Office 365
Office 365
Office 365 is available free for UEL students and staff to use on personal devices. You can collaborate with online versions of Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Outlook and OneNote, or install the full applications onto your device.
How to download Office 365 for free
To get access for free, follow the steps below:
- Visit
- Enter your UEL staff email address e.g. and click 'Get Started'
- When asked 'Are you a student or teacher?', choose 'I'm a Student'
- Click 'Sign in' then enter your UEL Network credentials without the '' e.g. 'jsmith1' and password
- Click 'OK, got it' on the no need to sign up page
- Once you are logged in, on the right-hand side next to Apps, click on the 'Install Office' dropdown
- Choose 'Office 365 apps'
- Follow the instructions on the screen to save/install the file
- Finally, once installed, start office and sign in with your UEL staff email address e.g. '' and password
OneDrive for Business allows our students and staff to keep all files in one location in Microsoft's cloud environment. You can access your files from a phone, tablet or computer. You can easily add files on your PC to OneDrive so that they are always available on the devices you use.
You can also browse your OneDrive using the OneDrive app on a mobile device, or File Explorer on a laptop.
Some features include:
- Access files from anywhere with an internet connection
- Create, edit and share documents regardless of device
- Document version history
- Integration with other Office 365 products, allowing for in-browser editing
To access your OneDrive, sign in to with your UEL account, then click on the App Launcher (nine dots) icon in the top left corner of the screen to find OneDrive.
Teams is a collaboration tool designed to help people learn and work better together. It is an online shared space where members can post messages, share and collaborate on files, and meet online. Each course module has its own Class Team and students will be automatically assigned once enrolled on their module. It is also used as the key communication and meeting tool by staff.
Features include:
- Teams Chat - instant messaging to individuals or groups.
- Online Meetings - host text, audio or video team meetings within your team space.
- Integrated Office 365 apps - Office 365 apps are built in for easy access to SharePoint, OneNote, Power BI, Planner and more.
To access Teams, sign in to with your UEL account, then click on the App Launcher (nine dots) icon in the top left corner of the screen to find Teams. Alternatively, you can download the app onto a mobile device at
All students and staff can create a Team using the Teams app. More information on best practices and Teams naming conventions can be found on our Intranet page (please note you will need to be logged in to view the intranet pages).