UEL Community Wellness Pledge
UEL Community Wellness Pledge
At UEL, our priority is to provide a safe, welcoming, fulfilling, inclusive environment of success for all. This requires all of us to take an active role in promoting the safety, health and well-being of every community member.
This helps to focus on wellness in all aspects of our lives, including by protecting ourselves and each other against transmittable illnesses, such as COVID-19 and influenza.
The University has a comprehensive range of wellbeing initiatives and services in place available for students and staff, to support your mental and physical health, and we encourage everyone to make use of these.
University of East London Wellness Pledge
As a member of the UEL community, I am committed to supporting the wellness of everyone, including my own. I pledge to take the following actions:
- I will play a proactive and considerate role in the health, safety and well-being of the UEL community by signposting support services and raising any concerns as appropriate
- I will practise good hygiene, including regular handwashing, consider using a face covering in crowded, enclosed spaces and take COVID-19 tests when required
- I will consciously take responsibility for my health, and discuss any adjustments I may need to make to avoid spreading transmissible illnesses with my line manager/course leader, as well as report any COVID-19 symptoms via the University Health Update Notifier
- I will regularly and consciously assess my mental well-being, access support services when needed, and communicate any challenges with my line manager/course leader
- I will behave with kindness and respect towards others and encourage other members of the University community to follow this pledge.