providers - Training provider agreement with the ESFA to pay training providers to carry out apprenticeship training.
- Ofsted Education Inspection Framework - The government framework that underpins the University’s apprenticeship academic quality processes.
- Apprenticeship Funding Rules - The government funding regulations that underpin the University’s apprenticeship financial compliance processes.
- Apprenticeship Training Provider Accountability Framework - The Department for Education’s key principles for quality assuring apprenticeships.
- Apprenticeship Accountability Statement - The roles and responsibilities of all government bodies involved in the quality assurance of apprenticeships.
- Apprenticeship Funding Bands - The full list of approved apprenticeships in England, including the cost for employers.
- ‘Skills for Jobs’ white paper - The latest government strategy for growth in apprenticeships nationally.
- Apprenticeship achievement rates ambition - Government objectives for achievement rates for apprenticeships nationwide.
- Provider Guide to Delivering High-Quality Apprenticeships - A DfE guide and checklist for apprenticeship training quality.
- ESFA Assurance Work on Post-16 Funding - Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) guidance on how financial assurance reviews (i.e. "ESFA audits") operate.
Milestone 2: Apprenticeship Staff Development
At the University of East London, we are committed to ensuring that all our staff who deliver and support our apprenticeship courses are fully aware of how, as a university, we can provide the highest quality apprenticeship experience to all our external stakeholders. In addition to the contents of this webpage, this section also provides some additional resources our UEL staff can access to increase their confidence in apprenticeships.
UEL resources
- 'New to Teaching' Moodle course [Access to UEL staff only] - Designed by the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT), this course has been designed for practitioner-turned-academic staff and includes a Q&A session with the Quality Manager (Apprenticeship Compliance).
- ‘How to Deliver Good Quality Apprenticeships’ webinar - A staff training event led by the Employer Partnerships Office (EPO) in National Apprenticeships Week 2023, available on demand.
External resources
- ETF Apprenticeship Workforce Development programme - A free government-approved online self-paced CPD course staff are encouraged to enrol on to increase their confidence in apprenticeships.
Milestone 3: Talent Gateway and Information for Potential Employer Partners
UEL has been delivering apprenticeships since 2016; initially within the sectors of engineering and computing but due to the success of these apprenticeships and rapid organic growth we have grown our portfolio into all of our Schools offering apprenticeships that meet the economic demands of our community and wider employers. Our employer engagement strategy is to put the employer and apprentice at the heart of everything we do to ensure that the programme is correct for all parties on day one and then to monitor this via Tripartite Progress Reviews (TPRs) periodically involving the apprentice mentors to ensure a successful journey with UEL towards completion and End Point Assessment (EPA).
Apprenticeships at UEL
- Level 4 Digital Accessibility Specialist - (Non-Degree Qualification)
- Level 4 Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Practitioner - (Non-Degree Qualification)
- Level 5 Nursing Associate (NMC 2018) - Non-Degree Qualification
- Level 6 Chartered Manager - Non-Integrated Degree
- Level 6 Civil Engineer - Non-Integrated Degree
- Level 6 Digital and Technology Solutions Professional - Integrated Degree
- Level 6 Geospatial Mapping and Science Specialist - Non-Integrated Degree
- Level 6 Midwife (NMC 2019) - (Non-Integrated Degree)
- Level 6 Occupational Therapist - Integrated Degree
- Level 6 Physiotherapist - Integrated Degree
- Level 6 Podiatrist - Integrated Degree
- Level 6 Registered Nurse (NMC 2018) - Integrated Degree
- Level 6 Teacher - Non-Degree Qualification
- Level 6 Youth Worker - Integrated Degree
- Level 7 Academic Professional - Non-Degree Qualification
- Level 7 Digital and Technology Solutions Specialist - Integrated Degree
- Level 7 Senior People Professional - Non-Degree Qualification
- Level 7 Sustainability Business Specialist - (Integrated Degree)
Pending apprenticeships at UEL (subject to validation)
- Level 7 Chartered Landscape Professional – Non-Degree Qualification
- Level 7 Senior Leader – Non-Degree Qualification
- List of existing UEL Partnerships
- Role of the employer in apprenticeships
- UEL Employer Engagement Strategy 2022
Useful UEL contacts
- Charlie Goodings: Strategic Employer Partnerships and Apprenticeships Manager
- Hadleigh Miles Efrain Solorio: Apprenticeships and Employer Engagement Manager (Health, Sport and Bioscience)
- Joanne Molyneux: Apprenticeships and Employer Engagement Manager (Business and Law)
- Jennifer Bedingham: Apprenticeships and Employer Engagement Manager (Education and Communities)
The Talent Gateway Team can also be contacted at
- Apprenticeships at UEL Official UEL page for employers to express interest in enrolling their staff on an apprenticeship at UEL
- Talent Gateway - Official UEL page for the Talent Gateway division of the Employer Partnerships Office.
Milestone 4: Employer Onboarding
UEL place the employer and apprentice at the heart of what we do. From initial contact to enrolment we ensure that both the employer and apprentice are briefed by our team of Employer Engagement Managers to ensure that all aspects are explained for clarity, we want to ensure that the programme is correct for the apprentice and employer’s goals and that the learning journey is as smooth as possible.
We cover various aspects in our inductions (remotely or in person) including duration, commitment, delivery model, Off-the-Job (OTJ) hours, reality checks, Digital Apprenticeships Service (DAS) set-up, enrolment platforms and the support functions/facilities at our fantastic campuses available to all students. We aim to provide clear and concise information at all stages of onboarding with UEL.
- Employer Induction Checklist
- Employer Confirmation of ‘Recruit an Apprentice’ support
- Service Level Agreement Template
- End Point Assessment Costing Model
UEL resources
- Aptem - Official apprentice learner management platform used by UEL which your organisation will have an account set up with during employer onboarding.
External resources
- Employer Digital Apprenticeships Service - Commonly known as ‘DAS’, the official government platform where you will manage your apprenticeship levy funding and payments to UEL for the apprenticeship. You can both register and sign in via this link.
- Employer-DfE Apprenticeship Agreement – The agreement all employers need to hold with the Department for Education to pay training providers to carry out apprenticeship training.
- Levy Transfer Guidance – ESFA guidance for large employers about transferring unused apprenticeship levy funds to another business to pay for their apprenticeship training and assessment.
- Apprenticeship funding – DfE guidance on how the government funds apprenticeships in England, including details of funding bands and the apprenticeship levy
- How to Register and Use the Apprenticeship Service as an Employer - DfE guidance on how to use the apprenticeship service to access funds to pay for apprenticeship training.
Milestone 5: Apprentice Onboarding (Initial Assessment)'
Once you have been onboarded with UEL as an employer-partner, you are ready to begin registering apprentices with us! These could be either existing staff in your organisation or completely new recruits who will start their employment with you at the same time as their apprenticeship. Whether you are the employer or the incoming apprentice, here you can find useful advice and guidance around the UEL apprentice onboarding process, known as 'initial assessment' and how it slightly differs from the typical UEL course admissions process.
- Apprenticeship Enrolment process
- Apprenticeship induction documentation checklist
- Apprenticeship Care Leaver Bursary Declaration (2023-24)
- Skills Radar Rankings Explained (for Apprentices)
- Student Suitability Declaration Form (Nursing Apprenticeships only)
- UEL Acceptable Eligibility Documentation (2024-25)
- Claiming apprenticeship funding for additional learning support 2024-25
UEL resources
- Enrolment – official webpage for enrolment at the University of East London
- Your First Week at UEL – official webpage for induction guidance at the University of East London
- Accreditation of Prior and Experiential Learning (APEL) Policy - UEL policy relating to accrediting a learner’s prior attainment (academic or experiential). Available under Student Policies.
External resources
- Recognition of Prior Learning – DfE guidance on the assessment of apprenticeship applicants’ prior learning and experience, including how to record prior learning and calculate price reductions.
- DfE information about possible reasonable adjustments for apprentices with learning difficulties and disabilities.
Milestone 6: Functional Skills
As a requirement of any apprenticeship End Point Assessment (EPA), UEL must make sure that every apprentice holds level 2 functional skills qualifications in English and mathematics. To mitigate the risks of academic failure on the apprenticeship, UEL has mandated for any apprentice to possess these before enrolling on their apprenticeship. However, if apprenticeship applicants do not possess ESFA-recognised evidence of level 2 functional skills, UEL can offer training in the relevant skills as a prerequisite to the apprenticeship to ensure every apprentice achieves their apprenticeship with ease. The UEL functional skills team can be contacted at
Milestone 7: Apprenticeship Coaches and Support
Apprentice Restrictions for UEL Student Services – A list of student services for which apprentices are ineligible due to restrictions outside of UEL’s control, with details of alternative support available.
Claiming apprenticeship funding for additional learning support 2024-25
What is an apprenticeship coach?
Milestone 8: Off-the-Job Training
For any apprentice training in England, the Government states that your course must be underpinned by an integrated method of work-based learning, known as ‘off-the-job training’. As government-funded courses, UEL must work with every apprentice and their employer to make sure that not only is the apprentice receiving sufficient off-the-job training throughout their entire course, but also that records to evidence it is occurring exist. This section will explain the general principles of off-the-job training but how this applies to specific apprenticeships will be explained by the course team.
- Off-the-job training log (Template/Example)
- Off-the-job training guidance
Milestone 9: Careers and Employability
Per Ofsted requirements, all apprenticeship training providers such as UEL must offer impartial careers and employability advice to every apprentice. As the Careers-First university, we understand that the types of career advice apprentices may need will differ greatly from other types of students we have at the University, particularly given that every apprentice is already in employment. This section covers what support is available to you as an apprentice and how we can offer bespoke guidance for this stage in your career.
UEL resources
- Career Zone Guide [Intranet site]. The UEL repository for everything apprentices need to succeed in their career journey.
- Career Zone Guidance for Staff [Intranet site] Useful links and guidance for UEL staff to explore how better the Career Zone can support your apprentices and their careers/employability training needs.
External resources
- Association of Apprentices. A free social network for any apprentice to network with other apprentices across the country, engage in exciting events, access soft skills training courses, and more.
Milestone 10: Safeguarding and Fundamental British Values
Per Ofsted requirements, all apprenticeship training providers such as UEL have an obligation to create a safe learning environment and additionally develop apprentices as ambassadors of good safeguarding practice throughout the curriculum. Apprentices can expect touch-base conversations on safeguarding and British Values topics to appear regularly throughout their tripartite progress reviews but any queries or concerns the apprentice may have can be raised at any time, whether in relation to situations at work, at UEL or at home.
UEL resources
- The Prevent Duty at UEL – The University of East London’s Prevent Policy and Prevent Action Plan.
- Student Policies Guidance on UEL's approach to a range of different topics, including health and safety, sexual violence/misconduct, and fitness to study/practice.
- Student Support @ UEL All available resources and services available to apprentices as a student at the University of East London.
- Safeguarding @ UEL [Intranet Site] - The UEL repository for everything apprentices need to know on the topics of safeguarding and keeping safe while they study at UEL
- Report+Support - An external UEL website to provide information and resources around various forms of behavioural misconduct, including a reporting function for both anonymous reports and advisor requests.
- Apprenticeship Reference Guide to Safeguarding at UEL
Milestone 11: Tripartite Progress Reviews
The Government regulates that every apprentice should receive a tripartite progress review (TPR) at least every three calendar months on their apprenticeship; from start to finish. TPRs can be scheduled online or in person but it is fundamental that there is representation from all three parties: apprentice, employer and UEL.
Milestone 12: Skills Radars
Every apprentice will be familiar with Skills Radars from the very start of their apprenticeship which form part of the initial assessment. Skills Radars are a function on Aptem that allows you, UEL and your employer to see just how far you have come in your confidence in your competency in the knowledge, skills and behaviours of the apprenticeship. It is a non-assessed self-evaluation that does not impact your position on the course but helps us to understand where our apprentices need further support and development leading up to the End Point Assessment.
Milestone 13: Changes of Circumstance
For some apprentices, during the apprenticeship, there might be occasions where a change of circumstance may occur. For example, perhaps you the apprentice wish to take a break from your studies (deferral), return from a break in studies, change employer, or possibly even withdraw. This section provides all the guidance required to process any changes of circumstance that occur during an apprenticeship.
UEL resources
- Student Intermission, Withdrawal and Transfer Policy - Official UEL policy on withdrawals and breaks in learning.
- Study breaks and withdrawals (internal link) - UEL intranet platform for learners to begin the process of a break in learning or a withdrawal from their course.
- Student Parents Policies (internal link) - Official UEL policies and procedures aimed at students (inc. apprentices) who become pregnant, adopt a child or take on parental responsibilities during their course.
Milestone 14: Apprentice and Employer Feedback
To continuously improve and enhance apprenticeship provision at the University of East London, collecting and acting on feedback from apprentices and employers throughout the apprenticeship journey remains a key aspect of our processes. In this section, you will find information related to how this is captured and how we have endeavoured to respond to feedback from apprentices and employers to provide you with the highest quality apprenticeship experience.
Milestone 15: Apprenticeship Governance
Apprenticeship oversight at the University of East London falls under the Apprenticeship Compliance Sub-Committee (ACSC), chaired by the Dean of Professional Academic Compliance, and is comprised of academic staff and professional services staff who support the training and support of apprentices at UEL. ACSC reports directly into the Education and Experience Committee.
Useful contacts
- Quality Assurance and Enhancement (QAE) | (responsible for officering ACSC)
UEL resources
- UEL Committees | Homepage for the UEL Board of Governors and its sub-committees.
- Quality Manual Part 2: Responsibility for Quality Assurance and Enhancement | UEL guidance on the delegated responsibility for academic quality assurance and enhancement, including the hierarchy of UEL committees.
Milestone 16: National Apprenticeship Week
Every year, the UK government organises National Apprenticeships Week (NAW); an opportunity for apprenticeship training providers to celebrate apprentices, their employers and all staff that make the delivery of apprenticeships at the University of East London possible. The dates of National Apprenticeships Week vary from year to year but typically occur at the start of the calendar year, around February/March.
- Employer Partnerships Office (EPO) Contact the team today to express your interest in getting involved with the next National Apprenticeships Week!
UEL resources
- National Apprenticeships Week homepage for UEL.
External resources
National Apprenticeships Week | Department for Education’s homepage for all things National Apprenticeships Week
Milestone 17: Gateway
For any apprentice at the University of East London, you will be required to undertake ‘Gateway’ before the completion of your apprenticeship. It is Gateway which signifies the completion of your apprenticeship training before you undertake your end point assessment (EPA). Gateway at UEL takes the form of one final tripartite progress review and is a declaration from UEL, apprentices and employers that apprentices are professionally competent in all the knowledge, skills and behaviours described in the apprenticeship standard and ready to undertake End Point Assessment (EPA).
- A Guide to Apprenticeship Gateway | A presentation for apprentices, employers and UEL staff on the basics of the apprenticeship gateway process.
External resources
- Apprenticeship Gateway | Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) guidance on the apprenticeship gateway process.
- Preparation for End Point Assessment | Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education guidance on the EPA process.
Milestone 18: End Point Assessment and Achievement
The apprentice is almost finished! Once apprentices have met Gateway, the final stage of the apprenticeship is End Point Assessment (or ‘EPA’). An EPA is a nationally standardised final assessment that every apprentice in the country undertakes at the end of their apprenticeship. This means that any employer, anywhere in the country, understands that any graduated apprentice in a specific occupation holds the same professional competencies, meaning apprentices' knowledge, skills and behaviours can be applied anywhere nationwide.
- Independent-Assessor-Training-for-Integrated-End-Point-Assessment-Modules-2024-25-[Main-Slides-Only]
- EPA Reasonable-Adjustments-2024-25
End Point Assessment Plans
Delivered by UEL:
- Level 5 Nursing Associate (NMC 2018) (Version 1.1) | Approved to deliver since 19 Aug 2021
- Level 6 Digital and Technology Solutions Professional (Version 1.2) | Approved to deliver since 1 September 2023
- Level 6 Midwife (NMC 2019) (Version 1.1) | Approved to deliver since 4 December 2023
- Level 6 Occupational Therapist (Version 1.2)| Approved to deliver since 1 September 2023
- Level 6 Police Constable (Version 1.1 - under review) | Approved to deliver since 4 July 2023
- Level 6 Physiotherapist (Version 1.2) | Approved to deliver since 1 September 2023
- Level 6 Public Health Practitioner (Version 1.1) | Approved to deliver since 12 June 2023 (currently applying to deliver Version 1.2)
- Level 6 Podiatrist (Version 1.3) | Approved to deliver since 1 September 2023
- Level 6 Registered Nurse (NMC 2018) (Version 1.1) | Approved to deliver since 19 Aug 2021
- Level 6 Youth Worker (Version 1.0) | Approved to deliver since 12 February 2024
- Level 7 Digital and Technology Solutions Specialist | Approved to deliver since 10 Jul 2023
- Level 7 Advanced Clinical Practitioner (Version 1.0) | Currently applying to deliver Version 1.0
- Level 7 Sustainability Business Specialist (Version 1.0 - under review)| Approved to deliver since 4 December 2023
Delivered by third parties:
- Level 4 Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Practitioner (Version 1.0) | Delivered by 1st For EPA, ltd. | Approved to deliver since 23 Mar 2022
- Level 4 Digital Accessibility Specialist (Version 1.0) | Delivered by the British Computer Society (BCS): The Chartered Institute for IT | Approved to deliver since 4 Apr 2023
- Level 6 Chartered Manager (Version 1.1 - Under Review) | Delivered by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) | Approved to deliver since 6 February 2023
- Level 6 Civil Engineer (Version 1.0 - Under Review) | Delivered by the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) | Approved to deliver since 1 Mar 2018
- Level 6 Civil Engineering Site Management (Version 1.0) | Delivered by the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) | Approved to deliver since 1 Jul 2018
- Level 6 Geospatial Mapping and Science Specialist (Version 1.0) | EPAO to be confirmed.
- Level 6 Teacher (Version 1.0 - Under Review) | Delivered by Tes Institute | Approved to deliver since 1 Aug 2018
- Level 7 Academic Professional | Delivered by AdvanceHE | Approved to deliver since 1 Sep 2019
- Level 7 Chartered Landscape Professional (Version 1.0) | EPAO to be confirmed
- Level 7 Senior People Professional (Version 1.0 | Delivered by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) | Approved to deliver since 1 Jun 2022
External resources
- Finding an End Point Assessment Organisation - DfE guidance for UEL staff and employers on supporting their selection of EPAO for our non-integrated degree apprenticeships.
- Understanding End Point Assessments | Government guidance for employers on endpoint assessments.
- De-designation of QAA as the designated quality body in England | Government response to the designation of DQB from the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) to the Office for Students (OfS) as of April 2023.
- Register of External Quality Assurance Providers for EPA | Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education-approved providers to undertake external quality assurance of UEL’s EPA processes.
- EPAO guide to assessing apprenticeships | The government’s best practice guide for apprenticeship EPAOs.
- Support your apprentice through EPA | The government’s best practice guide for employers on how to support your apprentice through EPA.
- Joining the APAR as an EPAO | How EPAOs join the apprenticeship provider and assessment register (APAR).
- Regulation of EPAs | Confirmed apprenticeship end-point assessments (EPAs) for standards regulated by Ofqual.
- EPA Guide for Apprentices | A guide for apprentices on everything you need to know about End Point Assessment (EPA). Produced by the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual)
- OfS Guidance on external quality assurance (EQA) of apprenticeship end point assessment (EPA) - The Office for Students' guidance on their approach to the quality monitoring of end point assessment delivered by UEL.
Milestone 19: Additional External References
Please find below a list of hyperlinks to external resources which do not necessarily map to any of the previously listed milestones.
External resources
- University of East London: Ofsted Reports - Ofsted reports for the University of East London’s apprenticeship provision
- Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers - Otherwise known as the ‘RoATP’, the official register declaring the University of East London as an approved training provider for apprenticeships.
- Register of End Point Assessment Organisations - Otherwise known as the ‘RoEPAO’, the official register declaring the University of East London as an approved end-point assessment organisation for apprenticeships.
- ESFA Complaints Procedure - If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of your apprenticeship experience at the University of East London and feel that this has not been resolved once complaints have been escalated via our formalised processes, you can raise a complaint to the ESFA. Note that the ESFA will not handle any complaints that have not been escalated to us internally first.
- ESFA Guide to PDSAT - ESFA guidance on how to use the Provider Data Self-Assessment Toolkit (PDSAT) and reports to help make accurate and complete individualised learner record (ILR) data returns for apprenticeships.
- ESFA Assurance Work on Post-16 Funding - ESFA guidance on funding assurance processes for apprenticeships.
- Post-16 Audit Code of Practice - ESFA assurance and accountability requirements for apprenticeships.
- Apprenticeship Technical Funding Guide - Details of the funding system used for apprenticeship standards.
Milestone 20: Internal UEL Staff Apprenticeships
Are you a member of staff considering the opportunity to undertake an apprenticeship? Whether you are new to the University of East London or an experienced employee, the university is eager to hear from you if you are interested in transforming your current role into an apprenticeship. This transition will not affect your salary, but it will enable you to participate in a UEL-funded course that is integrated with your workplace responsibilities.
If you are interested, first take a look if there is an applicable apprenticeship standard that mirrors your work responsibilities by consulting the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education website.
If you identify an apprenticeship standard that you are interested in, please contact HR Services at who can discuss your enquiry in more detail.