Secure access
Secure access
Our step-by-step guide below to setting up Multi-Factor Authentication will help you access our IT services securely. You can also download a PDF version to follow if you prefer.
Multi-factor authentication guide
Step 1 - Log-in and change password
ShowBefore you have enrolled, we will send you an email inviting you to enrol with us. The first thing you'll need to do is log in and change your password and after that, you can complete enrolment. It's best to watch our video BEFORE you start. It shows you how to log in for the first time.
Step 2 - Choose whether to skip or set up second security method
ShowAfter you have changed your password, you can choose to either 'skip' setting up further security and come back to it later OR set up further security straightaway.
To see an overview of what to expect visit our summary on our starting to enrol page.
Step 3 - Complete enrolment
ShowCheck our enrolment guide to see if you have completed everything you need.
Step 4 - Set up MFA
ShowAfter you have enrolled, you will need to set up something called Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). If you have enrolled, and if not already done so, you must now set up MFA. You can follow the steps on this page or watch our video on setting up MFA after you have enrolled which shows you how to do this
We recommend you use a desktop computer or a laptop to do this. Have your mobile phone to hand, as you will need this too.
Step 5 - International Students
ShowIf you are an international student, check if your mobile phone will work once you arrive in the UK. We encourage you to download the Authenticator app as this will work as your security method, even if your mobile phone doesn't work when you're here.
Step 6 - Get help (if you need it)
ShowIf you get stuck, please visit the Student Hub or call us on 020 8223 4444.
Download the guide
Step by step guide for setting up MFA security
pdf, 519.06 KB