Printing and scanning
Printing and scanning
We offer comprehensive print, copy and scan services to all of our staff and students. This includes mono and colour printing using a range of Canon Multi-Functional Device (MFD) printer and scanners.
Users can print from any UEL-connected PC and release the print job on any Canon MFD on any campus (i.e. send to print in Docklands Library, release and pick it up at Stratford Library). Jobs are released securely using your unique student ID.
Find answers to the most common requests on our intranet pages (the following pages are on the intranet and you will need to be logged in to access these pages):
- Register my student card
- Top up my print balance
- How to print on campus
- Where do I get my printed document?
- How to photocopy
- Information on Scanning
If you have a large printing job such as binding your thesis, or you need to print with alternative materials please visit our Print Centre.