Managing your UEL password
To keep your account and data secure, we require students and staff to set a secure password that they can memorise, and regularly change it to prevent unauthorised access.
Enrolling as a new student
If you are about to enrol to become a student, we will first ask you to change your password. You will have received an email from us to your personal email account. This contains your username and password so you can log in for the first time. Your first step is to change this password to one of your choice, that is private to you.
Watch our video to see how to Log in for the First Time and check the password guidance details below for tips to set up a secure password.
Once you have changed your password, you will be asked to set up further security measures (multifactor authentication). We recommend that you do this straight away. You can set complete this after enrolment if you choose, but it will be required before you can access your UEL account in full once enrolled. To help you set up multifactor authentication, please visit our page for setting up multi factor authentication, featuring a helpful video. There is also a step by step authentication guide to help you complete the task.
Once you have successfully changed your password you can continue to complete the enrolment process. See our enrolment page for details on how to complete enrolment.
If you get stuck and cannot complete the process, you'll need to contact The Hub on +44 (0) 20 8223 4444.
Password Information for Students and Staff
Password guidelines
Your password needs to be:
- A minimum of 8 characters
- A mix of upper and lower case (a-z)
- At least one number (0-9) OR one special character (such as %)
- Avoid simple passwords such as your name, or UEL, or University of East London, as these won't be accepted
Setting up Password Recovery
We recommend that all UEL staff and students register for Password Recovery Service. This will allow you to reset your password at any time, without calling a support team.
To register, visit Microsoft My Sign-Ins and add a sign-in method. Once you have registered, you will be able to amend your password yourself even if you forget it, using the links in the Change or Reset a UEL password section below.
You can update your password recovery information at any time using this link: I want to change my password recovery or security information.
Change or reset a UEL password
- If you know your password but wish to change it, please use the following link: I know my password but want to change it.
- If you have forgotten your password, and have already set up the password recovery service above, please use the following link: I have forgotten or lost my password.
- If you have forgotten your password and have not set up the password recovery service, please contact The Student Hub (for students) or the IT Service Desk (for staff). Details below.
New students
This video will walk you through how to log in and change your password. Then you are ready to enrol. Before you enrol we suggest you also set up extra security to keep your account safe.