Secondary schools
Secondary schools
The Schools and Colleges Pre-16 team, delivers meaningful, informative and timely activities to young people in year groups 10-11. Our activities are linked to our progression framework and can be mapped to schools’ career strategies, meeting key targets in the Gatsby Benchmarks.
All our workshops are free, with priority given to schools signed up to partnership agreements, or with a large proportion of pupils from widening participation backgrounds.

Thank you for such a well-organised visit. The girls had a great time and I think the trip has not only impacted their view on PE but also on their stance on whether they want to attend university. We can't wait for the next group of girls to come along!
Sarah Bonnell School
Find more workshops, activities and programmes:
Career fairs, parents evenings and other events
Location: School/online
Gatsby benchmark: 7
UEL can support career fairs, parents' evenings and other school events such as running sessions during school drop-down days.
Awareness raising assemblies - mythbusting higher educations/virtual tour/ bespoke offer
Location: School/online
Gatsby benchmark: 7
The Higher Education Myth Buster assembly is an opportunity to learn more about university, including the terminology used and how learning takes place. This assembly takes place in a quiz format and is therefore highly interactive and offers information in a bite-sized way.
Other assemblies are available on request. Assemblies are flexible and can be as short as 20 minutes and as long as 45 minutes.
Parents sessions
Location: School/online
Gatsby benchmark: 7
These sessions are focussed on parents who would like to know more about university and how to support their children in their studies. This can be used as a supplementary talk in a parents' evening or other school event.
Sessions can be from 20 minutes to up to 45 minutes.
Pathway planning webinar series
Location: Online
Gatsby benchmark: 2, 7
Choose from a set of webinars that will help students decide upon their educational and career options. Includes:
- Why go to uni?
- University vs apprenticeships
- How to choose a course at university level
- What can I study at uni?
- Student life (with ambassador input)
- Understanding student finance
Each is 45 minutes to an hour, however events for partner schools can be adapted to fit time slots.
Academic skills
This set of webinars focuses on a number of skills such as:
- Reading smarter
- Critical thinking
- Planning an essay
- How to ace an essay
- Time management
- Exam pressure
- Revising effectively.
Academic taster webinars
Location: School/online
Gatsby benchmark: 4, 7
Interactive and engaging sessions delivered by UEL Curriculum Ambassadors.
Each includes subject-specific information, future career pathways and personal student journey stories. These sessions are designed to strengthen young people's interest in a subject and where it could lead them.
Subjects include:
- Computer science
- Psychology
- Law
- Biomedical science
- Sport and more
Curriculum Ambassadors are current UEL students trained to write and deliver interactive, academic-focused workshops, capturing the passion of our students for their subject and UEL. Each academic taster is 45 minutes long.
Student ambassador question and answer
Location: Online
Gatsby benchmark: 3, 7
This is an opportunity for students to ask and have answered all the questions that they have about university and university life by asking UEL students about their personal experiences. This can either be pre-recorded or via Microsoft Teams.
Your choices taster days
Location: UEL campus if and when delivery on campus resumes
Gatsby benchmark: 3, 7
The 'Your Choices' days are one-day events designed to help students ahead of choosing their post-16 options - providing advice, guidance and inspiration on where their choices may take them in their future careers.
The day is based around a series of interactive and engaging subject taster workshops, aimed to help inform students about the impact of their option choices. They are multi-school events and students will get the opportunity to take part in different workshops
Taster days
Location: UEL campus if and when delivery on campus resumes
Gatsby benchmark: 3, 7
Taster days are an opportunity for students to experience university campus and student life. Students will take part in various activities such as a campus tour, subject-specific sessions and interactive talks to ease any misconceptions about Higher Education. These days are flexible in content and UEL can incorporate bespoke sessions to meet the needs of the group.
Careers insight day - multi-school event
Location: UEL campus if and when delivery on campus resumes
Gatsby benchmark: 4, 5, 7
An opportunity for students to explore the links between education and potential careers and help students discover the right subject and career fit for them. Includes an "exploring your drivers" session, and a panel with professionals and students, with a view to inspire and inform.
Get in touch
The activities above are a bespoke offer that can be run on days that suit the school. Priority goes to partner schools but we welcome expressions of interest from any other school meeting our criteria. For more information please email us at

Thank you for all your support over the last year – your team supported our pupils and gave them experiences to think about the bigger picture in life."
Director of Study for Art
The Brittons Academy